Golden Fox with System

354 Chapter 354

354 Chapter 354

Arriving in the village and entering the mansion, he entered the [Dimensional Room].

Shina was preparing lunch. Within the [Dimensional Room], as it was one size larger than the original size, Theo created a kitchen and even prepared some beds. Never know when you will need it.

The beautiful Shina in an apron prepared a table full of dishes.

Whether it was soft meat or fish that smelled delicious, all foods radiated an appetizing odor. Little Emma, ​​who was already at the table, had bright eyes emitting a hungry light. Her fork and knife were already up and ready to take the food.

​ "Theo, you are back!" Shina said with a smile: "Come sit down. The food just got ready."

"Mhmm. As always, everything looks very appetizing." Theo said as he approached.

The family had lunch and talked about what Theo did in the Red Dragon Clan.

"Is this serious? Did you make them believe that they awakened a unique skill? How hilarious. Ahaha!" Ariana couldn't help but laugh when she heard what Theo did.

"But apparently you don't just want to kill them all and solve the problem, right?" Zaira finished swallowing the fish and asked.

"Exact! I have other plans. I've been thinking... If I dominated this world or at least were the richest person on this planet, it would be easy to get resources, just like, when we go to a higher kingdom... We will not be just a drop of water in the ocean." Theo said dreamily.

Theo knew it was not impossible for him, but it was a long-term wish, it would not be easy to complete it.

Of course, there were exceptions, he as someone with great power, could very well kill the richest living beings on this planet and steal them, but that was not what he wanted. At least, not while he had another alternative.

Furthermore, Theo knew that he would be the first to reach the limit of power within the group of beings around him, and he did not simply want to go to a higher realm and leave the girls here.

Theo aimed to take root on this planet and after everyone was ready, go to a higher realm. Can call him overprotective, and that he does not believe in the potential of the people he loves, but Theo doesn't care, he prefers to take all possible precautions than rely on luck.

The girls and Jka, held their breath amazed, they could think Theo would do great things and believe in his potential, but to say that he wanted to take over the world, was an amazing thing. But none of them thought it was impossible until they believed that the chances were in his favor.

"Daddy, Yui believes, Yui knows Daddy can do it!" Little Yui smiled beautifully as she said every word that came from the bottom of her heart.

"Of course, with my daughter at my side, nothing is impossible." Theo smiled at her and rubbed his hand over her face.

Seeing the smile on Theo's face, Little Yui laughed happily and gently rubbed her face in his big hand. "Hehe. Yui will be with Dad until the end of time."


"Of course yes." Theo confirmed as he smiled.

When Theo looked at Little Emma, ​​he felt a little strange, but he didn't think it was the right time to "talk" to her.

Of course, he understands that Little Emma's father was not a descendant of the true red dragon as Verderail thought, but of a spiritual red dragon, but that was not something he was willing to deny, it was better than Verderail thought that Little Emma was a descendant of a true red dragon.

Little Emma noticed Theo's strange look, but seeing that he said nothing, she went back to eating without caring. If he had something to say, he would say it sooner or later.

"But Theo, is this really feasible?" Nanda asked. She didn't know much about it, if someone asked her what it's like to take over the world, she wouldn't know the answer. She doesn't even know where to start.

"Well, I kind of know where to start, but I also know it won't be overnight, either way, that's a long-term wish." Theo told her.

"I see... anyway, I wish you, good luck." Nanda said with a warm smile.

"Too I hope you can do it, Theo." Said Aine as she blushed.

"I won't say much, just good luck." Said Lilith.

"Ara, ara. If you asked me a few months ago, I would be skeptical of what you said and would not believe that you would be able to achieve that." Said Mizuki slowly, looking at Theo: "But now... I have full confidence that the chances of you getting it, it's almost a 100% chance."

"Thank you." Theo scratched his head awkwardly.

"Of course I believe in my husband." Ariana smiled, like a proud wife.

"I will help your goal come true!" Yuki said confidently.

"Even if the whole world doesn't believe it, I will believe you, my love." Shina said but was soon embarrassed by her own words but kept looking at Theo, to show her support.

"Even though I can't help you much right now, I will endeavor to help you with your goal, Theo." Said Zaika with burning eyes.

"I believe you will make it, Boss!" Aomi said, exaggeratedly.

"When you get to the top of the world, I hope that even a little, I helped you get there. Aw-hahaha." Said Jka with a cheerful laugh.

"Hahaha. Thank you, guys. I am very happy to hear that. " Theo laughed with satisfaction: "Now I feel much more confident."


In a dimly lit room, a seductive woman with long black hair and a revealing dress was sitting lazily on a chair while holding a pipe in her left hand. In front of her, there was a man with long black hair and a lion's ear.

"Mom, although I'm not against killing Clapton since he was just rubbish but still I want to know..." The man with the lion's ear asked: "Why did you do that?"

Cleopatra looked at her son and said slowly: "It is normal for you to have this doubt, Killer. But before I answer, answer me one thing... what is my unique skill?"

"Huh? Your unique skill? Of course, it is seduction, something that even the Emperor of Naga was not able to go against, and was seduced by the Lady." Killer said proudly.

"Exactly, but even so, the man who made me choose to kill my own son and let one of my daughters be employed by his daughter, managed to resist my charm, even worse, when I approached, all my instincts told me to run away as far away from that man as possible. But of course, I managed to stay calm, but if I did something different, I don't know if I would be here today..." She inhaled a pipe and blew out a smoke ring.

Just remembering the strange sensation she had when approaching Theo, made the hairs on her body stand on end, and not positively. She felt a fear she had never felt before. By far, it was worse than Emperor Naga who was on the 7th Layer of the Spiritual Realm. That was scary.

"So that's it..." Rather than scorn, Killer praised in his mind for his mother's quick decision, it wasn't just any woman who would be able to make that decision and kill her own son and avoid a calamity. And to tell you the truth, he didn't care at all about that snobbish, weak brother of his.

"Changing the subject, I heard there was a mess today at the Red Dragon Clan, do you know anything about that, Killer?" Cleopatra asked, curious.

"Not much, Renata said it's a power struggle, but she didn't know much either..." Said Killer with a sigh.

Renata was his current wife and daughter of the Third Elder of the Red Dragon Clan.

Cleopatra thought and said, "I see. Well, let your wife keep an eye on this matter, if possible, we will try to benefit from it. Never know what can happen..."

"That son of yours understands." Killer said obediently.

"Okay, you can leave now." Cleopatra signaled him to leave.

"Yes." Killer bowed a little and left.

Cleopatra inhaled the pipe again while thinking deeply about what to do from that moment. There is another thing that she did not say, which proved that she made the right decision, that was information she received about the Silver Dragon Clan...

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