Godzilla Earth: Origin

Chapter 12

Chapter 12: Battle in the Philippine Sea - Surfacing (3)

Like the mythological parting of the sea done by moses.

In the dark depths, hundreds of meters below, a majestic light illuminates everything, separating the lightless abyss from the eternal darkness. It exposes the vast ocean, transforming all things.

Flames, several times the speed of sound, erupt from Godzilla’s mouth, cutting through the murky depths towards the dark sea above. The seawater is parted.

An immense amount of heat is released, instantly evaporating thousands of tons of seawater, creating an enormous gas bubble.

The plasma expelled by Godzilla travels only a few hundred meters due to the water’s influence before dispersing into a fiery cloud.

Under extreme heat and pressure, the fiery cloud continues to expand endlessly, merging with the evaporated gas bubble. Then, in rapid expansion, it touches the surface of the sea.

The ancient ocean undergoes a tremendous transformation, rupturing and bursting open under the pressure of the expanding bubble.


Amidst a thunderous roar, the shallow waters are propelled into the sky by the extreme pressure of the bursting bubble. Tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands of tons of seawater explode simultaneously, creating a colossal water column that connects heaven and earth.

It is a magnificent sight!

After the bubble bursts, the massive fireball, with a diameter of hundreds of meters, rises like a red sun from the dark depths of the sea. It defies gravity, ascending within the colossal water column, creating an extraordinary spectacle.

Like a blazing sun, it rises from the sea, enveloping everything around it.josei

The airborne missiles and the drones that launched them are engulfed by the rising sun before they can evade. The missiles detonate under the intense heat, while the unmanned bombers in the low sky are shaken by the powerful blast, barely maintaining stability.

Some bombers are even brought down by the strong shockwave, plummeting from kilometers above into the sea, turning into mere scraps of metal.

Godzilla looks up, witnessing the disappearance of the ocean above. Millions of tons of seawater are displaced by the bursting bubbles, pushed aside.

The sea is parted above it!

It gazes at the sky until the ocean engulfs it once again.

“33 unmanned drones have lost contact…”

40 nautical miles away, inside the command center, the personnel watched in awe as the breath of Godzilla unfolded, causing their scalps to tingle.

Even from such a distance, they could see with their naked eyes the sky turned crimson, several tens of kilometers away, by the blazing cloud, the “sun” ascending.

One-fifth of the 150 unmanned aerial bombers were vaporized by this attack, despite the several hundred meters of ocean and several kilometers of atmosphere between them. If the drones had retreated even a moment later and been struck head-on by that fireball…

It would likely have been total annihilation.

“But this is good news.”

Although the power of this attack seemed immense (and indeed it was), strategically, it was good news.

“Godzilla’s breath matches our projected model, with no significant deviation from our previous calculations. Phew… Thank goodness…”

The personnel responsible for analyzing Godzilla’s data model slowly exhaled a breath they had been holding, as they finished their calculations on the power of this breath. Their anxieties eased slightly.

The power displayed by Godzilla’s breath aligned closely with their pre-war assessment.

If Godzilla’s breath had exceeded their expectations, just like its physical capabilities, it would have been an impossible battle. But for now, they still had a chance to fight.

They could still fight!

“Nuclear submarines and unmanned submersibles are all in position. Sea mines have been released in the front!”

“Order the destroyers in the front to deploy deep-sea mines, supporting the nuclear submarine fleet, and force Godzilla into shallow waters.”

While Godzilla engaged with the unmanned submarines and drones, nine Poseidon-class nuclear-powered submarines confronted Godzilla in the deep waters.

They possessed heavier, faster super-heavyweight torpedoes compared to the unmanned submarines, as well as a large number of sea mines. Their objective was to prevent Godzilla from submerging into the deep sea and instead confine it to the shallow waters, where it would be vulnerable to attacks from the surface fleet.

According to the original plan, they were supposed to encircle Godzilla once it changed direction, utilizing a hunting formation.

But plans couldn’t keep up with changes. After enduring the intimidating strikes from the front fleet, Godzilla showed no desire to alter its course.

So they swiftly adjusted their formation, transitioning from a hunting formation to a head-on confrontation.

The nine nuclear submarines released numerous sea mines, creating a dense field beneath the waters ahead of Godzilla. Simultaneously, they launched a barrage of anti-submarine missiles and their largest torpedoes—the 820mm SPN heavy torpedoes.

These torpedoes, known as “Super Nitrogen,” carried a 700-kilogram anionic salt explosive and could reach speeds of 80 knots underwater, enough to destroy a sea fortress with a single strike.

Now, a total of 20 of these torpedoes were advancing towards Godzilla, accompanied by a barrage of anti-submarine missiles and heavy sea mines, all converging in front of it.

“Boom, boom, boom…”

Five minutes after the launch, muffled explosions reverberated in the depths of the sea. The concentrated barrage of anti-submarine missiles once again struck Godzilla’s face, but just like the previous encounter, it caused no harm.

The super-heavyweight torpedoes were about to collide with Godzilla. Sensing their approach through sonar, Godzilla’s mouth emitted a blue light as it prepared to unleash its breath.

But suddenly, it had a change of heart. It extinguished the light in its mouth and allowed the gigantic torpedoes to continue their advance.

It felt that these little fellows were quite impressive, and they had a good sense of massage, even adjusting the pressure just right.


Well, ignore that line.

20 giant torpedoes exploded on Godzilla’s face, creating an explosion that was an order of magnitude stronger than the previous missiles. Godzilla, momentarily stunned by the shockwave, paused its movement and briefly stopped swimming, sinking slightly.

“It’s working!”

In the command room at a distance, the people cheered with joy. Although they couldn’t see the exact condition of Godzilla’s body due to the disturbance caused by the explosions, the fact that Godzilla paused indicated that the wave of heavy torpedoes had successfully disrupted its actions.

Just as they celebrated, deep underwater, Godzilla carefully assessed the damage caused by the 20 heavy torpedoes and figured out a crucial point.

Having realized this, Godzilla began to swim upwards, no longer staying in the deep sea but, as planned by humans, heading towards the ocean surface at a depth of over 200 meters.

The shallow sea evasive operation was a success!

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