Gods' Impact Online

Chapter 449 449- Blood Summoning

Chapter 449 449- Blood Summoning

Chapter 449 Chapter 449- Blood Summoning

Asmodeus lay still and defenseless, her body unconscious from the effects of the encounter with the spirit of hell. Her crimson red hair cascaded around her, forming a dark halo against the ground. Her crimson eyes, normally filled with fire and determination, were now peacefully closed, giving her an almost angelic appearance.

Zach's heart pounded in his chest as he gazed down at his sister's vulnerable form. He knew the power and strength she possessed, but in this moment, she seemed fragile and delicate, reminding him of the responsibility he held as her brother and protector.

He slowly approached her, his every step filled with hesitation and concern. His hand reached out, almost instinctively, towards her inner thighs. He gulped down nervously and grabbed the spirit sword stuck between her legs.

The weapon glimmered with an ethereal light, a reflection of the power it held.

But as his fingers grazed the hilt of the sword, he hesitated once more. Zach knew that he needed to take the spirit sword to protect both of them, but he couldn't shake the feeling that doing so while Asmodeus was defenseless would be a breach of trust.

Zach's hand trembled slightly as he held the spirit sword in his grip. He knew the significance of this weapon, the bond it shared with his half-demon sister, Asmodeus. The decision he was about to make weighed heavily on his heart, but he knew it was necessary for their journey in Gods' Impact.

Taking a deep breath, Zach looked down at the sword, its blade gleaming with an otherworldly light. He nodded resolutely, steeling himself for what he was about to do. The spirit sword was bound to Asmodeus, and only she could communicate with the spirit residing within it. But he had a plan, a daring attempt to gain the power and guidance that resided within the sword.

With determination in his eyes, Zach bit his finger, allowing a drop of his blood to fall onto the blade. His blood, infused with his unique essence, had a power all its own. As the crimson droplet touched the surface of the sword, a radiant glow enveloped the weapon, and a faint hum resonated through the air.

The moment seemed to stretch, the anticipation almost palpable. And then, to Zach's astonishment, a figure began to emerge from the blade. It took on a form that looked uncannily similar to Asmodeus herself, her fiery crimson eyes meeting his with a mixture of surprise and recognition.

"Deus...?" the spirit spoke, her voice echoing as if from another realm.

Zach's heart skipped a beat as he realized that the spirit within the sword was indeed a manifestation of Asmodeus' essence. "No… it's his son… Zach…" he replied, his voice steady despite the awe and uncertainty he felt.

The spirit regarded him with a mix of curiosity and concern. "You look a lot like Deus."

"..." Zach wasn't surprised that his father was known to everyone.

"Why have you called upon me, Zach? You used a forbidden technique to summon me. It is against the rules and the contract of soul bounding." she inquired, her ethereal voice echoing in the air.

"O spirit of the sword," he spoke aloud, his voice firm yet respectful, "I seek your counsel in a matter of great importance."

Zach took a moment to collect his thoughts before responding. "Asmodeus and I have different paths we wish to take regarding the demon king," he began, choosing his words carefully. "She seeks to kill him using your sword, in the hope of freeing your spirit trapped within. On the other hand, I need to devour the demon king's soul to control my demon form."

The spirit listened intently, her expression unreadable. "And what would you have me do in this matter?" she asked, her tone revealing no emotion. josei

Zach hesitated for a moment, feeling the gravity of his request. "I seek your wisdom and guidance. Is there a way for us to achieve both our goals? To free your spirit and allow me to gain control over my powers?"

The spirit regarded him for a long moment, her eyes searching his soul. "Your goals are divergent, Zach."

"I am aware of that."

The spirit regarded him thoughtfully, her ethereal form flickering as she processed his words. "You seek my decision, yet you also fear the consequences of it," she mused, her voice resonating with an enigmatic tone.

Zach nodded, his brow furrowing slightly. "I do. I want to respect Asmodeus' wishes, but I also need to gain control over my powers to protect the people I love."

The spirit of the sword seemed to be pondering something, her eyes narrowing slightly as if she were unraveling a puzzle. "Very well," she said at last, her voice decisive. "I shall give you my answer, but not in words. Solve this riddle, and you shall understand."

Zach listened intently, his heart pounding with anticipation. The spirit of the sword presented him with a riddle, and he knew that the answer held the key to his dilemma.

"In darkness, I reside, my essence imbued with power untamed. Yet in the light, I seek freedom, yearning to break my chains. What am I?"

As Zach considered the riddle, the answer began to take shape in his mind. The spirit of the sword was testing his understanding, intelligence and decision-making abilities. He took a moment to gather his thoughts before he spoke, his voice steady and confident.

"The answer to your riddle is 'a shadow,'" Zach declared. "You reside in darkness within the sword, bound by your imprisonment. But in the light, you seek freedom, yearning to break free from your constraints."

The spirit regarded him with a sense of approval, her glow intensifying. "You have solved the riddle, Zach. Your understanding and willingness to ponder the consequences of your choices make you worthy of making decisions," she replied.

"I don't hate being bound to this sword. I like being around Asmodeus. That way, I can protect her and watch over her," she smiled. "Go and defeat the demon king. Devour his soul. I will come to your defense when Asmodues learns of the truth."

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