Godly Farmer Doctor: Arrogant Husband, Can't Afford To Offend!

Chapter 926 - Save him first

Chapter 926 - Save him first

Chapter 926: Save him first

The yard was full of people. Some were lying, sitting, standing, or running, but most of them were tied up with ropes. several assassins armed with machetes were attacking people. The shadow guard started fighting with the two of them. Behind the shadow guard, a man was lying on the ground. His hands and feet were tied. His mouth was stuffed with a cloth ball, and blood gushing from his abdomen.

This man was no one else but Master Guan that Bai Zhi was looking for.

Master Guan was still conscious. His eyes filled with pain were fixedly staring at a child not far from him. The child was also lying on the ground and crying. He looked like 4 or 5-years-old. Seeing the expression on Master Guan’s face, he should be his grandson.

Bai Zhi rushed forward, took out the scalpel she had been pinching under her sleeve, and cut the rope that was tied on Master Guan’s hands and feet. Then took out the cloth ball stuffed in his mouth.

Seeing that it was her, Master Guan showed a reassuring look on his face. He wanted to get up and go to the child’s side, but he fell on the ground again after moving a bit. The wound on his abdomen was so painful.

Bai Zhi quickly reminded: “Master Guan, you shouldn’t move right now. Lie flat and relax. I will help you stop the bleeding first.”

Master Guan knew that she was a doctor. He grabbed her arm with one hand and said anxiously: “Please, save my grandson first. He is also injured. Save him first.”

Bai Zhi glanced over the child and immediately shook her head towards Master Guan: “No, you are in a more dangerous situation than him. He just broke his calf. It is painful, but there is no harm in his life. You are different. If we don’t deal with your wound first, you will die.”

When Master Guan heard that his grandson’s life was in no danger, he was relieved. Then he said: “Then save him first. His parents are gone. He is the only lifeblood left in our Guan family. I can’t let something happened to him!” josei

Bai Zhi took out her handkerchief and pressed it on his wound while wondering how long it would take her to send him to Dongfang Family Mansion. Can he hold on for so long?

“Master Guan, believe me, he will be fine. Think about it, he is still so young. If something happens to you, what will he do?”

Master Guan was stunned. Yes, Miss Bai was right. If something happens to him, what will happen to this grandson? It doesn’t matter if the Guan family’s property falls into the hands of others. It’s just, he’s afraid that this child won’t survive after that.

No, he can’t die, absolutely can’t.

“Okay, I listen to you.”

The two shadow guards subdued the assassins who came to slaughter the Guan family. Two of the assassins died, one escaped, while the others were captured.

Bai Zhi said to the shadow guard: “What are you doing in a daze? Save people, let everyone go.”

When the people were free and the gagged on their mouths was removed, the yard immediately became noisy.

Bai Zhi asked Master Guan to hold on to his wound. She stood up and said to those who were not injured: “You guys should go and get two stretchers and prepare two spacious carriages.”

The people in the Guan Family hadn’t recovered from the panic yet, so they only looked at Bai Zhi in a daze.

Bai Zhi shouted: “If you don’t want your master and young master to die, do it immediately.”

The people in the Guan Family returned to their senses and immediately followed Bai Zhi’s instructions. Not long after, the carriages and stretchers were ready soon.

Master Guan and Young Master Guan were carried into the carriage respectively.

Bai Zhi said to the people who followed: “Is there a member of the Guan family among you?”

Several men surnamed Guan immediately stepped forward. Although they were not direct descendants of the Guan family, they were from the side branch of the Guan family. They were in charge of some branches of the Guan family’s business, so they live very comfortably.

Bai Zhi said: “Your master has lost too much blood. Are you willing to give your blood to save him?”

The expressions of the three men changed drastically. Although Master Guan was kind to them, this kindness was not enough for them to repay their lives.

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