Godly Empress Doctor

Chapter 4152 - 4152

Chapter 4152 - 4152: Desert Divine Palace (1)

Chapter 4152: Desert Divine Palace (1)

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

However, was it as safe as Feng Wu said?

It was five days later when they arrived at the desert palace.

“We’re finally here.” Chaoge saw the ruins of the divine palace a short distance away and turned to Feng Wu. “Luckily, you know the way. I would have gotten lost by now if I were you.”

The Desert God Palace was surrounded by a formation. Ordinary people wouldn’t be able to get in, but Feng Wu’s formation level was already very advanced, so it wouldn’t be a problem for her.

They were still walking in the formation when they heard a voice. “Hey, are you here to look for the ancient ruins as well?”

An excited voice rang out.

Feng Wu looked up and saw a teenager in a red robe. He was running happily toward Feng Wu and stopped in front of her. “Are you trapped here as well? Do you have anything to eat? Give me something to eat!”

Feng Wu was speechless.

“Who are you?” Before Feng Wu could say anything, Feng Xun stepped out and narrowed his eyes.

“I’m from the Mountain Sea Academy, and my name is Ji Xingcheng. I’ve been trapped here for so long that I thought I was going to starve to death. Luckily, I ran into you.” The red-robed teenager suddenly frowned. “Are you trapped here as well?”

Feng Wu gave him some food but didn’t answer his question. Instead, she asked him why he was trapped there.

Ji Xingcheng heaved a long sigh. “I came here with my senior brothers and sisters, but I got separated from them and got stranded here. I don’t know what happened to them, but they have the map, and with Senior Sister Zhao Xin, who knows formations, they should have left by now.”

The teenager said to Feng Wu as he ate, “But don’t worry. Senior Sister Zhao Xin will definitely come in to save us. Just come with me. When they come to me, you can leave with them.”

Feng Xun said grumpily, “Don’t worry. Xiao Wu will get us out of here. There’s no need to wait for your Senior Martial Sister.”

Ji Xingcheng looked at Feng Wu in surprise. “Judging from your accent and clothes, I don’t think you’re from Dayan.”

Feng Xun said, ‘We’re from the Junwu Empire.”

“The Junwu Empire? What’s that… Ah!” Ji Xingcheng smacked his forehead. “I studied geography in school. The Junwu Empire? It’s more like a small kingdom, isn’t it? Are you really from that uncivilized place?”

Uncivilized place?

Feng Xun didn’t like the sound of that at all and retorted, “What do you mean? The Junwu Empire is great! It’s nothing like that!”

Ji Xingcheng said, “Judging by the map, your small Junwu Empire is only the size of a sesame seed. How can it not be… Alright, alright. Since you’ve given me the supplies, I won’t say another word, alright?”

So, it really was an uncivilized place, Ji Xingcheng thought to himself.

He had some hope for this team at first, hoping that they might actually get him out. However, ever since he found out that they were from a backwater place, he lost all hope because it was impossible.

“Just listen to me. Sit here and wait. You’re not going anywhere…”

“Wait a minute!josei

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