God-tier Farm

Chapter 1036

Chapter 1036


Chapter 1036: Chapter 661 – success (2)

Translator: 549690339

In addition, among all the raw materials, one of them was called “green maple vine,” which was used in a very small amount. However, it played a role similar to a catalyst and played a very crucial role in the whole process of brewing. josei

The most important thing was that the green maple vine was added together with the herbs that Xue Jinshan had brought people to help Xia ruofei grind in the first production test. They were ground into powder and added in at the last stage.

Because the amount was small, Xia ruofei had considered the need to keep it a secret and did not let Xue Jinshan and the others know about it. Later, when he processed the medicinal herbs alone, he ground it and added it.

Green maple vine wasn’t a common Chinese medicine, but it wasn’t hard to obtain.

The amount required to brew the jaded skin ointment was also very small. Almost every production at full capacity only required about 100 grams. Hence, this medicinal herb was almost naturally produced for Xia ruofei’s exclusive control of the prescription.

It was very easy to plant the green maple vine, and the yield was extremely high.

Xia ruofei had already decided to open up a large area in the spirit map space to plant the green maple vine. He would provide the medicinal herbs with the ground green maple vine every month, and then specify the proportion of the green maple vine to Xue Jinshan. Then, he would appoint a veteran in the pharmaceutical factory that he could absolutely trust and let this veteran manage it directly. Basically, the possibility of the secret being leaked would not exist.

Taking ten thousand steps back, even if there was an extremely low probability of a leak in this segment, the entire production process had already been completely sealed and solidified in the control computer. Unless the entire computer’s hard drive was stolen and cracked by an expert hacker, there was still a possibility of bypassing the software’s self – destruction program and cracking the production process.

However, the probability of such a thing happening was almost negligible.

After the first phase of the trial production was completed, Xia ruofei specially reserved a banquet at Ling Ji restaurant and treated Xue Jinshan and the other workers who had worked with him for a week to a good meal. Then, he gave each of them a 2000 – Yuan red packet out of his own pocket.


During the week, Feng Jing had been in constant contact with Dong Jiajun of the Hengfeng auction house in Hong Kong.

The auction was set to be held in five days.

There were a lot of things to do in the company every day, so Feng Jing naturally couldn’t go to Hong Kong so early. However, she was involved in the warm – up and planning of the auction and gave many constructive suggestions.

With Feng Jing and Dong Jiajun’s cooperation, Hong Kong was in an uproar.

Four days ago, the Hengfeng auction house had put up a notice of the auction on the banner on the official website.

On the banner seat, which took up almost two – thirds of the front screen of the website, was a poster carefully designed by the auction team.

The content of the poster was clear at a glance. It was a person holding a huge dried abalone. The person who was used as a reference was Guo Song, who had gone to Xia ruofei’s house to appraise the one – headed abalone that day.

The camera accurately captured the shock and disbelief on the face of this expert, who had been in the seafood industry for more than 20 years, when he saw the top – Quality one – headed abalone.

Luo Jiahao, the employee in charge of publicity at the auction house, had taken a lot of pictures and videos of the one – headed abalone. In the end, the publicity team had a video conference with Feng Jing to discuss a plan. After Feng Jing’s suggestion, everyone finally chose the picture that Luo Jiahao had subconsciously taken.

Of course, the background of Xia ruofei’s house had been removed with Photoshop. There was only Guo Song and the big abalone in his hand. The background of the photo had a simple and elegant Chinese style, which made the top – Quality one – headed abalone stand out even more.

This photo was about two – thirds of the poster in ink style, and it was very prominent. The blank part was a few large words in calligraphy: It was an unparalleled, precious, top – grade one – Head abalone.

The time and place of the auction, as well as other things to take note of, were written in small font below.

On the top right corner of the poster, the logos of Tao Yuan company and Hengfeng group were placed side by side, appearing very eye – catching.

If you clicked on the poster, you would jump to a special page specially made for the auction.

The information on the page was much more abundant.

There was information on the auction items, an introduction to the auction, an introduction to paradise Corporation, the registration method for the auction, entry requirements, and so on. Of course, this special page also contained a large number of photos and edited promotional videos.

The layers of top – Quality one – headed abalones on the page were quite a visual impact.

The less than three – minute promotional video had been carefully edited by the Hengfeng group’s advertising department’s experts. It presented the perfect figure of the one – headed abalone from various angles. It was said that the magnetic Cantonese baritone was the voice of the most famous male Anchorman in Hong Kong, Liu Wendong. Hengfeng group had specially hired him to dub the video.

When the promotional video was posted on the website, it also began to broadcast on major television stations in Hong Kong during prime time.

Of course, the TV station was broadcasting a 15 – second cut version. If it was the full version, the advertising fee would be huge.

At the same time, the advertisements for the auction also appeared in many of Hong Kong’s train stations, large screens in public squares, shopping malls, building elevators, and other places with a high flow of people.

Several major newspapers in Hong Kong also published full – Page advertisements at the same time.


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