Gods' Impact Online

Chapter 400 399- A While Ago

Chapter 400 399- A While Ago

A while ago, Shay was in the dungeon of the second realm, clearing floors one by one to reach the 75th floor. He was currently on floor 68, and his HP was 72%.


He slashed the horned monster and used a firebomb attack to kill the beast completely. His ATK was dealing a little less than the monster's HP, so he needed to use a magic attack to finish the monster.

However, magic attacks cost MP, and MP was precious for all the players other than Zach. They all had finite MP capacity, and the only way to increase the capacity was to use accessible points that were provided to the players upon leveling up– which were also limited.

Players had to decide on what stats they should use for those points. Of course, if the MP capacity was high but the ATK and DEF were low, that player would become vulnerable to closed-range attacks.

In such cases, the players formed a party where each player would play a definitive role. And they would level up and get stronger.

Shay was trying his best to become strong enough to clear the dungeons on his own, but of course, there was a limit to what a normal human could do. Even if a player's level was high and their stats were good, if they didn't have the game and real world skills, it was hard to rise among the countless others.

However, Shay was lucky enough to have all of that above average. He had been training a lot in the last few weeks. He had realized that he would be doomed and left behind if he didn't stand on his legs.

Sure, he had money, and he could hire players to work for him. They could do everything for him, from obtaining rare game items and giving them to him. But unfortunately, nothing would increase his physique.


Shay repeated the same thing again. However, he missed the magic attack, and the monster jumped at him. Shay had no time to react or fire another magic attack as he was out of MP.

Suddenly, a few arrows were shot at the monster, killing it instantly.

[Congratulations! You have cleared the 68th floor! Please step through the portal to enter the 69th floor or retreat!]

"Are you okay?!" a female voice asked.

Shay got up and nodded while saying, "Yes. Thank you, Natasha."

The girl was none other than Natasha, who was accompanying him on the dungeon expedition.

"Hmph!" Natasha puffed her cheeks and muttered, "And he had said 'I can do this alone' when I asked to come along."

"Oh, come on, I was just worried about you!" Shay groaned. "I didn't want you to get hurt. I already lost one girl I loved, and I don't want to lose a girl who loves me despite the asshole I am."josei

Natasha rolled her eyes and remarked, "Why do you keep mentioning yourself as an 'asshole' again and again?"

"Because I am one? And don't even try to deny it, please. I am aware of my terrible personality."

"What's wrong with being an asshole? I don't understand. And the human world is filled with even worse assholes. Don't degrade yourself thinking that doing that would help you in some way. It won't."

Natasha shook her head and continued, "It really won't. It doesn't work that way. Your guilt won't go away. You won't suddenly become a better person by doing that. The only thing that will happen by doing that is self-hate. You will start hating yourself, and that's the last thing one should do."

"Don't act like you know how it feels," Shay retorted with an annoyed look on his face. "You are not like those people or me."

He caressed Natasha's cheeks with his hands and kissed her on the lips before saying, "You are kind and gentle who loved and accepted me despite how I am. You are the reason why I am trying to change. I want to be a better person for you, so I don't end up hurting you, ever."

"You don't really have to do that. And you don't know me that well." Natasha bit her lips and asked, "What if I am not the type of girl you think I am? What if I am just acting to love you? What if I am truly a hideous girl from inside?"

"Hah!" Shay chuckled softly and responded, "That wouldn't matter. And if what you say is actually true, then I guess we are both alive."

Natasha hugged Shay and smiled as she said, "Perfect couple?"

"I wouldn't say that yet. We have a long way to go to become a perfect couple…" He smiled wryly and mumbled, "Like Zach and Victoria."

Natasha was a little annoyed that Shay mentioned his name. She hated Zach more than anyone in the world because he was the only man who had rejected her and wasn't seduced by her.

"Why are you friends with Zach? He is a complete opposite of you, and you two have nothing in common."

"That's not true. But if I have to say it… you can assume… I admire him as an idol? He is perfect in every way. Not talking about, umm… educational or financial field. I am talking about his human nature.

He is a perfect example of the type of person I want to become. He loves his family and takes care of them. He is a good son and a kind brother. Everyone around him loves him. When he passes by his neighborhood, everyone greets him with wide smiles on their faces.

And as for me…" Shay bit his lips and muttered, "I don't get that type of treatment even in my own house. The maids and servants look at me as if I am some kind of trash. I wasn't like this before, but… I ended up like this after living in a bitter environment. But… I am not blaming anyone. I thought if I stayed with Zach, I would get influenced by him and become at least a half-better person than he is."

"He is not exactly as you think he is. Anyway, let's quickly get to the 75th floor and be done with it!"

After that, they both proceeded to the next floor, unbeknownst to what was waiting for them.


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