Gods' Impact Online

Chapter 190

Chapter 190

Chapter 190

Victoria and the rest of the guild members were resting after clearing the 90th floor.

’This floor took us nearly 2 hours to complete, but it wasn’t tough,’ Victoria thought.

’Since the previous five floors also had scorpions as monsters, we got used to fighting them. Although the boss was much bigger, and there were five of them,’ Victoria sighed.

"Zach would have cleared the floor within a minute as he did on the last boss floor," Victoria muttered.

The boss on the 85th floor was the skeletal spider from the previous floor, but there were three of them.

The guild members were wary of it since it had so many legs, and it could move each of them with precise control to stab anything within a certain range. And since the guild member’s formation was totally dependent on melee attacks after stunning the enemy with magic and ranged attacks, they couldn’t fight the skeletal spider.

That’s when Zach used his DT skill on them and cleared the floor within five seconds, but that also used up nearly all his MP that he cultivated for 14 hours.

Aria glanced at the portal of Aria’s domain, which was at the corner of the floor, and bit her lips. She was feeling left out.

"I also want to get pampered by Zach..." she muttered in a low voice.

She stood up and walked to the portal while saying, "I am not going there to get his attention; I am going in to tell them the floor is cleared."

Victoria entered Aria’s domain and shivered in fear.

’I have already come here a couple of times, but the scenery still sends chills down my spine. It’s horrendous!’ Victoria cursed inwardly.

Victoria glanced around to look for Zach and Aria, but she couldn’t see them anywhere.

"Weird. They are usually cultivating or resting. Where did they go?" Victoria wondered.

She walked forward and came across the giant pointy stone hovering in the air. The lava was dripping from it was falling into the river of lava that traveled in the entire domain.

"I better stay 10 feet away from there.’

Suddenly, Cerberus landed in front of Victoria and scared the living hell out of her.

’For a moment, I thought it was a monster. But... it is still a monster, though. josei

Cerberus walked to the rock and rolled on the floor below it.

"..." Victoria watched Cerberus with an amusing look on her face.

Cerberus opened its mouth and waited for the lava to drip from the rock.


Cerberus was drinking lava with a delighted look on its face.


Victoria heard a weird noise coming from her right. She looked there to see the dragon coming out from the lava river.

The dragon flapped her body with a satisfied look on its face, and it almost looked as though it came out after taking a nice bath in the lava river.

’I think I should ask them where Zach and Aria are. They should know since they both are his pets.’

"Umm..." Victoria wanted to ask them where Zach was, but she was afraid to approach Cerberus.

’The dragon looks cute and less dangerous. I would ask it... or her...’ Zach had told Victoria and Aurora about the dragon and how he got the egg.

Victoria approached the dragon and asked, "Do you know where Zach is?"

The dragon ignored Victoria as though she didn’t exist.

"..." Victoria assumed the dragon didn’t hear her. So she said in a loud voice: "Do you know where Zach is?!"

Still, the dragon ignored her.

"Could it be that it can’t understand human language?" Victoria wondered. "I never saw Zach speaking directly... wait, I think Zach did speak in human language."

The dragon could hear and understand every word Victoria said, but she didn’t want to answer Victoria because Zach didn’t order her to do so.

Victoria asked the dragon a couple of times, but she ignored her and didn’t reply. With no other voice left, Victoria reluctantly decided to approach Cerberus, who was busy drinking the dripping lava.

’I am honestly scared because it’s so big that it can literally crush me under its feet, and I won’t even get a chance to defend myself!’ Victoria cried out inwardly.

After gathering up her courage, she stood in front of Cerberus and asked, "Do you know where Zach is?"

Cerberus turned its head towards Victoria and said, [You want to meet my liege?]

’It replied!’ Victoria never expected Cerberus to actually respond to her.

Victoria nodded and said, "Yes. Can you take me to where Zach and Aria are?"

Cerberus turned around and stood up. It walked forward and said, [Follow me.]

Victoria followed Cerberus, while the dragon slowly followed Victoria with its small body.

After walking for a while, they reached their destination— the throne area, only to see Zach and Aria making out on the throne.

"..." Victoria furrowed her brows and folded her arms below her bosom. She shook her head in disbelief and sighed.

"This is the fifth time I caught you two making out behind my back." She frowned her face and said, "While me and the others are fighting out there and putting our lives in danger, you two are indecently making out like rabbits in heat. What, are you newly dated couple?"

"First of all, rabbits don’t make out. And second, we actually ’are’ a new couple," Zach remarked.

Aria locked eye contact with Victoria and said, "Want to join?"

"I am not going to make out with him, but I am interested in sitting on your throne," Victoria answered in a calm tone.

Since the throne itself was hovering 25 feet above the ground in the air, Aria got off Zach’s lap and prepared to jump down so she could carry Victoria up the throne. But Zach stopped Aria by pulling her on his lap again.

"...!" Aria was left baffled and speechless. She couldn’t believe Zach didn’t want Victoria to join them.

However, Aria was mistaken.

Zach simply stopped Aria because he had already ordered Cerberus using telepathy to help Victoria out.

Cerberus placed its tail— which was a snake— on the ground near Victoria.

Victoria glanced at Zach with a confused look on her face and asked, "Won’t the fire burn me...?"

Since Cerberus’ body was made with fire and lava, it looked intimidating.

"Don’t worry. His fire won’t affect you."

Victoria got on top of Cerberus’ tail without asking any question because she trusted Zach more than anyone in the world.

Cerberus raised its tail to the throne and helped Victoria get on it.

Victoria jumped on the throne and landed on Zach’s lap beside Aria. But Victoria immediately got off Zach’s lap and sat beside him.

Aria continued kissing Zach and ignored the fact that Victoria was watching them. She looked at Victoria from the corner of her eyes while kissing Zach and smirked at her as though she was asserting her dominance.

Victoria furrowed her brows and glared at her in return since she couldn’t do anything else other than watching them.

"Want to join?" Aria asked Victoria.

"...." Victoria gulped down after looking at Zach’s lips and slowly got on his lap.



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Author’s Note- These two need to give a break to Victoria.

Thanks, @Jon_Smith_Daoist, for the gift!

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