God-tier Farm

Chapter 317

Chapter 317

Chapter 317: Super quality farmy...1


A farm? Hearing this, Xia ruofei was also a little stunned by old master Tang’s strange thinking. Liang Weimin was the first to react. He said in surprise,”Uncle, are you talking about the big farm in Hunter Valley in New South Wales?” Elder Tang smiled and nodded. He looked at Xia ruofei and said,””How is it? Brother Xia, would you consider it?” Xia ruofei saw Liang Weimin’s reaction and couldn’t help but ask curiously,””Uncle Liang, is elder Tang’s farm very famous?” Liang Weimin was still in shock. He looked at Xia ruofei and said with a complicated expression,””Ruofei, the padink farm that uncle bought is located in the Hunter Valley in New South Wales, Australia. It has an area of more than 6000 hectares. Uncle spent 45 million Australian dollars to buy it. After that, he invested a lot of money to renovate the farm’s facilities, improve the pastures, and so on. The total cost exceeded 50 million Australian dollars!” Xia ruofei was shocked. Elder Tang had said it so casually as if it was a business deal worth a few hundred dollars. Xia ruofei had thought that the farm elder Tang was talking about would be a small or medium – sized one. He did not expect it to be such a huge one. Xia ruofei quickly calculated in his heart. 50 million Australian dollars was almost equivalent to 38 million US dollars. The old man had directly offered him 40% of the shares. That was not 10 million US dollars but 15 million US dollars! Xia ruofei forced a smile and said to old master Tang,””Old man, you’re really generous! However, based on the amount of investment you’ve invested, you’ll suffer a huge loss if you give me 40% of the shares!” Elder Tang laughed nonchalantly,””No, no, no, I didn’t lose out at all! Brother Xia, 40% of the shares is only about 15 million US dollars. Other than this 10 million US dollars, the remaining 5 million can be considered as your investment! The fact that you can cultivate such vegetables and make such high – Quality wine is definitely worth 5 million US dollars!” Elder Tang paused for a moment, then continued in a seductive tone,””Brother Xia, my farm in Australia is a comprehensive high – Quality farm, and all the fertile land is close to water sources. Not only can we develop planting, but we can also engage in animal husbandry. The return on investing in my farm will definitely be very high, especially if we introduce advanced technology from your side, the development will definitely be very good!” Liang Weimin also looked at Xia ruofei enviously and said,”Ruofei, as far as I know, the farm that uncle bought now has more than 30000 sheep and nearly 3000 Angus cows. The profit situation is also very good.” Xia ruofei thought for a while and said,””Old man, thank you for your love, but ... This is a big matter, and I can’t make a decision in a short time. Please give me some time to think about it!” In fact, other than the fact that the investment amount was relatively large, which made Xia ruofei a little hesitant, he was more concerned about the issue of controlling the shares. If he only owned 40% of the shares, it would mean that he had no absolute say in the management of the farm. Xia ruofei subconsciously rejected this. Elder Tang nodded his head and replied,””No problem! Brother Xia, you can take some time to go to Australia. I’ll arrange for someone to take you to survey the place, and you’ll know how suitable this investment is!” “Alright!” Xia ruofei nodded and said,”I’ll think about it!” After that, they didn’t talk about this topic anymore. They talked about all sorts of things. Almost all the delicious dishes on the table were eaten, and the three men drank nearly three catties of white wine together. It could be said that the host and the guest were having a great time. After the meal, elder Tang and the others bade farewell and left. Before he left, elder Tang once again brought up the matter of investing in a farm. He urged Xia ruofei to consider his suggestion carefully. Xia ruofei naturally smiled and nodded in agreement. After sending off elder Tang and the rest, Xia ruofei cleaned up the table and went straight upstairs to his room. Elder Tang’s suggestion indeed moved Xia ruofei. He didn’t know anything about farms in Australia, so after he went back to his room, he turned on his computer and looked up information. Xia ruofei was even more impressed by elder Tang’s generosity. Australia was vast and sparsely populated, and its land resources were rich. There were many large and small farms for sale, with prices ranging from tens of thousands to tens of millions of Australian dollars. Elder Tang had spent 45 million Australian dollars to buy a farm of more than 6000 hectares. The unit price was quite expensive. This also meant that the farm’s geographical location, capacity per unit area, hardware facilities, and other things should be first – Class. There were many factors that affected the price of farms in Australia, one of which was the distance from big cities such as Sydney and Melbourne. For example, a farm 250 kilometers away from Melbourne would cost three million Australian dollars, while a farm 500 kilometers away with similar conditions might only cost four to five hundred thousand Australian dollars. Moreover, the government had also strictly regulated the livestock carrying capacity per unit area of different levels of farms, from south to north, from east to west. Based on the different rainfall and supply conditions of aquatic grass, it was decided that ranches could raise two cows per acre to one cow per 200 acres. If it exceeded the limit, it would be suspected of animal abuse and would immediately be fined by the government. According to Liang Weimin, old master Tang’s farm had 30000 sheep and 3000 Angus cows. This meant that the land was very fertile, and the pastures and water sources were all very good. The more he read, the more tempted Xia ruofei was. That was a 6000 – hectare farm! All lands Australia had permanent property rights and could be inherited by future generations. There was a saying,”the wind can enter, the rain can enter, but the king can not.” The farm owner’s ownership of land was sacred and inviolable. Xia ruofei believed that with his spirit map space, if he could own such a large farm in Australia he could create a paradise overseas. Of course, the only problem was the equity ratio. Xia ruofei couldn’t accept elder Tang’s proposal. His bottom line was that he had to control the company, which meant he had to have at least 51% of the shares. In reality, Xia ruofei’s idea was to solely own any farm – related business. He would not accept any shares or investments. However, the Australia farm was a little special. It was already acquired by elder Tang, and he was only inviting Xia ruofei to invest in it. On one hand, it was the temptation of quality overseas farms. On the other hand, it was the problem of equity proportion. Xia ruofei spent two days hesitating but still could not think of a way to get the best of both worlds. Elder Tang wouldn’t be in China for long. Xia ruofei knew that he had to make a decision as soon as possible. Just as Xia ruofei was having a headache over the olive branch that elder Tang had extended to him, he suddenly received a call from someone else ...

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