Golden Fox with System

346 Chapter 346

346 Chapter 346

"Shina? What's it? Oh? Did they do that, really? Well, well, well, I'm just going to finish entertaining a few red dragons and I'm already going there. Oh? No need to worry, they are just a few weak dragons, nothing worth mentioning, anyway, it won't be long before I get there." Theo said, ending the call.

In that call, Shina was able to summarize everything that had happened to the Silver Dragon Clan. Although Theo is a little angry, he was not overly concerned, since Aomi was there.

"Who is a weak dragon!?" Now even the Dragon that was on the 1st Layer of the Spiritual Realm got angry! He started storing spiritual energy to attack and "kill" Theo's group, without considering that Miranda wanted Theo, Yuki, and Little Yui alive.

"Okay, change of plans." Theo said without caring that they were angry: "I'm not going to play with you anymore, die!"

Moving at the speed of light, giving the dragon who was in the Spiritual Realm no chance to react, Theo appeared behind him and attacked.

"<Black Thunder's Primordial Vibration>!"


The sky vibrated and lit up by the black thunder. The sound was so loud, almost deafening. The trail of black thunder extended to the ground, which caused a series of explosions, along with the large crater that formed. Much bigger than what happened when he used the same attack in [Ninth Hell].

Even now, the law of heaven was taking too long to be able to curb and dismiss Theo's attack, to prevent it from affecting the laws of heaven.

It just proved how powerful Theo's attack power was currently. Luckily or unlucky, only half of the dragon's body he attacked was lost because of that attack.

Blood, flesh, and organs spilled everywhere. Although Theo has lost half his lower body, he keeps the other part in his storage ring.

"He's a devil!" The determination of the red dragons faltered. Fear reached their hearts, they wanted to escape this place as quickly as possible.

Of course, their escape was destined not to happen...

Yuki and Little Yui even without understanding attacked 2 other dragons using their best attack technique.

"Art of the Cold Metallic Dragon!"

"Divine Practice of The Nine-tailed Fox!"


A bitter smile appeared on the face of the last surviving red dragon. He wanted to run away, but he knew there was no way if even the one who was in the Spiritual Realm died with a single blow, he had no chance of survival. He took a teleport talisman hidden, the only problem was the delay it took to load.

But who did he want to deceive? Theo saw it at once and appeared in front of him. A violent attack, but at the same time, "normal" was towards the red-haired man. The fear on his face was apparent, he thought of begging for his life, but soon gave up and closed his eyes.josei


The sound was not very loud, but Theo's simple punch was enough to make the redhead's head off.

Cutting the hand with the talisman and taking the body, Theo stored it in his storage ring.

Yuki and Little Yui also finished off their enemies with an attack. Although the cultivation level of the two ladies is lower compared to these red dragons, in terms of quality and techniques, Yuki and Little Yui surpassed them.

Alice, who saw everything unfold, opened her mouth wide, almost dropping her chin to the floor. She did not expect such power from these beings. She already expected them to be powerful. But still, being able to finish a red dragon in the Spiritual Realm, was totally beyond her expectations. Now she understands her mother's actions, maybe her mother saw something she didn't see...

'So... in the fight against previous humans, he was just kidding...' Alice said in her heart.

Before Theo appeared in Jka and Klin's fight, it took him a while to kill them. Not because he couldn't, but because I didn't want to do so much damage in the city using powerful attacks.


Coming from the West, crossing the ocean, a flying ship arrived at the Star Fallen Island. Inside the ship were 4 elders, 5 teachers, and 41 disciples of the Sect of the Sword.

Normally, only 2 elders at most were enough for this type of travel, but since the Sect of the Sword almost let their disciples die because of an elder, they were now more cautious.

Although they wanted to prevent the leak of information about what happened, it was not possible. Since some previous disciples who went through this, they left the sect and did not bother to keep it a secret.

"Hina, why are you so distracted, did something happen?" A female disciple with long dark blue hair asked. She was best friends with Hina and also one of the five beauties of Sect of the Sword.

"Mhmm?" Hina looked at her good friend, Carla, and said a little distractedly: "Nothing much..."

"Are you thinking about that man, called Batman again?" Carla guessed and smiled. She had never seen her friend attracted to the opposite sex, it was the first time she had seen Hina thinking about anything other than cultivating or her family.

"It's not like that!" Hina denied and turned away. She refuses to admit it, but her actions handed her over. She herself doesn't understand why she always thought of that man. She held a whistle in her right hand while looking at the sky.


While the Silver Dragon Clan was in an uproar. A giant ark flew over the clan. The most ridiculous thing that left them completely stunned was that the ark entered the clan, passing through the formation, without causing a disturbance or even destroying the formation.

This happened because Theo used his illusions to deceive magic formation. This level of illusion was surprising!

Soon, Theo and his group left the ark, they were flying in the air and the ark mysteriously disappeared.

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