Golden Fox with System

124 Chapter 124

124 Chapter 124

Shortly after that, without waiting for an answer, Theo activated his movement technique. He disappeared from the spot, and alarmingly, they had already lost sight of him.

Moving swiftly, leaving 5 after-images trailing behind, he started following the trail of Mana of the one who was controlling the little girl… but just as he thought he was getting close to reaching them…

​ When he reached within 500 meters of the controller, Theo noticed that it was just a boy around 13 to 14 years old who was in the process of running away…



Just when he was close enough to reach him, the boy self-destructed!

Theo clenched his fists tightly, for he could see that this young man had also been controlled… was someone controlling the boy to control the girl? And seeing that Theo was very close to reaching the boy who was running away, he really had destroyed himself.

"What is going on?"

"Who did this?"


Those passing through the streets screamed as soon as they noticed the great explosion. Those who were too close to the boy were even screaming in pain from their severe injuries.

Unfortunately, because the boy had destroyed himself, Theo could not feel the energy signature of the one who was controlling him.

"Who did this?" Theo wondered, upset that he couldn't reach who did it. "Was it someone from the Kenedy family?"

Theo could only think of this family that already had grudges against them. Especially since they were interested in the Orphanage. They might have done it to harm the Weapon Shop, and through that also hurt the girls from the Orphanage.

Sure, he knew he could be wrong in that assumption since right now, he could only speculate. But he was sure that the chances of it being the Kenedy Family were very high.

Looking at those who were injured because of the self-destructing boy, Theo muttered loudly in his heart full of intent to kill and rage, "No matter who is the real culprit, I will make sure that they pay for wanting to damage my shop, and even use kids as disposable objects to accomplish their ends."

Approaching those who were seriously injured, and seeing that even three Demi-Human children were wounded, Theo delivered 3 healing potions to them with a gentle smile. "Use this, it will help them heal."

The children, despite moaning in pain, still looked at Theo suspiciously, as he didn't know him, they apparently didn't dare to take the potion.

Theo sighed helplessly, but one of the Demi-Human children brought the healing potion to her mouth and began to drink it.

The people who were nearby wanted to stop the child because there was no way of knowing if Theo didn't mean them harm, especially the children's parents, but then…

"Wow! She's healing really fast!"

"What a miracle potion!"

Many even thought it was a waste of a good potion, and began to wonder who this young man was that actually gave these powerful potions to some unknown children.

Even some of those who saw the effects of Theo's healing potion on the children were astonished! A foolish thought came across their minds… but seeing Theo standing there looking at them with his menacing golden eyes, that thought just… flew away with the wind.

"Thank you, big brother!" The little Demi-Human who had drunk the healing potion and recovered, said, looking at Theo full of respect and admiration.

The other children who saw that there was no problem with the potions, and recognizing their miraculous effect, even considered giving the potions to their parents who had injured themselves by protecting them.

But their parents dared not take it, not only because Theo was watching them, but also because they wanted their children to recover.

The one who was accompanying the little girl who was the first to take the potion was a young girl, about 15 to 16 years old, so, like the girl, she is also a Demi-Human sheep.

She had long white hair; her skin was milky white, which made her look beautiful and charming, and she had big full breasts, just above average. Theo also noticed that she was in the 5th Layer of the Student Kingdom.

Although she was also hit by the blast and used her body to protect the little Demi-Human, Theo noticed no severe injury on her. That surprised him a little.

This young Demi-Human sheep looked toward Theo, and her pink lips curved into a beautiful smile as she said to him, "Thank you so much for helping my little sister, I'm really grateful!"

She bent toward him as she finished speaking.

Theo smiled back at her and replied, "Don't worry, I just don't like to see children suffer, so I helped."josei

"Oh, I see… I'm very grateful anyway," she said with a charming smile.

The parents, who were also accompanying the other children, turned toward Theo and thanked him. Even a young lady knelt on the floor because her son's situation was the most serious. If he hadn't used Theo's potion, she couldn't have known how long it would have taken and how much it would cost to cure her son.

A while later, the crowd, despite being curious to know who Theo was, went back about their business, for they had their own lives and things to attend to, no matter how unusual the events were.

After thanking Theo once again for helping their children, the parents of the two children also started to head out. Only the young Demi-Human sheep and her little sister remained.

Theo looked at them, smiled and said, "I'm going now, see ya."

Just as Theo was turning to leave, the Young Demi-Human Sheep shouted hastily, "Wait!"

"Huh?" Theo turned back toward them.

"I-I… My name is Leticia…" She bit her lower lip and said with great difficulty: "I know it might be too much to ask, but could you take my little sister with you and take care of her?"

"Huh?!" Theo was shocked, thinking that something was wrong with this girl's head, even her little sister was surprised and looked at her with her eyes were starting to fill with tears.

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