God-tier Farm

Chapter 858

Chapter 858

Chapter 858: Let nature take its course (2)

Translator: 549690339

When he returned to the foot of the mountain, Cao tieshu, who had received the notice, was already waiting with a few workers who were working in the orchard.

Xia ruofei asked uncle Luo to show Nannan around the area. Then, he introduced Lin Yue ‘e and Cao tieshu to each other. After that, he asked the workers of the orchard to meet their supervisor.

Lin Yue ‘e stayed behind to take over the work at the orchard from Cao tieshu. Xia ruofei drove uncle Luo and Nannan back to the villa.

Hu Zi’s mother was wearing an apron and preparing lunch. Actually, it was still quite early for lunch, which showed how much importance she placed on the guests. josei

Xia ruofei brought uncle Luo and Nan Nan back to the villa and introduced them to Hu Zi’s mother. Hu Zi’s mother immediately welcomed them to the living room and took out many sweets, biscuits, and fruits for Nan Nan to eat.

Nan Nan was also very sensible. After getting her grandfather’s consent, she said,”thank you, grandma,” very obediently. Then, she picked up a small piece of milk candy and put it in her mouth.

Xia ruofei gave Lin Qiao a call and told her that Nan Nan had arrived at home. Lin Qiao immediately applied for leave from the company and returned home.

Nan Nan was a very cute little girl. In addition, she and Lin Qiao had similar energy. One of them had lost her brother, and the other had lost her father. Moreover, the two martyrs were in the same Army, so Lin Qiao simply loved Nan Nan very much.

Although Nan Nan was young, she could also feel that someone was sincere and good to her. Therefore, she soon became very close to Hu Zi’s mother and Lin Qiao, especially Lin Qiao, who had become Nan Nan’s good friend.

Xia ruofei gave Lin Yue ‘e a call. She had already completed the handover with Cao tieshu and was now getting a few workers to bring her around the orchard to familiarize herself with the situation!

She was fully in the zone on the first day of work because she knew that she could not let down Xia ruofei’s good intentions and the high salary of eight thousand Yuan a month. Therefore, she devoted herself to work on the first day.

Xia ruofei had wanted to ask her to come over after the handover, but she was so enthusiastic about work that Xia ruofei did not want to dampen her enthusiasm, so he said,””Sister – in – Law, you can come to the villa directly after you’re done! If you don’t know the way, you can ask a worker to guide you. Uncle Luo and Nan Nan are already here. ”

“Alright!” Lin Yue ‘e said.

Hence, Xia ruofei stayed in the living room on the first floor to chat with uncle Luo while Lin Qiao played with Nan Nan. Nan Nan was very curious about everything in the villa, especially the two beautiful blood – Red Dragons in the living room. She could not take her eyes off them.

Lin Yue ‘e only arrived at Xia ruofei’s Villa when it was almost noon.

Everyone naturally exchanged pleasantries again.

The lone wolf assault team had become the emotional link between everyone. Although it was their first time meeting, Lin Yue ‘e was very close to Hu Zi’s mother and Lin Qiao.

Hu Zi’s mother had prepared a lot of dishes for the family dinner and even asked Xia ruofei to bring out two bottles of Semillon wine.

The vegetables were the peach Garden vegetables that Xia ruofei had prepared. They were not grown in the greenhouse but in the spirit map space. At that time, he had harvested a large amount of vegetables, but he could not finish them in a short time, so he stored them in the space.

Then, he would put them in the refrigerator every few days.

Hu Zi’s mother also thought that Xia ruofei had taken it from the vegetable greenhouse, so she did not pay much attention to it.

The taste of the Paradise vegetables was much better than those grown in the greenhouse. In addition, there was also the Semillon wine stored in the spirit map space, which was also a top – grade wine.

Hence, everyone enjoyed the meal to the fullest. They chatted and chatted until around 1:30 in the afternoon. Lin Yue ‘e saw that Nan Nan was already very tired, so she stood up and took her leave.

Hu ‘er’s mother personally sent Lin Yue’ e and her family off. She even held Lin Yue ‘E’s hand and said,””Yue ‘e, we’ve been staying at RUO Fei’s place during this period of time. We’re so close to each other, so you should come and visit us when you’re free!”

“I will, Auntie!” Lin Yue ‘e said,”then we’ll head back first! Nan Nan, say goodbye to grandma and the rest!”

Nan Nan immediately said obediently,”goodbye, uncle Xia!” Goodbye, grandma! Goodbye, Auntie Qiao’ er!”

The little girl had placed Xia ruofei first. It seemed that Xia ruofei was still the highest in her heart.


In the next few days, Xia ruofei took care of the daily affairs of the company.

For example, he went out and took out a batch of kun fish seedlings he caught in the medium and brought them back to the farm.

Jiang Hua, who was in the pomfrets cultivation workshop, carefully transferred the treasures to the cultivation pool that he had prepared.

In addition, Xia ruofei also took advantage of his free time these few days to add the spirit Heart Flower petal solution to the water tank at the top of the farm and the water tank in the pomfrets cultivation workshop to ensure that the crops on the entire farm were fully nourished.

With the increase in the production capacity of the greenhouse, in addition to providing supplies to a few of its old partners, such as Hong Kong’s Hengfeng group, San Shan’s lingji food and beverage chain, and Xi Jiang Yue Hui, some of its partners had also received a certain quota through their super channels.

In the past, if people wanted to Taste Paradise vegetables, they had to go to a few chain restaurants like Ling Ji restaurant. Now, they could buy them at the supermarket.

Although the price of Taoyuan vegetables in the supermarket was not friendly at all, and the main source of goods was still concentrated in the southeast province, in any case, Taoyuan vegetables had taken the first step and entered the homes of ordinary people.

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