God-tier Farm

Chapter 351

Chapter 351


Chapter 351: A full sense of accomplishment (2)

After Xia ruofei was done with Mo Lan, he took a look around the space. The vegetable field that had been opened up was now full of iron – Skin dendrobes. These iron – Skin dendrobes, which would take two to three years to harvest in the outside world, grew extremely quickly in the original space. Xia ruofei estimated that they should be fully mature in about twenty days. This was a pure wild Ironhide d vessel from beiyan mountain. Its quality was much better than the Ironhide maple that he saw at Tongren Hall in Qiantang city. When he harvested the Ironhide, Xia ruofei would earn a lot of money. Of course, before that, he still needed to turn the Dendrobium candids into iron – skinned Kaede Kasaya. Only by making the finished product could he maximize the benefits. Naturally, Xia ruofei did not understand the skills of making iron – hide kaedeums. He was considering whether he should hire an experienced master with a high salary. Fortunately, there was still a lot of time, so there was no need to rush. Moreover, the spirit map space was the world’s best preservation means. If he could not find the right person to help him make the iron – Skin Dendrobium at the moment, Xia ruofei could just store the iron – Skin Dendrobium in the space first and wait for the right time to make it. He wasn’t short of money at the moment anyway. As for purchasing jade stones to upgrade the spirit map space, the money earned by tin fengdou was far from enough. Even now, when Xia ruofei thought about the large amount of jade stones he would need to upgrade the spirit map space again, he would feel a headache. The last upgrade had already cost him a lot of effort. If he wanted to upgrade it again this time, the cost would probably double or even increase by several times. The spirit map space was a bottomless pit! No matter how fast Xia ruofei earned money, he still felt that it was not enough to spend. However, he couldn’t resist the temptation of leveling up, especially the mysterious stone tablet in the new space and the little golden man’s wonderful movements in the stone tablet. It made Xia ruofei’s heart itch. Only by continuously upgrading the spirit map space would the secrets hidden in the stone tablet be revealed bit by bit. Xia ruofei smiled bitterly and shook his head. He decided not to think about upgrading the space for the time being. He continued to patrol the space. The Phoebe zhennan tree had been cut down and sold to elder Tang. This precious wood had also been exchanged for 51% of the shares of a high – Quality farm in Australia. The small tree that was cut from the Golden Phoebe nanmu branch had now become a forest. In Xia ruofei’s eyes, this was undoubtedly a money – making forest. Of course, these Phoebe zhennan trees were still too small. The growth rate of the Phoebe zhennan was extremely slow. Even in the original space where time flowed 30 times faster and under the nourishment of the rich spiritual energy, it would take a long time for them to grow to the extent of the wood that was sold a few days ago. Beside the Phoebe zhennan forest was a ginseng field. Back then, Xia ruofei had considered the problem of cutting down Phoebe zhennan trees in the future and did not plant the ginseng under the shade. Ginseng liked the shade. If it was in the outside world, the best environment to grow in was naturally under big trees and in the grass. However, there was no need to consider this in the spirit map space. Each of the ginsengs was growing extremely well, and many of them had borne red seeds. From afar, it was a red scene, which was also a spectacular sight. These were all top – grade wild ginseng! In terms of value, all of these ginsengs would probably be worth an astronomical figure. Unfortunately, the rarer something was, the more expensive it would be. Releasing so much wild ginseng at once would definitely cause a huge fluctuation in the market price of wild ginseng, and it might even attract people with ill intentions to covet it. Hence, Xia ruofei could only occasionally sell two or three when he was in urgent need of money. However, this wild ginseng was an extremely precious tonic. It was not bad to keep it for personal use or to give it as a gift. Besides, these ginseng leaves did not need Xia ruofei’s care. They had already grown in a large area naturally, so Xia ruofei did not have to worry about them. Next to the ginseng field was the newly – grown tea garden. Of course, there were only 12 of them at the moment. However, when these tea trees grew a little bigger, Xia ruofei would use their branches to cut again. Soon, an entire tea forest would be formed in the interspace. These were all cut from the strips of paper on the world – famous mother tree, Da Hong Pao. Furthermore, they had been nourished by the rich spirit Qi in this Space day and night. When the time came, the tea leaves picked from these tea trees would definitely be of the highest quality. Xia ruofei also attached great importance to these tea trees. He even specially arranged for ye Lingyun to learn the art of making tea. Xia ruofei was acquainted with many old men. Elder song, MA Xiong, elder Tang ... Each and every one of them was a tea lover. After these high – quality tea leaves were made into Da Hong Pao, it would be a good gift to give. In the end, he went to the nameless plant and carefully put away the petals of the strange flower that had been produced today. Then, he carefully observed them for a while. The nameless plant was still the same. Xia ruofei had been in the spirit map space for so long, but he could barely feel its growth. However, a new bulge had appeared in the position of the two Spirit fruits he had harvested last time. This was the form of the spirit fruits that had just been born. After a period of waiting, Xia ruofei would be able to obtain two more spiritual fruits. Thinking of this spiritual fruit, Xia ruofei felt that it should be very precious, but he did not know what magical effects it had. Now that he had already collected three spirit fruits, his curiosity was getting more and more intense, and he was also a little tempted. However, she resisted the urge to eat a spiritual fruit and went to the new space with a thought. The flow of time in this new space was exactly the same as the outside world, so the changes were naturally not as big as the original space. Blackie and a few other puppies were playing in the vast space. When they saw Xia ruofei, they wagged their tails and surrounded him happily. Xia ruofei chuckled as he squatted down and picked up the fastest one, Blackie. Although Blacky could still be considered a puppy, it was about the same size as an adult dog in the outside world. Moreover, its fur was glossy and smooth, and its muscles were well – proportioned and well – defined. One look and one could tell that it was very fierce and full of explosive power. After playing with the puppies for a while, Xia ruofei carried Blackie and got into the all – terrain vehicle. He stepped on the gas pedal and ran one round in the space, satisfying his racing addiction. There were no illegal surveillance cameras in this space, and there would not be any sudden accidents. The all – terrain vehicle’s passing performance was very strong, and even a little bump would not be bumpy, so Xia ruofei could run as fast as he wanted. Other than xiaohei and the rest, there were also some oak trees in the new space. Xia ruofei had moved them from the original space to cultivate truffles. Although these oak trees had not grown much, each of them was growing well and full of vitality. The other thing was the large iron cage that occupied an area of more than 100 square meters. Inside it were fierce Hornets. These Hornets had all recovered to their peak condition after a few days of rest. Xia ruofei had put in a lot of grasshoppers and other insects to build a small ecosystem. The Hornets were naturally at the top of the food chain in this exclusive territory. These Hornets seemed to have grown bigger and were much fiercer than when Xia ruofei first met them. Xia ruofei tried and realized that he could control hundreds of Hornets with his mind. He was improving every day and the number of Hornets he could control was increasing. If Xia ruofei released a hundred Hornets, it would be a terrifying force. Even if Xia ruofei was in the Army, he would not have a chance to survive such a large – scale attack. The hidden card in Xia ruofei’s hand was getting stronger and stronger. Xia ruofei felt a sense of achievement after walking around. It had been less than a year since he had obtained the spirit map scroll. The spirit map space had been a small piece of lifeless land at the beginning, but now it had developed into a prosperous scene. After Xia ruofei finished his inspection, he finally left the spirit map space in satisfaction. Very quickly, three days passed in the blink of an eye. Xia ruofei brought the pot of Mo Lan, which had been nurtured in the medium for three months, and drove away from Taoyuan farm once again, heading in the direction of the San Shan city.

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