God-tier Farm

Chapter 1269

Chapter 1269


Chapter 1269: Subverting one’s knowledge (2)

Translator: 549690339

Xia ruofei smiled faintly.”He has a fracture in his calf and two torn tendons. He also has multiple serious muscle strains. The problem is quite serious.”

Guo Hongjiang and the medical team were stunned.

The veterinarian who could not help but question Xia ruofei just now looked at his assistant. After a long while, he asked in a low voice,””Cheng, did Mr. Xia watch the film just now?”

Ah – Cheng, the veterinarian assistant, said with a blank face,””That’s not possible! After the film was released, only the few of us watched it for a while, then we kept it in our bag!”

The vet couldn’t help but gasp. If the scans had been kept, it meant that it was impossible for Xia ruofei to have accidentally seen the scans when he came in.

In other words, the accurate examination result just now was really the result of Mr. Xia’s simple touch of the horse’s leg!

This was too unbelievable, right?

Guo Hongjiang turned to the vet and asked,””Doctor li?”

Doctor li immediately understood what Guo Hongjiang meant and quickly said,””Director Guo, Mr. Xia’s judgment is completely correct!”

He sounded a little bitter. Just now, he strongly doubted Xia ruofei, who was an “amateur”. It had only been a short while, but whether it was to appease the “star of Hong Kong” or this magical inspection, they had completely subverted their understanding.

Dr. Li felt her face burning, and she wanted to find a hole to hide in.

He felt like a frog at the bottom of a well, completely unaware of the vastness of the sky.

Xia ruofei did not care about the little episode just now. He had no intention of embarrassing Dr. Li.

Xia ruofei smiled and said to Guo Hongjiang,””Director Guo, although the situation is a bit serious, I can still try. Whether or not I succeed, I can at least guarantee that the ‘star of Hong Kong’ won’t suffer any extra pain.”

Guo Hongjiang finally revealed a trace of excitement. Xia ruofei’s casual display of her skills had really shocked Guo Hongjiang.

“Mr. Xia, I’ll leave it to you then!” He nodded repeatedly.

“You’re welcome ...” Xia ruofei smiled.

He had been standing beside the “star of Hong Kong” the whole time, patting the horse’s head from time to time, constantly comforting it.

The star of Hong Kong no longer struggled as violently as before. Although the pain made its body tremble from time to time, it was still very docile.

In the eyes of the trainer, he was even more docile than before he was injured!

The staff who were sent out to buy Chinese medicine were also very efficient. In less than half an hour, they had returned with big and small bags of Chinese medicine.

At the same time, he also brought back some charcoal, a clay pot for boiling medicine, and a matching charcoal furnace.

Xia ruofei got what he wanted and immediately said,””Director Guo, I can’t go too far away from the star of Hong Kong, so I can only stay here to prepare the medicine. The process of brewing the medicine ...”

Guo Hongjiang immediately understood and quickly said,””Mr. Xia, thank you for your trouble! We’ll wait outside!”

After he finished speaking, Guo Hongjiang immediately called MA Xiong and the other staff to leave the stables.

Naturally, there were 24/7 surveillance cameras in the stables.

However, after Guo Hongjiang and the others left, Xia ruofei walked over and turned the camera to the corner without hesitation.

After that, he set up a charcoal furnace and a claypot, and started a fire to boil the medicine.

Although the stables were breezy on all sides, there was a ready – made faucet here, and the equipment prepared by the staff was very complete, so it was not a big problem to boil the medicine on the spot.

Xia ruofei didn’t just randomly prescribe a few Chinese medicines. He had a lot of lost prescriptions and this time, he was brewing an ointment for injuries caused by falls. josei

Even without the spirit Heart Flower petal solution, this ointment’s effect was much better than those sold in the market.

Of course, in the face of such a serious injury, even with the use of this ointment, it would take at least two months to recover. Therefore, the petals of the spirit Heart Flower were still necessary.

Xia ruofei was very experienced in brewing medicine now.

He skillfully picked out a dozen kinds of medicinal herbs from a large pile. These were the medicinal herbs needed to decoct the ointment, and the rest were used to deceive people.

Xia ruofei put the herbs into the claypot, added some water, and started to boil the medicine.

It took a long time to brew the medicine. If the patient was a human, Xia ruofei could use acupuncture to seal the nerves so that the person would not feel pain. However, Xia ruofei did not know the meridians and acupuncture points of horses, so he could only let the “star of Hong Kong” bear with it.

After all, he had to do this without arousing suspicion. Xia ruofei could never be too careful.

Time passed by.

Guo Hongjiang and the others did not leave at all. They were waiting anxiously not far from the stables.

Guo Hongjiang couldn’t sit still either. He kept pacing back and forth on the field nervously.

“Director Guo, let’s take a break! It’s not that fast to brew Chinese medicine!” MA Xiong said.

“It’s okay, I can’t sit still right now ...” Guo Hongjiang said with a bitter smile.”Chairman MA, how confident do you think Mr. Xia is ...”

“I really don’t know about this.” MA Xiong said,”however, Xia Sheng rarely takes the initiative. I think he’s moved this time out of compassion. No matter what, this is the only chance for you and the ‘star of Hong Kong’.”

“I understand.” Guo Hongjiang sighed and said,”no matter what the result is, I will thank Mr. Xia properly.”

The staff members on Guo Hongjiang’s team were also whispering to each other. They were also not confident at all.

Even though Xia ruofei had shown off his amazing skills, the staff still could not believe that such a serious injury could be treated with Chinese medicine.

Weren’t Chinese medicine made from grass roots and tree bark?

Especially in the eyes of some of the younger staff members, Chinese medicine and witch doctors didn’t seem to be much different. Chinese medicine wasn’t even considered a plant medicine.

While Guo Hongjiang was suffering, Xia ruofei, who was in the stable, was relatively more relaxed. He only had to watch the fire.

After more than an hour, almost all the water in the claypot had evaporated, and a layer of black ointment appeared on the bottom and inner walls.

This was the final step.

Previously, the medicinal herbs were put into the claypot in batches. First, the medicinal soup was obtained. Then, the dregs were poured out, and the medicinal soup was poured back into the claypot to continue heating. At the same time, the last three medicinal herbs that were ground into powder were put in, and they were constantly stirred. Finally, they got a little bit of paste – like substance, which was almost enough for one use.

Xia ruofei scraped off all the ointment and carefully checked to make sure that no one was watching. Then, he took out a small porcelain bottle from the spirit map space.

This was the solution of the spirit Heart Flower petals that he had asked Xia Qing to prepare in advance.

The flower petal dissolved when it came into contact with water. This flower petal solution was the most concentrated one that Xia ruofei had ever concocted since he obtained the spirit map space. He only used a little bit of the spring water.

He opened the porcelain bottle and poured all the solution into the medicine bowl. Then, he mixed it well with the ointment.

Because there was very little solution, the ointment only became slightly diluted, and still appeared to be an ointment.

After he was done, Xia ruofei immediately kept the bottle in the medium and heaved a sigh of relief.

He comforted the “star of Hong Kong”, then walked out of the stable and gestured to Guo Hongjiang.

Guo Hongjiang and the others quickly walked over.

“Director Guo, I’ve already prepared the medicine.” Xia ruofei said,”in order to ensure that the ‘star of Hong Kong’ can cooperate with the treatment, I need to make it unconscious for two to three hours. Can you do that?”

Xia ruofei was doing this to make the medicine take full effect. Before that, he had to set the star of Hong Kong’s bones. The process would be very painful and Xia ruofei could not guarantee that nothing would happen.

Guo Hongjiang immediately turned to the vet, doctor li.

When doctor li saw this, he quickly said,”in this case, we can only perform general anesthesia. Under normal circumstances, it’ll be fine to just use formaldehyde Aqua, but ...”

When doctor Li said this, he stopped.

Guo Hongjiang frowned slightly and asked,””What’s wrong?”


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