God-tier Farm

Chapter 2404 - 2404 Crazy_3

Chapter 2404 - 2404 Crazy_3

2404 Crazy_After the baptism of blood and fire, Douglas felt that a war – torn African country like vadira was the place he yearned for.

Douglas was born with a keen sense of danger.

In fact, Xia ruofei did not make any obvious mistakes during the entire operation.

Also, Douglas had already fallen asleep, but he still felt his heart palpitate in his sleep. When he woke up, he immediately felt that something was wrong.

There was no other reason than the fact that the military camp was too quiet.

Although the camp was quiet in the middle of the night, if one listened carefully, they could still hear some subtle sounds, such as the snoring of soldiers, the grinding of teeth, or the light footsteps of the patrol team.

Douglas was already used to the sounds in the military camp. When he woke up, he found that the sounds had almost disappeared. The absolute silence immediately alerted him.

Although he didn’t think that someone could kill everyone in the military camp without them knowing, there was a strange feeling in this silence, which made him feel that something was wrong.

Douglas did not alert the staff officers and odd – Job soldiers on duty outside. Instead, he took out a pistol from under his pillow and looked out of the tent’s window. He saw a black shadow coming out of one tent and walking to another.

With the help of the dim light in the camp, Douglas could tell from the man’s attire that he was not one of his mercenaries.

Something had really happened! Douglas’s heart skipped a beat.

However, Douglas was also a ruthless man. He didn’t know how many enemies there were outside, nor did he know how many of his soldiers were still alive, but he didn’t think so much at all. Almost subconsciously, he raised his pistol, aimed at the black shadow with a fierce look, and then pulled the trigger firmly.

However, the black shadow seemed to have been prepared for this. At the same time he fired, he rolled forward to avoid the shot and went into the tent.

After firing, Douglas naturally did not hesitate anymore. He rushed out of the tent and picked up a light machine gun.

At this time, the orderly and the staff officer on duty were also awakened. They were completely unaware of the situation. When they saw Douglas striding out with the light machine gun, they quickly got up from the camp bed, found their weapons in a hurry, and rushed out behind Douglas.

Douglas’s face was very ugly. After the gunshot, the whole camp should have exploded like a pot, and the soldiers should have rushed out of the tents.

However, the scene in front of him was completely different from what he had imagined. The entire camp was quiet, and there was no movement at all. It was as if the three of them were the only ones left in the entire camp. josei

In fact, it was true. Not counting the five or six hidden sentries on the periphery and the nine soldiers that Xia ruofei had captured after entering the tent, there were only three people left in the camp – Douglas, his staff officer, and the odd – Job soldier.

The scene in front of them was strange. If the other party had wiped out the entire mercenary group without anyone knowing, it meant that the other party must have sent a lot of people. But now, not even a shadow could be seen. Not only did not one of their own come out, but the other party also did not appear, except for the black shadow that had just entered the tent.

The tent that the shadow had entered was also very quiet, as if all the soldiers inside had died. There was no sound of resistance.

Douglas had been through countless battles in the first half of his life. He had been to Iraq, Afghanistan, and the hot spots in the southern Alliance. He was a veteran, but this was the first time he had encountered such a thing.

However, he was a decisive person. After rushing out of the tent, he saw that the entire camp was dead. He only hesitated for a few seconds, then picked up the light machine gun with a ferocious expression. He aimed directly at the tent that the black shadow had just entered and pulled the trigger.

The light machine gun’s muzzle spat out a dazzling tongue of fire, and the machine gun bullets rained down on the tent. In the blink of an eye, the tent was full of bullet holes, like a sieve.

However, Douglas did not stop. He gritted his teeth and kept shooting at the not – so – big tent. The canvas of the tent was torn and tattered. In the end, the tent simply collapsed because the skeleton kept breaking and getting shot.

Douglas did not drop the machine gun until all the bullets were used up. Then, he pulled out the pistol from his waist and walked toward the tent step by step with a murderous look.

The tent was made of waterproof canvas on all four sides. Although it was very thick, it could not block bullets at all. It could be said that there was no shelter at all inside the tent. Under such intense gunfire, not to mention people in the tent, even a rat would not be able to escape.

The staff officer on duty and the soldier on duty were also stunned when they saw Douglas firing at the tent. After all, there was a squad of soldiers living inside! Besides, they did not know what was going on. They did not see Xia ruofei enter the tent.

Therefore, the first thought that came to their minds was: Is the boss crazy?

Of course, the two of them had also noticed that something was wrong. Douglas had made such a big noise that he had directly destroyed a tent. It was very likely that even the soldiers inside had been beaten to a pulp. However, no one in the camp had rushed out.

Not only that, but even the sentries on the tower and the patrol team of the camp did not make any movements.

Where did these people go? More than a hundred living people, could they just disappear?

Not only did the staff officer on duty and the odd – Job soldier have such doubts, Douglas was also suspicious.

Tonight’s events were too strange. Although he was sure that no one could survive the firepower just now, Douglas was still very careful. He raised his gun and approached the tent step by step.

He walked to the location of the tent and kicked away the scattered pieces of canvas and the tent skeleton on the ground while carefully searching.

At this moment, a piece of canvas beside Douglas suddenly bulged. Just as Douglas was on alert, a figure jumped out from under the canvas and pounced on Douglas ...

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