God-tier Farm

Chapter 2574 - 2574 Remarkable results (2)

Chapter 2574 - 2574 Remarkable results (2)

2574 Remarkable results (2)

From the last three chances to reaching the 20 – meter mark, to the 60 – meter mark this time, the difference was not just in numbers. In the beginning, the 20 – meter mark was a hurdle. The difficulty would also increase at the 40 – meter mark, but the real hurdle was at the 50 – meter mark. When he broke through the 50 – meter mark on his third attempt, he realized that the difficulty of the Jade pillar array would increase with every ten meters he passed. In the end, he also fell at the 60 – meter mark.

In terms of difficulty, Xia ruofei’s challenge this time was more than ten times more difficult than the previous one.

If he had not cultivated the floating duckweed steps, it would have taken him God knows how long to reach 60 meters just by relying on his body’s flexibility and reaction speed.

Of course, Xia ruofei also knew that his body movement was still very young. In other words, he still had a lot of potential to develop in his body movement.

In addition, the length of the Jade pillar array was 200 meters, and he was still far from breaking it.

It was conceivable that the difficulty of the formation would increase greatly at the junction of 100 meters. With Xia ruofei’s current level of movement, it was already difficult to rush to the 100 – meter point, let alone the second half of the 100 – meter point.

However, Xia ruofei did not feel discouraged at all. On the contrary, he was full of fighting spirit.

After a short rest, he quickly left the Linglong tower and returned to the pool to sit down and examine the process of his third attempt. He had gained a deeper understanding of the floating duckweed steps, especially after crossing the 60 – meter mark. Although he had only persisted for less than 10 seconds, he had gained a deeper understanding of the floating duckweed steps under the extreme pressure.

He naturally had to take advantage of the moment when these insights were the most profound in his memory to properly digest and absorb them. After all, the opportunity to challenge the array was rare, and could only be used once every seven days.

He sat on the Jade futon in deep thought. Although he seemed to be motionless, the scene of him breaking through the array just now kept flashing through his mind at an extremely fast speed.

After thinking for a while, he stood up and practiced the formation a few times. Then, he sat back down and continued to ponder and comprehend.

This cycle repeated. After Xia ruofei used up his third chance to challenge the array, he stayed in the Archean realm for another day and night. Finally, he felt that he had absorbed the insights he gained from the three arrays and transformed them into actual improvements in his movement technique.

In total, Xia ruofei had stayed in the Archean realm for seven to eight days. Other than the necessary time to eat, sleep, and settle the “three emergencies”, he had spent all his time practicing the floating steps. Kasaya’s challenge of the Jade pillar array could also be considered as practicing the floating steps, and it was a very effective method of practice. It was a pity that there was a limit to the number of times he could use it. Otherwise, Xia ruofei would not have been willing to leave.

He guessed that it had something to do with energy. Maintaining the magical Jade pillar array definitely required energy. This energy would not be produced out of thin air. It must consume the energy of the spirit map space itself, and this energy was very likely to be spiritual Qi.

It was also because of this that after the appearance of the Linglong tower, the spirit map space could exchange energy with the chaotic space outside. josei

If the Linglong tower’s Jade pillar array could be used limitlessly, it was likely that the spiritual Qi absorption rate in the space would not be able to keep up with the consumption rate, which would hurt the foundation.

Anyway, the rules were like that. With Xia ruofei’s current strength, he could not go against the rules of the spirit map space. Hence, he could only do things within the scope of the rules. He was still far from being able to set the rules himself.

Of course, Xia ruofei was not an insatiable person. He knew very well that with the help of the Linglong tower’s Jade pillar array, he had taken a shortcut in his body movement training. If it were a cultivator without a spirit map space, it would take ten years, a few decades, or even a hundred years to master the floating steps.

This also depended on whether the person who cultivated had the talent.

However, Xia ruofei had only practiced for a few days and his progress was godly.

It was important to be content.

After finishing his training, Xia ruofei didn’t even go to the mountain sea realm to take a look. He left the space with a thought and returned to his room in the outside world.

He had not bathed for seven to eight days and had slept for less than twenty hours. Xia ruofei looked unkempt and unshaven.

When he was cultivating his movement technique, he was completely focused on it, so he didn’t feel much. After he finished his cultivation, Xia ruofei, who always loved to be clean, suddenly felt that something was wrong.

In addition, although he had stayed in the Archean realm for seven to eight days, due to the difference in the flow of time, only five to six hours had passed in the outside world and in the mountain and sea realm. He reckoned that those free laborers had just finished their afternoon work and were currently packing up and going back to rest. Thus, there really wasn’t much to see.

Once he returned to the bedroom, the first thing he did was to rush into the bathroom and thoroughly clean himself up. After taking a shower and shaving his beard, Xia ruofei put on his bathrobe and walked out of the bathroom. He instantly felt refreshed.

It was already dark outside. Xia ruofei picked up his phone and saw a message from Ling Qingxue. She said that she had to work overtime today and would not be coming over. She asked Xia ruofei to eat by himself.

In fact, when Xia ruofei was in the spirit map space, he had always left a trace of his spiritual will in the outside world. This was also a form of security measure.

Even when he was fully immersed in the process of challenging the Jade pillar array, he would temporarily withdraw his spiritual will. Once he was done challenging the array, he would immediately check the situation outside.

Therefore, when he received the WeChat message, he actually knew. However, he also knew that if there was really something that needed his help, it would definitely be a phone call. Since it was a WeChat message, it meant that the matter was not very urgent, so there was no need to waste the time of practicing his body technique to come out.

Xia ruofei replied to Ling Qingxue,”She had just woken up and was about to go downstairs to get something to eat. You have to take care of your body! Also, don’t forget to eat.

After replying to the WeChat message, Xia ruofei put on his bathrobe and slippers and went downstairs to the kitchen.

He heated up the dishes that he hadn’t finished in the afternoon, then made an egg fried rice with the remaining rice. Dinner was ready in no time.

After dinner, Xia ruofei went upstairs to change into casual clothes and strolled out of the villa, ready to take a walk in the community to digest her food.

Before he knew it, he had already reached Feng Rao’s little terrace.

Xia ruofei looked up and saw that the lights in Feng Rao’s house were already on. It seemed like she had finished work on time today.

Xia ruofei thought for a while and walked towards Feng Rao’s little terrace house.

As he walked, he put his hand into the inner pocket of his coat and took out a small gift box from his space under the cover of his coat.

He had bought it while he was in Spain. He had bought a lot of small gifts like this and had stored them all in the spirit map space.

After all, he was on vacation overseas. He had to bring back some gifts.

Not only did he prepare it for Feng Jing, but his godmother, Lin Qiao, pang Hao, Guan Ping, his seniors, classmates, and friends were also included.

Of course, he did not buy gifts according to the number of people. He bought a few good things when he saw them while strolling around Barcelona and threw them into the spirit map space when he returned to the hotel.

The gift box that Xia ruofei took out now contained a unique crystal brooch. It was not too expensive, about 300 to 500 euros. Of course, this price was already quite high for ordinary people. Even in Spain it was considered a luxury item.

In fact, these were all the gifts that he could give to his female friends. There was one major category that he couldn’t choose from, and that was the Tao Yuan brand Jade skin cream in the cosmetic category. Other cosmetics, whether they were ordinary products that cost hundreds of Yuan or high – end products that cost tens of thousands of Yuan, were all floating clouds in front of the Jade skin cream.

People like Feng Jing and Dong Yun only had a set of jaded skin cream on them. They didn’t need any other makeup products.

Xia ruofei soon arrived at Feng Jing’s house with the small gift box in his hand. He rang the doorbell.

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