Golden Fox with System

519 Chapter 519

519 Chapter 519

'Whoever is not seen is not remembered...' Theo murmured coldly in his mind. He did not want to let the Green Dragon's soul fragment return, as he had discovered many things about him.

'Mhm... How strong is the real owner of this clone if only a fragment made my soul so strong?' This was a doubt that Theo had. Perhaps they were even a Saint Realm being.

While Theo was thinking these things, some of the cultivators started to scream in agony, and little by little something made them explode in blood.

It was tragic, but it was already foreseen since they had not fulfilled the necessary requirements to survive. After all, not everyone managed to score enough points.

"You three should go back." With that warning, Theo didn't even let them have an opinion. Like a real tyrant, he made Aomi, Little Yui, and Little Emma return back to the [Dimensional Room].

The moment it was over. Theo has already felt the presence of at least three beings in the Venerable Realm. He couldn't risk leaving his daughters and Aomi here to watch.

The screen that separated Theo from the mysterious realm was coming apart. In the air, he saw three powerful cultivators. Theo used telepathy to speak to Athena and Waru. He told them to pretend that they didn't know him and that they should leave when they had the chance.

A man who appeared to be the sun itself was looking at Theo with narrowed eyes. A strong intention to kill surrounded the place the moment the barrier that isolated it was dispersed.

Another man looked like the light itself. Theo imagined that they were in fact the Venerable of the Sun and the Venerable of the Light that he had heard about earlier.

Finally, there was an elderly woman with her hands behind her back. She was looking at Theo with her eyes drawn and a strong intention to kill.

Theo used his divine eyes and saw easily through their strength and was surprised at the old woman and the two men and saw they were all above the 10th Layer of the Venerable Realm.

"As agreed, I will deal with him," the Venerable of the Light said with arrogance and approached Theo with wings of light.

The man had blond hair and very light skin. His eyes were golden and his size was almost 400 cm. Due to his high cultivation, he had very smooth and soft skin and if it weren't for the male characteristics, he could easily have been mistaken for a woman.

"Fox boy, do you admit your sin?" the Venerable of the Light asked with a strong murderous intention.


"Don't you get tired of saying something so stupid? Or is this your first time doing this?" Theo pursed his lips and said.

"It seems like you don't regret it and need a good lesson." The Venerable of the Light's brow furrowed, and he pursed his lips in disgust at someone so inferior to have said something like that to him.

"You're so ridiculous that it makes me want to laugh. If you want to fight, let's fight. Don't talk shit," Theo said with contempt.

"Israel, look, not even a newborn baby respects you! Hahaha!" The Venerable of the Sun laughed out loud as he scoffed.

"Shut up, Elijah!" the Venerable of Light said looking at Elijah, Venerable of the Sun.

"A couple's fight?" Theo said with a chuckle.

"Brat, don't tease me! I already want to chop you up. Don't make me want to hunt your family too," the Venerable of Light said gravely.

"Sincerely..." Theo's voice changed, coming from another direction, from the back of the Venerable of the Light, "I'm disappointed."

*<Sword of the Governor>!*

With the Supreme Thunder Divine Sword, Theo used a double attack along with the attack ability and pierced the body and reached the heart of the Venerable of the Light twice.

With the sword through the body of the Venerable of Light, Israel, Theo twisted the sword, crushing his organs and heart.

All that suffering, all that torture he went through was because he wanted to be immune to the poison that this man had, but it ended up, that he was someone distracted enough to be making conversation in the middle of a life and death struggle.

Israel's eyes rolled and turned white. He spat blood and died.

"Hey, Israel, don't play around like that! Say this is a lie?!" Elijah, Venerable of the Sun was incredulous. He was a friend of the Venerable of the Light and did not believe that his friend had died just like that.

Worse was that the technique that Theo used also attacked the soul of Israel, so even if he reincarnated, he would lose a good part of his soul.

"Sure, keep yelling and he'll answer you," Theo said mockingly, and stored the corpse of the Venerable of Light in his storage ring.

The cultivators who had not yet left were deathly silent. Elijah, Venerable of the Sun, opened his mouth wide, and his eyes almost popped out of their sockets. He couldn't believe that Theo had managed to kill Israel.

"That's not possible!" Touru, the man who had warned Theo about the Venerable of Light's poison, was also incredulous.

After a brief silence, the cultivators who were watching went crazy.

"My God, he killed the Venerable of the Light!"

"How could he have done it so fast?"

"It's unbelievable!!"

"The Venerable of the Sun will go crazy! Let's run away!"

"I'll kill you!!" Elijah, with a pair of golden wings of fire, flew very fast towards Theo.

Waru and Athena also saw this and were amazed.

"Let's go, Athena," Waru said when she remembered that Theo told them to leave this place when they had the chance. The two women took advantage of this moment and ran away with the other cultivators.

Theo knew that this time it would not be as easy for him to make a surprise attack as he just did, but still, his illusions were arranged around the area. The entire perimeter up to ten kilometers was surrounded by his illusions and everything was within his control. Because of this, he also let Athena and Waru run away without risking their lives.

Still holding the Supreme Thunder Divine Sword, Theo looked fearlessly at the Venerable of the Sun. He brandished his sword and attacked upward, meeting the sword of Elijah that descended in his direction and seemed to grow with flames, looking like flames straight from the sun.


The impact of their attack made Theo retreat a little. Elijah's strength was a little greater than his and forced him to pull back. However, Theo was still not doing his best, and when he transformed into his more powerful form, with fox aspects, Theo's power increased dramatically and managed to impact Elijah and was no longer forced to retreat.

"Have you ever been kicked at the speed of light?" Elijah asked rhetorically while his right foot went towards Theo's rib.

Instead of using his foot to defend himself, a golden tail from behind Theo appeared and defended against the kick. Despite being a very powerful kick, it had no effect against Theo's tail.josei

"No, but it's not a big deal." Theo curved his lips in a smile and then made the same movement as Elijah with his right foot.

Elijah had no tail like Theo with which to defend himself. He was from a human-like species, only with more pointed ears and mosquito wings, something Theo only noticed when he looked very closely and when the flames surrounding the wings moved.

Theo's foot was surrounded by divine lightning and thunderous sounds came along with the kick.

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