God-tier Farm

Chapter 923

Chapter 923

Chapter 923: Taking a walk and discussing a business deal worth tens of millions (1)

Translator: 549690339

As soon as Xia ruofei said this, Old West, his wife, and Lin Qiao were all stunned. Their expressions were synchronized. Their eyes were wide open, and their mouths were slightly agape. They looked extremely surprised.

Old West quickly came back to his senses. He remembered that this young Chinese neighbor was the owner of the vast farm next door. In recent years, Chinese people had become richer and richer, and they often bought businesses all over the world.

There were also many Chinese people in Australia. They waved their checkbooks to buy farms and wineries, spending money without even blinking.

Although West Winery had a history of 150 years, it didn’t cover a large area. In terms of value, it was far inferior to Paradise Farm, which covered 6000 hectares.

Since this young rich Chinese man could afford Paradise Farm, then the money to buy such a small winery was definitely not a problem.

Old West’s mind became active at that thought.

However, after he exchanged a look with cabeli, he still said seriously,””Xia, buying a winery is no small matter. I hope it’s not an impulsive decision.”

Xia ruofei smiled.”Of course not. My money doesn’t come from nowhere.”

“But you haven’t even inspected our winery ...”

“The last time I came to Australia, the field study was completed.” Xia ruofei smiled and said,”I’ve been doing an inspection of the winery’s products since I returned to the country! You heard it just now, my sister also has a deep impression of the West winery’s Semillon. ”

Xia ruofei was referring to the last time he visited the West Winery.

Of course, the visit to the winery was only a cursory one. However, the hundred – year history of the West Winery was still there. It was also quite famous in the Hunter Valley area. All of this could not be faked.

As for the winery’s valuation, even if Xia ruofei looked at it ten times, he would not be able to make an accurate judgment. In fact, when they were acquiring the winery, they used the valuation report given by a third – party evaluation agency as a reference.

This was the job of such an evaluation agency. In most cases, the reports issued were objective and fair, and they would not overestimate themselves, or else they would smash their own rice bowls.

The West Winery was ready for sale and had been evaluated by a third party. Xia ruofei only needed to use the evaluation report as a reference.

Of course, a formal overseas merger and acquisition was much more complicated than this. It needed to consider the return of investment, market positioning, sales channels, management model, and so on.

After the acquisition was confirmed, a trading team consisting of banks, accountants, lawyers, market analysts, and a bilingual overseas professional service team should be formed.

However, Xia ruofei did not have to consider so many complicated things. No matter how detailed the calculations were, the winery’s profits would still depend on the product.

On the other hand, Xia ruofei had a heaven – defying divine weapon like the spirit map space. He had an unparalleled advantage in terms of products. Naturally, there was no need to be too calculative about the other details.

In fact, Xia ruofei did not do it on a whim. He had planned to buy a vineyard, especially after he bought the Semillon last time. Almost everyone who drank it praised it. Xia ruofei had intended to get involved in the business at that time.

The West Winery was undoubtedly a very suitable acquisition target.

However, this winery was a family winery that had been around for more than a hundred years. Under normal circumstances, people would not sell it. Thus, when Xia ruofei heard Liang Qichao say that Old West was in a hurry to sell the winery to pay off his debts, he had already started to think about it.

Of course, if he really bought the winery, he would definitely have to “improve” the quality of the grapes in the vineyard.

Old West asked excitedly,””Xia, are you sure you’re serious?”

“I’m very sure, uncle Carter,” Xia ruofei smiled and said,”if you can agree to one of my conditions, I think we can discuss the specific details of the acquisition.”

“What condition?” Old West was finally moved and quickly asked.

Xia ruofei looked at old Wester and his wife and said seriously,””My condition is that I hope you can continue to stay at the winery and be responsible for the management and operation of the winery. Of course, I’ll give you some time to deal with the finishing touches of the Melbourne company.”

Xia ruofei had specifically asked about this just now to confirm whether the old Wests would try to revive the company in Melbourne or simply end the business there after selling the winery.

He needed professionals to help him manage the winery, and old Wests and his wife were obviously the perfect candidates.

Most importantly, this couple had a special feeling for the West Winery. Xia ruofei believed that they were the most suitable managers for the winery.

So, he confirmed that Old West had no intention of continuing to operate the company in Melbourne and proposed the acquisition.

Old West exchanged a look with Capella and asked excitedly,””Xia, you’re saying we can still stay at the West Winery?”

Xia ruofei shrugged and smiled.””It’s not “can,” it’s a must. Of course, I’ll pay you according to the market rate. ”

Old West didn’t hesitate and immediately said,””I agree! Xia, your conditions are so generous that I can’t refuse. ”

Auntie caitley also said happily,””Xia, the most unacceptable thing for Carter is that he has to leave this place after selling the winery. If he can continue to work here, he’ll be willing to do it even without a salary.”

Old West couldn’t help but chuckle.

“Uncle Carter, let’s talk about the details of the acquisition!” Xia ruofei said.

“Alright!” Old West immediately stood up and said,”I’m going to get the valuation report for our winery.”

Xia ruofei nodded.”Okay. I’ll make a call too. I’ll ask brother Liang to arrange a property rights lawyer for me.”

Lawyers were naturally responsible for the legal Affairs of the entire acquisition process, including the preparation of the acquisition documents and the resolution of possible legal disputes during the process.

Old West saw that Xia ruofei was about to get a lawyer to follow up and knew that Xia ruofei was serious. His face was full of joy, and even his steps became lighter.

While Old West went to get the valuation report, Xia ruofei called Liang Qichao.

On the phone, Xia ruofei told Liang Qichao that he was going to buy West Winery and asked him to find a qualified property rights lawyer as soon as possible.

After Liang Qichao heard this, he was so shocked that he couldn’t speak for a long time.

After a long while, he muttered,”ruofei, the West winery’s transaction involves at least tens of millions of Chinese dollars, right?” You ... You went out for a walk and in less than 15 minutes, you’ve made a deal that’s worth tens of millions?”

Xia ruofei laughed and said,”West Winery is indeed not bad!” Uncle Carter is interested in selling, and I’m interested in buying. Isn’t it just a matter of hitting it off?”

“Alright!” Liang Qichao said. You’re rich, so you can be willful ...”

Xia ruofei laughed and said,”hurry up and help me contact a lawyer!” What’s the earliest we can get to the winery?”

“A lot of Chinese people have come to buy Australian wineries and farms in the past two years, so Hunter Valley has a law firm like this one. I’ll be able to contact them immediately!” Liang Qichao said immediately. By the way, do you need to contact a bank representative?”

“No, I’m not going to apply for a loan,” Xia ruofei said.

Liang Qichao was hit hard again.””Okay ... I’ll contact them for you immediately.”

Liang Qichao was very efficient. In about half an hour, he had brought a tall and thin white man to West Winery.

This white man was the lawyer that Liang Qichao had found in Hunter Valley, heinte. Lawyer heinte was quite famous in Hunter Valley. He specialized in acquisition legal services and property rights lawyers. Liang Qichao met him at a community event in Hunter Valley, so he asked him for help this time.

Xia ruofei was looking through Old West’s winery valuation report.

It was still a little difficult for him to read the report in pure English. He had never gone to college. After joining the army, he had learned some common English because of his work, and could only carry out simple spoken communication.

Xia ruofei’s English had only improved after he obtained the spirit map space. To be exact, his mental strength had gotten stronger. His memory and comprehension had improved as well. That was why he could master Chinese medicine and English in his spare time.

Xia ruofei was trying to improve his ability because he knew that English would be a must when the company went international.

However, Xia ruofei found it difficult to read professional texts like the winery’s valuation report.

After Liang Qichao arrived, he introduced Old West and Xia ruofei to lawyer heinte.

Heinte was quite famous in the Hunter Valley area. Old West had obviously heard of his name before, so he smiled and said,””With Mr. Heinte around, I believe there will be no loopholes in the merger and acquisition documents ...”

Xia ruofei first signed a power of attorney that entrusted lawyer heinte with full authority to handle the legal business in this merger and acquisition. After that, heinte quickly entered work mode. josei

After carefully reading the valuation report, he said to Xia ruofei,””Mr. Xia, the West Winery has a 10 – hectare vineyard and more than 20000 bottles of wine of different ages. In addition to the winery’s auxiliary buildings and other assets, my preliminary judgment is that this valuation report is objective and fair. It can be used as a reference for your price negotiation.”

Xia ruofei smiled and nodded. Then, he said to Old West,””Uncle Carter, we can talk about the price now.”

Old West said without thinking,””Xia, you already know our position just now. As long as your bid is higher than 1.8 million Australian dollars, this winery will be yours!”

Xia ruofei smiled and wagged his index finger.“no! no! no! Uncle Carter, the price of 1.8 million Australian dollars is a little unreasonable ...”

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