Gods' Impact Online

Chapter 19

Chapter 19

Chapter 19

Zach saw the girl sitting under the gazebo of the garden, eating cone crepe with a satisfied smile on her face.

’I found her earlier than I thought,’ Zach thought to himself. He entered the garden but turned around when he got cold feet.

’Come on, Zach. Why are you afraid of a girl?’ Zach was bad with girls. He couldn’t have a proper chat with them. The reason was he was honest and blunt. He had said many things one should never say to a girl, which got him into trouble many times.

Based on how the girl reacted in the restaurant, Zach knew it wouldn’t end well.

"If you are here to hurt me, then you better find another prey," the girl commented.

"...!" Surprised, Zach thought, ’I didn’t make any noise, nor should the girl be able to see me with her back facing my side.’

Zach sighed and walked to the gazebo. "How did you know there was someone around?"

The girl took a bite from her cone crepe and answered, "I am used to this."

"..." Zach raised his brows and uttered inwardly, ’Yup. This is not going to end well.’

"So..." The girl finally looked at Zach and asked, "Why are you here?"

"You are a healer, right?" Zach questioned. "How did you level up so fast?"

"What if I don’t want to answer?"

Zach shrugged his shoulders and uttered, "Fine by me."

The girl was shocked after hearing that. She was expecting Zach to beg more, but Zach was no simp. He was used to dealing with people like her.

"What’s wrong?" Zach asked with a smirk on his face.

"Nothing. If you are done, then get out of my sight. I can’t see the stars."

Zach turned around and looked up at the sky to see the stars. "What’s fun about watching stars?" he asked.

"I watch stars to calm myself. They help me feel better. And with our current condition when we are trapped in this game, they are the only—" She stopped and muttered, "Why am I telling him all this?"

"So you believe that we are trapped here for real?" Zach asked.

"Why shouldn’t I? I was playing with my two maids— made friends, and the monsters killed them. I hoped they would respawn, but they didn’t. Now that I think about it, they are dead..." she uttered with a sad look on her face.

’I won’t ask her what she meant by ’made friends.’ Zach took a deep breath and asserted, "I know this is not the right time, but can you heal me? I only have 50 HP right now."

Zach lied about having 50 HP since he didn’t want the girl to backstab him for no reason. Maybe he would have lost 1 HP by tripping or falling over?

"Why don’t you just go to church?"

’Because if I do, I wouldn’t be able to get answers from you.’ Zach thought of a reason for a while and said, "Because I wanted to get healed by a beautiful girl like you."

The girl choked on her crepe and glared at Zach with a mixed expression on her face.

’That was so soo cringe!’ Zach held the urge to facepalm himself. He looked at the girl to see her reaction, but much to his surprise, the girl didn’t show any reaction on her face at all.

’Now I feel so stupid,’ Zach sighed.

"You should save the chivalry for some other girl. You won’t get anything by hitting on me," the girl replied nonchalantly.

’No one was hitting on you! And you are not my type in the first place!’ Zach nodded and replied, "So, can you heal me or not?"

The girl sighed and answered, "Let me finish my crepe first." She ate her crepe slowly, even though Zach was waiting for her to finish.

After five minutes, the girl turned to Zach and asserted, "I charge one coin for 1 HP."

"What?!" Zach exclaimed. "You charge for healing?"

"The NPC at the church also charges, and her charge is ten coins for one HP. So I think I am charging less," the girl stated and murmured, "Take it as a gratitude for keeping me company."

"Wow!" Zach let out a weary sigh and said, "I never thought I would have to pay for refilling my HP."

"You pay for the hospital bill in the real world, don’t you? It’s the same here," the girl chuckled. josei

"The doctors have to do stuff in the real world. We pay for their work. But I don’t think healers need to do anything here."

"That’s not true. Healers use their MP to regenerate players’ HP. 1 MP refills 10 HP."

"Fine~" Zach groaned. "Heal me already."

"How much HP do you need me to refill?" the girl asked curiously.

"Full, of course."

The girl raised her staff and began to heal Zach.

’Wait, if 1 MP heals 10 HP. Then she would need 150 MP to heal my 1500 HP.’

The default MP for players after they reach level 5 was 100, but it could be increased after using accessible points. If she didn’t have 150 MP, then her HP would be used instead.

’Should I tell her? I don’t want her to go crazy afterward.’ Zach cleared his throat and said, "My full HP is 1500, by the way."

"Too late," the girl replied with a furious look on her face. "I thought you were just another player, but I guess I underestimated you."

"Can I see your stats?" Zach asked hesitantly with a curious look on his face.

"Sure. I don’t mind." The girl shrugged her shoulders and showed Zach her stats.

’Mission accomplished!’

Name- Aurora Edens.

Level- 13.

HP- 5500/5500

ATK- 290.

Physical Strength- 150.

Physical DEF- 320.


MP- 95/245

EXP- 17500/40000 (to level up.)

Physique- Mortal- 800/1000 (to evolve.)

Class- Warrior

Secondary class- Healer

Guild- Not joined.

Title- 1) Holy Maiden.

Skill- 1) Lyda Strike. 2) Super Healing

Zach could only utter one thing after seeing her stats: "You have got to be kidding me."


Total players in the game 46469.

0 new players logged in.

0 players died.


[Weekly target.]

«150 power stones- 1 chapter.»

«200 power stones - 2 chapters.»


Author’s Note- It took me nearly 30 minutes to create Aurora’s stat menu. I had to calculate the HP and EXP capacity according to level increase. Then, I had to calculate the accessible points and assign them respectively.

It doesn’t sound like a lot of work, but it actually is.

Thanks for reading.

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