Gods' Impact Online

Chapter 39

Chapter 39

Chapter 39

In the heavens.



[That was expected.]


Some gods sighed, some groaned, while some laughed. They were talking and discussing matters with each other regarding the Gods’ impact and what had happened so far.

[It’s been a week since we trapped the humans’ souls in our newly created online world.]


[Only 10% of them are taking it seriously. 30% are trying to take it seriously. 30% are playing it casually. While the rest, 30%, have already given up.]

[What else do we want? Why did we even trap them in a new world anyway?]

[Who knows? It must be one of us.]

[I can’t understand humans... like seriously. Why do they exist?]

[I ask myself the same question every time.]

[Humans were a mistake. We shouldn’t have created them.]

[Who created them?]

[It wasn’t us, right?]

[It wasn’t us, but it was our idea. We wanted to create a perfect race. A perfect existence that can learn to evolve and survive in any circumstances.]

[Then it’s our fault?]

[Humans are our responsibilities, aye?]

[We just provided the idea of perfect beings— humans, to the higher gods. They liked the idea and gave us the green light.]

[Now that to mention the higher gods, shouldn’t we inform them about the punishment we gave to the humans?]

[Eh... they will just ask their gods, they will ask theirs. And I am pretty sure they don’t even remember humans; they are busy with their own worlds.]

[We 12 are assigned to monitor this world, so we shall do so. Besides, out of billions of humans, only a few thousands are trapped in our new world.]

[Still, more than 50% of them are actually glad that they are trapped in the new world. They are spending their life leisurely. We have to do something, or that world might just become a heaven for them.]

[Let’s do something, then.]

The clouds rumbled, and a sharp thunder echoed across the sky with a voice that said: [I summon you, Gabriel.]

A bright light shined, and a four-winged angel appeared in front of the gods. He had blonde hair and blue eyes. He kneeled down and placed his hand on his chest.

[You called, my lords?]

[Gabriel, we assign you as a new god of our new online world.]

A bright smile appeared on Gabriel’s face. He bowed down and said, [I am honored.]

[Wait a minute...] A goddess interrupted and said, [Are you sure about making him the god? We created that world, and he doesn’t even know a thing about the world or how it works.]

[Agreed. We can’t just make an angel, a god.]

[But he is our best angel. He suits to be a god, and that world is nothing but hell anyway. He just needs to watch over it and make sure that the humans are living in our terror.]

[No. I am against this. We don’t need a new god.]

[I am against it too.]

[I am in favor.]

[I am against this.]

[I am bored.]

The 12 gods and goddesses voted, and the result of a draw.

[This is hilarious!] a god laughed out loud.

[Seriously, a draw? This has never happened in 80,000 years where we last exiled the two sisters— Aria and Erza.]



The hall of heaven was filled with nothing but silence.

[My bad. I shouldn’t have mentioned them since they were our creators. I forgot some of you worshiped them.]

[80,000 years... It has been 80 000 years, and yet the higher gods are angry with us. Why were they so liberal on the two sisters? They were failures. They didn’t deserve to be gods, and that’s why they created us to do their jobs.]

[We should be grateful that neither of them has come for their—]

[Stop this topic at once!] a goddess yelled. [We are discussing something else here, right?]

[Right...] All the gods gazed at Gabriel for a few seconds, and one god spoke, [Gabriel. We cannot make you a god, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have a chance. The votes are still a draw, so go and do something in our online world that the other gods vote in your favor too.]

[Do you understand Gabriel? This is your golden chance to show your true strength. Impress us gods, and you shall be assigned as not only the god of our online world, but you shall be given a seat in heaven too.]

[Does... that... mean...] Gabriel stammered on his words.

[Yes. It is what you think. You shall be the 13th god.]

[I will not disappoint you, my lords!] Gabriel said out loud.

[You better not, or you shall be stripped from all your powers, and then you will have to live among mortals in our online world.]

The clouds rumbled, and Gabriel disappeared from the hall of heaven.

He then appeared in the sky of the gods’ impact. He was everywhere; in all the realms, all the villages, towns, cities, kingdoms. The players who were in the dungeon or tower were temporarily teleported to the nearest town.

[Listen, you mortals. You are in the presence of the archangel Gabriel!]

All the players and NPCs left the building and gathered in the open. They all looked up in the sky and saw a four-winged man hovering in the sky, flapping his wings and looking down at them with an emotionless expression on his face.

[Kneel before me, you morals, for I shall rule on you one day.]

None of them kneeled. They just kept looking at him with confused and puzzled expressions on their faces.

[I said kneel!] josei

All the players present in Gods’ Impact dropped to their knees by an invisible force on them. They struggled to look up at Gabriel.

Gabriel glanced around with a smirk on his face and uttered, [What a delightful sight. This is where you mortals belong, weak and helpless—]

Everyone was on their knees, except one player with black hair and golden eyes.

It was Zach.

Zach was glancing at the other players, but when he gazed up and looked into Gabriel’s eyes, Gabriel immediately soared through the clouds. He flew as hard as he could to make a distance between him and Zach.


Total players in the game 431223

331899 new players logged in.

86245 players died.


[Weekly Quest.]

«200 power stones or 50 Golden tickets - 1 chapter.»

«500 power stones or 100 Golden tickets - 3 chapters.»


Author’s Note - So I just noticed I didn’t update the player count in the last chapter. So this chapter player count includes ~2+ days passed between chapter 36 to 37+ time passed on chapter 37 + time passed on this chapter. If you ask me the reason why the player count inflated this much, the answer is "it is Sunday" in the real world.

Also, now that this novel can receive golden tickets and gifts, I have updated the weekly quest according to it.

PS- My appointment travels are done now, so I can write more now! Let’s reach our target and complete our weekly quest!

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