Godly Empress Doctor

Chapter 3710 - 3710

Chapter 3710 - 3710: Escape (3)

Chapter 3710: Escape (3)

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

“Master Mu Jiuzhou is the master teacher’s master!”

He was so excited that he was shaking from head to toe.

Just then, he glanced around and spotted the little hole and Feng Wu’s butt.

“Feng Wu! Where do you think you’re going?!” The man tried to grab Feng Wu’s leg.

But Feng Wu reacted quickly as well.

In a moment of life and death, she had to be fast.

Feng Wu quickly went through the hole, and the man missed his target.

The man was furious.

“You brat! Where do you think you can go?!” He tried to crawl in through the hole.

However, Feng Wu had calculated the opening beforehand. She had only corroded a space wide enough for her to get through. As for the man in black, he was too big to get in.

The man wanted to break down the door, but it was made from some unknown material, and he couldn’t break it no matter how hard he tried.

Inside, Feng Wu made faces at him.

The man was furious.

Feng Wu ran away after making the face. She knew that the door wouldn’t stop the man. He would come in eventually.

Therefore, her top priority now was to get into the hall and run as fast as she could.

It was a spacious square paved with white marble.

Seeing the white jade brick of the same size, Feng Wu didn’t rush toward the main hall. Instead, she carefully observed her surroundings.

She was right. There was a trap.

If she stepped on the wrong brick, she might trigger the hidden trap. At her current level, she would be killed in no time.

Luckily, she was good at formations.

Pressing her fingers together, she tried to deduce the formation in her head.

It was the Nine-Layered Maze Formation.

The formation would trap people here so that they wouldn’t be able to leave the square. They would keep walking until they died of exhaustion.

It wasnt easy to get out.

After figuring out the right path, Feng Wu began to walk with her eyes closed.

If one opened their eyes, they could easily make a mistake because the most impressive thing about this formation was that it could confuse one’s eyes.

Feng Wu covered her eyes with a black cloth, and it took her fifteen minutes to walk from the square to the main hall.

Feng Wu only let out a breath of relief when she stepped into the hall.

By then, her forehead was covered with sweat.

Wiping away the sweat on her forehead, Feng Wu heard some noise behind her. Turning around, she saw the black-robed man come in.

The silver-masked man came in with him.

She had no idea how the two men got in, but they were already there.

They looked up to find Feng Wu standing outside the main hall, and their eyes went bloodshot red. They wanted to fly to Feng Wu’s side right away. josei

But reality surprised them.

Because when they rushed in, they realized that they couldn’t control where they were going.

Feng Wu was less than ten meters away from them, but they realized that they couldn’t make it to her side.

They kept walking and even ran as fast as they could, but they still couldn’t get within ten meters of her.

Only then did Feng Wu let out a breath of relief and waved at them.

“Stop! Stop right there!”

Seeing that Feng Wu was leaving, the black-robed man shouted at her. Feng Wu smiled at them. “Don’t worry about chasing me. Just stay here.”

“Stop right there!” The black-robed man was furious..

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