God-tier Farm

Chapter 620

Chapter 620

Chapter 620: Chapter 454 – helping the world (2)

“That’s good, that’s good ...” Tian Huixin said happily.”Huanhuan was just making a fuss about wanting to see you, but she fell asleep soon after!”

“He’s just a child!” Xia ruofei smiled and said,”she just got off the plane. She must be tired. Let her have a good sleep!”

“Then you’re not allowed to leave later!” Tian Huixin said with a smile. Otherwise, when this girl wakes up and finds out that you came and left, she’ll definitely throw a tantrum at me!”

“Alright, alright, alright. I’ll definitely wait for our little princess to wake up before leaving!” Xia ruofei laughed.

At this time, Xue bi Yun found the medical records.

There was a thick stack of medical records, some of which were obviously very old.

These medical records were the true portrayal of Xue bi Yun’s bitter search for medicine with her child!

Xia ruofei flipped through every medical record, test report, and electrocardiogram report very seriously. He only put them down after more than half an hour.

“Doctor Xia, is Chengcheng’s condition serious?” Xue bi Yun impatiently asked.

“Compared to Huanhuan’s condition, it’s more serious ... Especially the epilepsy.” Xia ruofei said,”but it shouldn’t be a big problem!”

Xia ruofei wasn’t spouting nonsense. Ever since he had treated elder song, he had started to study medicine. He mainly focused on Chinese medicine and had some understanding of Western medicine.

Xia ruofei was no longer an ordinary person. His spiritual power was many times stronger than that of an ordinary person. Naturally, his learning efficiency was extremely high. Hence, he still had a certain theoretical foundation.

When Xue Biyun heard the first half of the sentence, her heart was in a knot. When Xia ruofei said that it was not a big problem, she felt as if all the energy in her body had been sucked away. She sat on the sofa and her eyes started to turn red.


“Biyun, you should be happy since little Xia said that she can be cured ...” Tian Huixin quickly said.

Xue bi Yun wiped her tears and said, Sister Tian, I ... I’m just too happy ... I’m sorry, Dr. Xia!”

Xia ruofei smiled gently and said,””It’s fine. ”

Then, Xia ruofei turned to Tian Huixin and asked,””Aunt Huixin, can you find a tool for decocting medicine?”

“I’ll get the hotel to prepare it immediately. What do you need?” Tian Huixin immediately said.

“Claypot, charcoal stove, and charcoal.” Xia ruofei said,”if it’s hard to find, an ordinary aluminium pot and induction cooker can be used together!”

“I can find it! I’ll make the call immediately!” Tian Huixin said.

What a joke, what if the medicinal effects were affected by using an adamantine pot and induction stove to boil the medicine? With the young mistress’s request, even if it was something a hundred times more difficult than this, the hotel would definitely prepare it eagerly, let alone finding a claypot.

“Alright, get them to send it over as soon as possible!” Xia ruofei smiled and said,”I’m going to the pharmacy to prepare some Chinese medicine. I’ll boil some medicine for Chengcheng today.”

Xue Biyun quickly stood up and thanked her. The two of them walked Xia ruofei to the door, and then Tian Huixin called the hotel to prepare the equipment for brewing Chinese medicine.

In fact, Xia ruofei had stored a large amount of common Chinese medicine in his storage space. However, he could not just take it out of thin air! On the way here, he had noticed a Chinese medicine pharmacy nearby, so he simply left the hotel and strolled over to buy a few Chinese medicines he needed before returning to the hotel.

Xia ruofei was still brewing the herbal soup that could calm the mind and nourish the brain. The real healing effect was the spirit Heart Flower petal solution.

By the time Xia ruofei returned to the hotel, Hengfeng hotel had already prepared everything he needed with the highest efficiency.

Hence, Xia ruofei had Tian Huixin and Xue Biyun wait in the guest room while he carried the medicinal herbs to the bedroom, closed the door, and began to brew the medicine.

Xia ruofei was already very familiar with brewing medicine.

The brewing process of the body tempering soup and the spirit gestating soup was so complicated, but he could easily complete it, let alone an ordinary medicinal soup.

After the Chinese medicine was brewed, Xia ruofei opened the window to let the strong smell of the medicine out. Then, he poured out half a bowl of the medicine. Considering that Chengcheng was still young and it would be difficult to feed him medicine in his current condition, Xia ruofei specially poured less.

Then, with a thought, a porcelain bottle appeared in Xia ruofei’s hand. josei

This was the petal solution that he had specially concocted before he set off. The concentration of the spirit Heart Flower petals in it was relatively low. He had no choice but to put in a whole petal. If he put in a whole petal, he estimated that Chengcheng would recover after drinking two doses of medicine. That would be too shocking.

According to Xia ruofei’s calculations, with this concentration of the spirit Heart Flower petal solution, Chengcheng would need about half a month to show obvious improvement. Continuously taking it for a month would consume one to two Spirit Heart Flower petals. By then, he would basically be fully recovered.

Xia ruofei poured the flower petal solution into the medicinal soup and stirred it evenly with his chopsticks. He then kept the bowl back into the original space and used the time difference to cool the medicinal soup down to an edible temperature. Then, he took out the bowl and walked out of the bedroom.

“Doctor Xia, you’ve worked hard!” Xue bi Yun quickly came forward and carefully took the bowl of medicine.

In her eyes, this was no ordinary Chinese medicine. This was the hope of her son’s recovery!

“Auntie Xue, let Chengcheng drink the medicine!” Xia ruofei said with a smile.

Xue bi Yun nodded, then carefully asked,”Doctor Xia, can I add sugar to this? Chengcheng is a little afraid of suffering ...”

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