God-tier Farm

Chapter 1379

Chapter 1379


Chapter 1379: Monkey year and horse month (2)

Translator: 549690339

Lin Qiao quickly glanced at Xia ruofei and then lowered her head. She stirred the coffee in front of her, her heart beating fast.

She had once imagined herself bringing Xia ruofei to this café, but she did not expect it to come true so quickly.

In fact, they had already passed by this shop when they set off, but Lin Qiao didn’t have the courage to do so. When they passed by it again, she finally mustered up the courage to pull Xia ruofei in.

“Because of love” was playing on the ceiling slightly. On such a long winter afternoon, listening to the beautiful melody and smelling the rich coffee aroma, Lin Qiao felt as if her heart had melted as she sat quietly opposite the man she liked ...

Xia ruofei picked up a book from the shelf and started reading. He seemed to have been assimilated by the slow pace of leisure on the island. He did not have to think about anything else. Just sitting quietly in the attic and killing time felt pretty good.

The two of them drank coffee and chatted. The atmosphere was very warm.

Xia ruofei had decided to sit for a while longer. After all, they had walked a long way. He did not feel tired. However, Lin Qiao was a girl. She did not feel tired now because she was more excited. She would be sore in the waist and legs tomorrow. josei

Lin Qiao’s phone on the table rang with a WeChat notification. She picked it up and said happily,””It’s big sister Jennifer!”

The last time Xia ruofei took Lin Qiao on a graduation trip to Australia, they met Tang Yitian and Jennifer. Lin Qiao and Jennifer became good friends who talked about almost everything.

“Jennifer uses WeChat too?” Xia ruofei asked, surprised.

Lin Qiao replied without looking up,”Of course! And it was in Chinese! Her Chinese is pretty good!”

Xia ruofei couldn’t help but laugh.”Don’t tell me you’re her only friend on WeChat.”

Although WeChat dominated the field of instant messaging in China, its influence in the world was still not as good as instant messaging software such as msn. Users in Western countries were more used to using software such as line and msn. Jennifer’s relatives and friends in Australia would certainly not use WeChat.

“How is that possible?” Lin Qiao laughed. Didn’t their company invest in movies in China? She usually uses WeChat to contact her when it comes to work. ”

While they were talking about this, Lin Qiao’s phone rang again. This time, it was a video call request.

Lin Qiao accepted the application immediately. She picked up her phone and said with a smile,””Sister Jennifer!”

Xia ruofei was sitting opposite Lin Qiao. He couldn’t see Lin Qiao’s phone screen but he could hear the voice from the phone.

“Lin, are you drinking coffee?” Jennifer said,”it looks like a great coffee shop!”

“Yup! Sister Jennifer! The coffee in this shop is very good!” Lin Qiao smiled and said,”and you won’t be able to guess who I’m with!”

“Oh?” Jennifer asked with some interest,”your boyfriend? Didn’t you ...”

“Sister Jennifer!” Jennifer was interrupted by Lin Qiao in a hurry. She blushed and said,”you’d better see for yourself!”

Then, Lin Qiao turned the phone around and pointed the front camera at Xia ruofei.

Her mobile phone naturally had a rear camera, but by flipping it over directly, Jennifer could see Xia ruofei and Xia ruofei could also see Jennifer.

Xia ruofei saw Jennifer on the screen in a cool short – sleeved shirt and shorts. The background was the beautiful beach and the blue sea. Australia and China were in two hemispheres. The seasons were the opposite. It was still summer in Australia.

Xia ruofei smiled and waved at the camera.””Hey! Jennifer, long time no see!”

Jennifer’s eyes widened in surprise and she covered her mouth with her hand. After a while, she said,””Xia! I didn’t expect you to be with Lin! Is she on break?”

“Not yet, but I just happened to be on holiday at Heron Island, so I decided to visit Qiao’ er on the way!” Xia ruofei said, then he asked,”Jennifer, is everything okay at home? How’s Haoran?”

“Very good! He’s been practicing the Kung Fu you taught him very hard!” Jennifer said,”but he’s not with me, or I could have let him talk to you! He and his father are both in Sydney. I’m the one on vacation this time. ”

“That’s such a pity!” Xia ruofei shrugged his shoulders and said,”add me on WeChat later. When you’re with Haoran, let’s video call each other!”

“Alright, alright!” Jennifer said happily,”he missed you too!”

“Mm! I might come back to Australia in two months!” Xia ruofei said,”tell Haoran to work hard on his martial arts! I’ll check on his progress when the time comes!”

Jennifer smiled and said,”okay!” I’ll definitely pass on your earnest teachings!”

Xia ruofei could not help but laugh. It seemed that Jennifer’s habit of using idioms had not changed.

Lin Qiao pouted and said,”brother ruofei, it’s my turn to chat with sister Jennifer!” My hands are so sore from holding it like this!”

Xia ruofei laughed and said,”good, good, good!” Jennifer, then we’ll see each other in Australia!”

“I look forward to our reunion!” Jennifer said.

Lin Qiao turned the phone around and said intimately,””Big sister Jennifer, the scenery over there is so beautiful! It’s a pity that the next time brother ruofei comes to Australia, my school will have already started. I really want to go there again!”

Jennifer said with a smile,”then come over during the summer break!” You’re always welcome here! By the way, Lin, is this the coffee shop with a romantic love story you told me about last time?”

Lin Qiao blushed and nodded,””Mm ...”

“It seems that your wish has been fulfilled!” Jennifer smiled and said,”congratulations, Lin!”

“We just happened to pass by with brother ruofei today, so we came in to sit for a while ... Sister Jennifer, wait a moment!” Lin Qiao quickly said.

Then, Lin Qiao quickly glanced at Xia ruofei and said embarrassedly,”Brother ruofei, do you ... Want to go down and take a walk?”

Xia ruofei was stunned and asked,”what’s wrong?” What’s there to see down there?”

Lin Qiao pouted and said,”I’m going to talk to Sister Jennifer about some girly topics!” It’s not convenient for you to listen ...”

Xia ruofei didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. You’re the one who dragged me in, and now you’re complaining that I’m in the way ...”

“No, I didn ‘t! There’s nothing else!” Lin qiaojiao said,”brother ruofei, please help ...”

“Alright, alright, alright, I’m scared of you!” Xia ruofei stood up with a bitter smile.”Then you guys take your time. I’ll go downstairs to take a look!”

“Yes, brother ruofei is the best!” Lin Qiao said with a smile.

Xia ruofei went downstairs and paid for the two cups of coffee. Then, he walked out of the coffee shop and strolled around. His hearing was much more sensitive than ordinary people ‘s. If he stayed in the shop, he would probably be able to hear the conversation between Lin Qiao and Jennifer even if he was downstairs.

Since Lin Qiao didn’t want him to listen, he might as well walk further away.

After Xia ruofei went downstairs, Lin Qiao heaved a sigh of relief and said to Jennifer,””Sister Jennifer, I haven’t confessed to brother ruofei yet! He’s like a real sister to me ... You almost let it slip just now ...”

At this point, Lin Qiao’s face showed a trace of disappointment.

Jennifer, however, showed a puzzled look and said,””A slip of the tongue? My mouth isn’t injured? Why did it leak?”

“It means ... I almost revealed my secret and brother ruofei heard it ...” Lin Qiao didn’t know whether to laugh or to cry.

“Oh!” Jennifer was suddenly enlightened, and then she said with a smile,”isn’t that just right? Since you don’t dare to confess to Xia, I’ll help you! Oh, I can tell him about this on WeChat ...”

Lin Qiao was shocked and quickly said,””Don ‘t! Big sister Jennifer, please don ‘t!”


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