God-tier Farm

Chapter 1410

Chapter 1410


Chapter 1410: A big move (2)

Translator: 549690339

In fact, Feng Jing felt a sense of accomplishment when she worked in Xia ruofei’s company. There were two aspects to it. One was that the company she led was thriving and she had created miracles time and time again. On the other hand, this sense of accomplishment would be infinitely weakened because she often felt that all these results seemed to have little to do with her.

If this was any other company, Feng Jing might have already left for another company. Yingluo had never considered money as her top priority when it came to choosing a job.

However, this was Xia ruofei’s company. Feng Jing knew that she had been unknowingly bound to him. As long as Xia ruofei asked her to stay, she would definitely not leave.

Feng Rao’s thoughts started to run wild.

Seeing that Feng Jing didn’t say anything, Xia ruofei thought that she didn’t agree with his opinion. He patiently explained,””Sister che, a 5% bonus isn’t much. This was just like a tax. The more you paid, the more you earned! You know my personality. If the company is developing well, how can I treat everyone badly?”

Only then did Feng Rao come back to her senses. Her face was slightly hot, and she smiled uncomfortably.”Alright, since you insist on this ratio, I have no objections!”

Then, Feng Jing opened her plan and said,””Since we haven’t managed to get enough senior executives this year, I’m considering taking out a portion of this 5% bonus to encourage ordinary employees who perform well at work. After all, these employees are the first – generation entrepreneurs of the company.”

“I agree,” Xia ruofei smiled and said,”tell me your plan!”

Feng Jing nodded.”I plan to take out 1% of the profits, which is about 3 million Chinese dollars, to motivate the ordinary employees. This is an extra bonus on top of the year – end bonus. I think the bonus range should be limited to 50 people. This way, each person can get an extra bonus of about 60000 Yuan.”

“Sure!” Xia ruofei agreed. josei

The annual income of an ordinary employee in paradise Corporation, after deducting the insurance and housing expenses, was about 70000 to 150000 Yuan. The year – end bonus was about 10000 to 50000 Yuan. To be able to get an additional 60000 Yuan as a special reward was already very good for an ordinary employee.

Moreover, the Paradise company only had two to three hundred employees. If the reward range was too large, it would become a general award and lose the meaning of motivation.

Therefore, it was more appropriate to limit the reward range to around 50 people.

“The other 4%, which is about 12 million Yuan, will be used to reward the company’s senior executives, including the heads of the newly formed departments.” Feng Rao continued.

Xia ruofei had no objection to this. Although the new department had just been established, the directors of these departments had been in charge of this part of the work in their original jobs. Their actual work was equivalent to that of a director and they deserved to be rewarded.

“I’m thinking that the bonus will be higher,” Feng Jing said.”I personally think that we shouldn’t give out the year – end bonus again ...”

Xia ruofei opened his mouth and instinctively wanted to object, but Feng Jing beat him to it. “”RUO Fei, let me finish. “According to the company’s previous salary system, the year – end bonus for senior executives is about 500000 to 800000 Yuan. If we use the bonus plan, each person can get an average of 1.8 million Yuan, which is more than twice the year – end bonus. I think the incentive effect is already very obvious, so it’s more appropriate to use this kind of bonus as the year – end bonus. Otherwise, the gap between the income of senior executives and ordinary employees is too obvious, which may not be a good thing ...”

“Actually, I think the current gap is already quite big,” Feng Jing mumbled.

Xia ruofei thought for a while and finally nodded.””Alright, we’ll do as you say! How do we allocate them?”

Feng Jing had already come up with a plan for this, so she replied without hesitation,””The Chief Marketing Officer and the Chief Financial Officer will each get 2 million Yuan. The rest of the directors and branch managers will get 1.6 million Yuan each. What do you think?”

Both CMOS and DFO were considered company leaders, while directors were department leaders and branch managers. Therefore, there was a certain difference in treatment between the two, which was necessary.

Xia ruofei thought for a while and nodded.””Alright, let’s stick to this plan! Sister ran, keep this a secret for a few days. I’m going to announce it at the annual meeting and give everyone a surprise!”

Feng Rao smiled and said,””No problem! I did all of this myself, and Liu Qian doesn’t know anything about it. Don’t worry, I’ll keep it a secret!”

Then, Feng Jing took out a thin document and handed it to Xia ruofei.””After I finished the company’s structure Plan these two days, I had some thoughts, mainly about the salary structure. I’ll report it to you at the same time!”

“Alright!” Xia ruofei took it and glanced at it. He looked interested and said,”salary grading system?”

Feng Jing nodded.”With the expansion of the company, it’s necessary to improve the salary system. The current salary system is too primitive. There’s no obvious difference between the Old and New employees, and there’s no difference between technical and administrative staff. Of course, the more important role of the hierarchical system is to create a career path and promote enthusiasm at work!”

Xia ruofei was no longer a newbie who knew nothing about business. Although he was used to being the boss of the company, he had been running the Paradise Corporation for almost two years, so he understood Feng Jing’s words very quickly.

“More accurately, this is the personnel grading system,” he said with a smile.

“Yes,” Feng Rao nodded. “The benefits of this system are obvious. For example, if we already have a personnel grading system, we only need to define the scope of the level of participation and determine the proportion of dividends for the different levels of personnel.”

Xia ruofei nodded and said,”interesting ... Tell me more about it!”

Feng Jing said,”I’ve followed the current mainstream salary system and made some adjustments according to the company’s current situation. It’s mainly divided into technical and management positions, which are divided into T – Types and M – Types. Each type is divided into ten levels.”

“Come, have some tea. Let’s talk slowly ...” Xia ruofei pushed the cup of tea in front of Feng Jing.

Feng Rao took a sip of tea and continued,””T1 and M1 are basically some relatively low – end positions, such as front desk, reception, cleaning, factory and farm junior workers, and so on. There are also newly – hired specialized students. T2 and M2 correspond to newly – employed undergraduate students ...”

Feng Rao introduced the corresponding personnel of each position in as concise a language as possible.

According to her design, the M10 was basically the company’s chairman alone, while the T10 was similar to the Chief Scientist. It could be one or more people, but the requirements were extremely high. If there was anyone in paradise Corporation who was qualified, it would be Xia ruofei.

As the president of the company, she set herself as M9, and so on. The Vice President was M8, the Deputy Director of the Department and the deputy manager of the branch company were M7, and so on. The level of technical positions was similar, and the evaluation standard was naturally technical strength.

Each level had its own corresponding salary standards and benefits. The starting salary of the entry – Level T1 and M1 was about 6K, with a salary of 15 yuan per year and year – end bonuses. As for the senior executives above level 7, they were basically on an annual salary system, starting from 400000 Yuan per year, in addition to profit dividends and so on.

In addition, Feng Jing had also set up a detailed evaluation standard. There would be two evaluations each year. The employee’s working years, technical strength, and actual work achievements would be included in the evaluation. Each evaluation would determine whether the employee would be promoted, retained, or demoted.

As Xia ruofei listened, he flipped through Feng Jing’s proposal and nodded in approval.

However, when he glanced at the salary list, he couldn’t help but ask,”Sister che, isn’t the salary and benefits of this M9 a little too low?”


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