God-tier Farm

Chapter 2648 - 2648 Very smooth_2

Chapter 2648 - 2648 Very smooth_2

2648 Very smooth_2

Evian also warmly invited Liu Kuan, Xia ruofei, and the others to have lunch together, but Xia ruofei and Liu Kuan declined in unison. They weren’t used to the local food in agate, and both of them hated social interactions.

Xia ruofei felt that he would never be able to get used to eating with unfamiliar people and flattering each other.

Liu Kuan declined Evian’s invitation with the excuse that there was still a lot of work waiting for him to deal with on Peach Blossom Island.

At the same time, Liu Kuan took out a cash check and put it on Evian’s desk.

Evian didn’t even try to hide his excitement. He grabbed the check on the table and opened the drawer with his right hand. His left hand naturally put the check in the drawer. During this process, Evian even sneaked a few glances out of the corner of his eye. When he saw the long string of numbers on the check, one could imagine how ecstatic he was.

Looking at his practiced appearance, it was obvious that this was not the first time he had collected money.

After Xia ruofei, Liu Kuan, and benilatti said goodbye to Evian, they were ready to take the helicopter back to Paradise Island.

As the Minister of a country, Evian personally sent the three of them downstairs again. It was not until the helicopter took off and flew further and further away until it became a black dot in the sky that Evian slowly turned around and returned to the office building.

On the helicopter, Xia ruofei asked curiously,””Uncle Liu, before we left, I noticed that you gave the Minister of Internal Affairs a cash check. How much money is there in there?”

“This is an unwritten rule,” Liu Kuan said with a smile.”Blue cloud Island ... Uh ... Peach source island’s Affairs are handled by Evian, the Minister of Internal Affairs, so all the benefits he gets belong to him. It’s actually not that much, just five thousand dollars, but it’s still a huge sum for the Carnelian economy. ”

Xia ruofei couldn’t help but click his tongue. Even corruption was out in the open! There were quite a few people in the office just now, including Evian’s subordinates and Secretary, but he didn’t avoid them at all.

Xia ruofei felt that this country was rotten to the core. It might fall into civil strife in the near future, and then peach source Island ...

Liu Kuan seemed to have guessed Xia ruofei’s thoughts. He smiled and said,””Mr. Xia, we don’t need to worry about the internal affairs of the ponaafford Island. In fact, in the more than ten years that our Liu family has controlled the blue cloud Island, the power of the ponaafford Island has been rotated three times. No matter who comes to power, and no matter who is responsible for the blue ... Peach Blossom Island’s Affairs, our permanent ownership transfer agreement is still in effect.”

Liu Kuan paused for a second, then continued,””In fact, the reason is very simple. The interests of all aspects of the map are tied to our Liu family. If we fall out with them, the map will fall into famine and endless war. No ruler would dare to take such a risk, so you can relax!”

Xia ruofei smiled and said,””This can be considered as using economic means to the extreme! The person in charge of this Grand project is really amazing!”

Liu Kuan also looked proud and said,””Since the beginning of the plan more than ten years ago, all the affairs of green cloud Island were personally directed by master!”

“Old Liu, you’re still young!” Xia ruofei gave him a thumbs up.

The transfer of the island’s permanent ownership went very smoothly. The agate map was very cooperative, and there were no accidents, so everyone was in a good mood. They chatted and laughed along the way. Soon, Xia ruofei and the others arrived at Paradise Island in the Super Jaguar helicopter.

Xia ruofei stayed on peach source Island for a day.

Liu Kuan mainly had to deal with the personnel and projects here.

So, after Liu Kuan got off the helicopter, he began to get busy. He kept talking to people, and at the same time, his plan to evacuate people step by step was getting better and better.

That night, Liu Kuan ordered Liu Qingfeng to prepare a sumptuous banquet. On the one hand, it was to invite Xia ruofei, and on the other hand, it was actually for everyone to have a “farewell dinner” later.

Some of the project staff who decided to return to China early had a lot to drink at the dinner. They had been working here for at least a few years, and at most more than a decade, so they had a deep relationship with this Island.

The banquet was very noisy, but Xia ruofei, who always liked peace and quiet, did not leave early. He stayed in the banquet hall patiently.

Xia ruofei was actually feeling a little guilty. If it were not for the natural Taixu xuanqing formation on Qingyun Island, he would not have been so determined to take over the island.

After the dinner, Liu Kuan called Liu Qingfeng, who had confirmed that he would stay, to his room and had a long talk with him.

It was mainly to once again emphasize the importance of Xia ruofei to the family, and to remind Liu Qingfeng to be more careful than before. During the transition period, there must be no mistakes, and he must stand on the last shift.

After two days of repeated emphasis from Liu Kuan, Liu Qingfeng had naturally become highly valued in his heart. He vowed that he would firmly carry out the family’s decision and repay the family’s trust with practical actions.


The next morning, Xia ruofei and Liu Kuan boarded the Airbus A350 that had been rented from Air China and prepared to return home.

There were also hundreds of Liu family’s children and employees who took the same flight back home.

The economy Class, which was empty when they arrived, became lively on the return trip.

Because the estimated flight was 15 or 16 hours, Liu Qingfeng had already asked people to prepare the food in advance. Before the flight, these food had been properly arranged on the plane.

When the Airbus A350 began to accelerate and take off on the runway, the cabin, which had been quite lively just a moment ago, suddenly quieted down. The employees all looked through the porthole at the beautiful island that they were about to leave. They had very complicated feelings in their hearts.

No one spoke in the cabin until the plane took off and left Paradise Island behind.

It was a happy thing to return to China, and Liu Kuan had promised that everyone would be well – arranged, but they still felt very upset.

Xia ruofei and Liu Kuan sat in the first class cabin. They did not disturb the children and employees of the Liu family in the back.

After more than ten hours of long – distance flight, the plane landed smoothly at the Beijing International Airport, which was shrouded in darkness.

The children and employees of the Liu family were settled down by someone. Xia ruofei and Liu Kuan took the Liu family’s business car and returned to the house where old master Liu lived.

Xia ruofei immediately went to check on old master Liu and confirmed that the treatment effect of the pill was good.

He also knew that Liu Kuan had to report to Grandpa Liu, so he didn’t waste any time. After the inspection, he returned to his room, saying that he was tired from the long – distance flight.

In the two days that Xia ruoxin had been on her way to the Peach Blossom Island, Liu Qunfeng had already arranged for the guest room to be cleaned.

The broken pieces of pots and soil from the spiritual herbs in the room, as well as the small amount of dregs that Xia ruofei had deliberately left behind, had all been cleaned up. josei

Liu Qunfeng had seen with his own eyes the fresh and green spirit herbs planted in the flower pots. Now, the pots and soil were still there, but the spirit herbs were gone. It was impossible for them to know that Xia ruofei had such a heaven – defying treasure like the spirit map space. Hence, they believed him without a doubt and thought that Xia ruofei had consumed all the spiritual herbs in one go.

Therefore, even though Xia ruofei had taken away 500 million US dollars and the entire Paradise Island, the Liu family did not think that Xia ruofei had taken advantage of them. Instead, they felt a little guilty. According to the value, even two paradise islands could not be compared to those elixirs!

This was the effect that Xia ruofei wanted. He did not want the Liu family to think that they were at a disadvantage after old master Liu had recovered.

Since elder Liu’s recovery was not far from what Xia ruofei had expected, and there were no signs of danger or hidden dangers during the examination, Xia ruofei bid farewell the next morning.

Under the current circumstances, Xia ruofei did not need to stay here.

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