God-tier Farm

Chapter 2402 - 2402 Crazy_1

Chapter 2402 - 2402 Crazy_1

2402 Crazy_Xia ruofei used the same method as he did in the Basoko training camp. First, he cleared the sentries at the high vantage points as they had the best view. With them around, he would not be able to move freely in the camp. josei

At first, it was indeed very smooth. After Xia ruofei carefully avoided the mobile sentries, he did not spend much effort to remove the sentries at the highest points.

The next thing to deal with was the mobile sentries.

In the camp of the modr mercenary group, there were two teams of mobile sentries patrolling, and their patrol routes crossed each other.

After Xia ruofei had chosen a secluded spot, he hid in the shadows and waited for the five – man mobile sentries to pass by. Then, he suddenly charged out and used a few conventional combat moves to make the mobile sentries lose their ability to move in just one or two seconds.

After cultivating his essential Qi, Xia ruofei was able to use some of the tactical movements that he had learned in the Army more freely. He jumped out from behind the sentries and took down two of them before they could react.

Then, he jumped up and kicked the chests of two sentries with his legs at the same time. He then used the momentum to pounce on the last sentries and hit his neck with a palm knife.

When he knocked out the Sentry, the first Sentry he knocked out had not yet completely fallen to the ground.

Xia ruofei’s spiritual power supported the five of them and prevented them from falling to the ground.

Then, he placed these people into the space cage.

At the same time, the weapons on these soldiers were also stripped away by the power of space, and they were thrown together with the two hidden sentries like dead dogs.

After dealing with this team of sentries, Xia ruofei quickly disappeared into the darkness. He used his maximum speed and ran to another ambush point, ready to deal with the second team of mobile sentries.

Because the routes of the two teams of mobile sentries crossed each other, if he couldn’t get rid of the other team of mobile sentries at the first moment, he would immediately notice something unusual if he didn’t see the team of sentries in front of him when he reached the intersection of the routes.

Xia ruofei’s speed was very fast. Without the sentries on high ground to hold him back, he had less to worry about. In the blink of an eye, he had rushed to the hidden position that he had found in advance.

At this time, another team of sentries was still more than thirty meters away from him.

Xia ruofei had used all his speed just now and was panting slightly. He held onto the sandbag that was used as a cover and steadied his breathing. His eyes never left the sentries who were getting closer and closer. At the same time, his mental power was constantly on alert. If there were any strange movements in other directions, he would be able to detect it at the first moment.

Very quickly, the group of sentries walked past the bunker that Xia ruofei was hiding behind in an orderly manner. They did not notice the approaching danger.

Xia ruofei stared at the last sentry’s back and counted in his heart. Then, he stomped on the ground and jumped up. Like a giant Roc, he pounced on the Sentry.

A few muffled sounds of hitting could be heard. This team of sentries had no ability to resist. They did not even have time to raise their guns or make any sound before they were killed by Xia ruofei.

Xia ruofei kept the five of them into the spatial cage without a word and then disappeared into the darkness again.

He was panting slightly as he walked around a team of five sentries. It was easy for him to deal with them, but if he encountered more than ten or twenty people at the same time, it would be a little difficult.

Of course, even if he was facing 20 to 30 armed soldiers, Xia ruofei could easily break their formation when they were caught off guard and subdue them one by one. It was not a difficult task for him.

However, under such circumstances, it would be impossible to stop the other party from firing a warning shot.

Fortunately, it was impossible for such a small company – sized unit to have dozens of people patrolling together. The entire unit only had about a hundred people, unless the commander was stupid.

After taking care of the mobile Sentry, Xia ruofei was even more confident.

Next, there were a few fixed sentries in the camp, which were not difficult for Xia ruofei to deal with.

These sentries were all single sentries. With Xia ruofei’s current strength, they would not be able to detect him if he was behind them.

Xia ruofei would often launch a violent attack, but the sentries would not even react. Some of them would even faint before they could see Xia ruofei’s face.

Xia ruofei was like a ghost in the dark night, harvesting free labor in the military camp.

Within 15 minutes, Xia ruofei had taken care of all the security guards.

About a hundred meters away from the campsite, there were a few hidden sentries. Xia ruofei did not bother with them for the time being.

After dealing with the sentries in the camp, he began to capture people from each tent.

These mercenaries had been fighting for days and were all very tired. In addition, they had been attacked by the government forces in the middle of the night, so they were even more exhausted.

After more than an hour, the tension gradually disappeared, and the mercenaries fell into a deep sleep, snoring in the tents.

The camp of the modr mercenary group used the kind of tents used by soldiers. Each tent could accommodate about ten people. There were a total of twelve such tents in the entire camp.

Xia ruofei started with the nearest tent.

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