Golden Time (JungYong)

Chapter 152

Chapter 152

Chapter 152

Suhyuk visited a series of hospitals in Stockholm to brief about his research on stem cells.

Numerous reporters followed him there, and those doctors present at his briefing session were busy taking notes of, and even recording what he said.

At last he completed all the lectures he had to, and was able to find his own free time.

He could have returned to Korea after the ceremony, but he did not.

He spent his vacation with Hana in Stockholm.

They took pictures in front of famous buildings and had delicious food.

Smiles never disappeared from their faces.

Holding their hands, both walked along the streets during the night.

It was no exception today.

Holding a cup of coffee, they took a leisurely tour of the busy thoroughfare crowded with foreigners.

“Looks like they are not tired,” said Hana.

At her remarks Suhyuk looked back slightly.

Stout guys with a strong build, in black suits and wearing

They were the bodyguards a.s.signed to protect them.

From morning till night they guarded both of them without any rest.

“You feel rather uncomfortable because of them, right?”

At Suhyuk’s asking Hana made a bitter smile.

“Well, as they’re keeping an eye on us, I do feel like that…”

Suhyuk suddenly quickened his pace, along with Hana holding his hands.

Surprised by their sudden act, the bodyguards began following them quickly.

However, both of them already disappeared into the crowds.

“Haaaah… haaah…”

Both of them were now crossing a long bridge over the water.

After running away from the bodyguards, they came to a stop soon.

Though they were short of breath, they did not lose their smiles.

Suhyuk looked back at the road they had come from, and then looked at Hana.

“Looks like we gave them the slip finally.”

He was right. Though they felt sorry about the bodyguards, Suhyuk and Hana wanted to spend their valuable time just between themselves during their stay in Stockholm.

All this would be a good memory about which they could reminisce together later.

Holding their hands again they walked on the bridge slowly.josei

Suhyuk then asked her suddenly,

“Hana, what is your dream?” “Me? Well…”

She, hesitant to answer, just looked down at the water, sweeping up her long straight hair.

Her dream already came true at this place.

“How about you?”

At her asking Suhyuk just smiled and said,

“Well my dream is…”

When the wind blew, the trees nearby shook, with the leaves scattering away like snowflakes.

“Yes, this is the Lee Suhyuk I used to know,” said Hana.

When Hana raised her thumbs, Suhyuk hugged her carefully.

She became red in the face, and his soft voice became brighter.

Both of them spent more time together than yesterday.


After he returned to Korea, Suhyuk reported to work without fail.

He did not visit the cardiothoracic surgery department.

As there were so many patients, he saw them in the office that was just opened under his name.

Those in the waiting room let out a sigh after confirming their names on the patient’s list.

It was at least 20 minutes wait for any patient to see Dr. Lee for a checkup.

Some of them complained, but they soon understood why after seeing him.

Suhyuk’s explanation was very thorough.

They even came out of the office with a correct understanding of the disease they thought they understood just by common sense.

Just like a recipient of the n.o.bel Prize, he was a true doctor.

Even though they came to see him because they were sick, he did not give prescriptions as easily as they expected. Because they did not need to take any medicine, it made them trust him all the more.

The hospital, and its director were rather nervous about it.

Already Daehan Hospital was becoming Lee’s private hospital because of so many patients coming to see him.

Even some other hospitals sent their emissaries to Daehan Hospital, disguising them as patients to see Suhyuk.

“We’re going to pay you five times as high as what you receive at Daehan’s as annual compensation.”

“No thanks.”

“In addition to the salary, we’ll offer you a newly built apartment overlooking the Han river…”

“I’m rich and I have a good house. I’m sorry.”

Suhyuk rejected their offers without any hesitation.

Whatever lucrative offer they gave to him, Suhyuk’s reply was consisent,

“I’ve got so many patients waiting to see me now. So, please go out.”

They had to turn back after hearing Suhyuk’s resolute and unemotional request for them to leave.

Soon the business hours of the day was over.

Rising from his seat, Suhyuk stretched himself lightly.

He could not think of how many patients he saw today.

He only moved when he felt he needed to go to the restroom.

Still he felt good all along because the patients trusted and came to see him.

Suhyuk headed to the desk.

At that moment he ran into Binna who held a chart in her arms.

“Hi, doctor.”

When she bowed her head, so did Suhyuk and said,

“You look like you are on call today.”

“Yes, I a,…”

“Did you already have dinner?”

“No, not yet. I’m going to in a minute…”

“Don’t skip your meals!”

“Thanks, you too, sir,” said Binna.

She then quickly pa.s.sed by him.

Watching her walking with short and quick steps, Suhyuk let out a sigh of relief.

When he saw her boyfriend at the department store the other day, his impression was so good to him. Above all, there was some kind of warmth in his eyes looking at her.

Taking his eyes off from her, he began walking.

Then Binna came back urgently, offering something.

“Take this…”

What she took out from her pocket was a wedding invitation.

“When is it?”

“Next weekend, sir.”

With a smile, Suhyuk replied, “I’ll surely be there.”

She smiled big, forming her signature dimples on her cheeks.

“I wish you can come by all means, sir.”

“Of course, I will.”

Nodding her head, she turned back and left.


Suhyuk visited Prof. Han Myungjin.

Though it was late at night, he was still in his office.

Greeting him gladly, Han said,

“You look busier than before these days.”

Smiling awkwardly, Suhyuk took a cup of coffee to his lips.

Though he was busy, it was not true that he was busier than before.

Putting down the cup, he opened his mouth,


When he was about to say something, Han’s cellphone buzzed.

“Wait a minute.”

Taking the call, his facial expression changed every moment.

The call was not that long.

“Can you wait here a moment? A patient is complaining about pain in his abdomen.”

“Let me go with you.”

When Suhyuk stood up, Han shook his head, saying,

“No, it’s not a big deal. Just stay here a moment.”

After Han left the office, he sat back again.

How much time pa.s.sed?

Seated on the sofa, Suhyuk fell asleep.

Though he had a great time in Stockholm, it was inevitable that fatigue overtook him due to the jet lag.


All the world around him was white.

What he could see was just that.

Though it was a very familiar place, he could not recall it well.

At that moment Suhyuk, looking around, opened his eyes wide.

He saw a black shade walking toward him from the distance.

A man in a surgical gown and a mask.

“You must be…”

Now Suhyuk felt he could recognize who he was.

He was none other than the man he had met in his dream when he was young.

He formed wrinkles at the outer corners of the eyes.

He was smiling.

“You did better than I expected.”

“What do you mean? And who are you?”

“It’s not easy to treat the patients, but you did it very well.”

“Who are you?”

At a glance he seemed to be more than 50 years old.

“I’ll see you soon.”

As soon as he said that, Suhyuk heard a thump.

Suhyuk’s eyes opened when the office door was opened.

It was a dream.

“Did you wait long? Some patients likes to feign illness so much.”

Back in the office, Prof. Han shook his head, with a smile.

And he suddenly cast a suspicious look at Suhyuk.

“Are you feeling hot in here?”

He saw beads of sweat on Suhyuk’s forehead.

“I’m alright, sir. I think I took a nap, and dreamed a weird dream.”

“Look at those cold sweats, man. Taking rest is part of your work. You can treat a patient when you’re healthy. Take a medical checkup when you can. If you keep going like that, you might burn out soon.”

Suhyuk nodded his head at his sincere advice.

“Got it, sir.”

‘Just do it with your parents one of these days.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Why don’t you bring them over here sometime next Monday? Okay?”

At that moment Han had another call.

“Yes, this is Prof. Han.”

A nurse’s voice was heard immediately,

“Professor Han. Prof. Jung Jisuk’s condition is not normal.”

Hanging up the phone, Han rose from the seat quickly.

“Is he a patient?”

Nodding his head, Han went out of  the office without any word.

That meant that the patient’s condition was very grave.

Han pressed on the elevator b.u.t.ton quickly.

Approaching him, Suhyuk said,

“What kind of patient is he, sir?”

“In a vegetative state right now. He is my mentor, too.”

Inside the elevator Han pressed the b.u.t.ton for the top floor.

It was where the VIP rooms were located.

Han’s face hardened tightly enough to make Suhyuk surprised.

He has never seen Han making such an expression before.

Getting off the elevator, Han began to run toward the patient’s room.

He went into the room, and so did Suhyuk.

Inside there were many medical staff gathered before the patient.

Everybody wiped of their sweat with a sigh of relief.

“What happened?”

When Han approached, they cleared the way.

One of them opened his mouth, “His condition is back to normal now.”

Watching the monitor checking the patient’s’ condition, Han let out a long breath.

Sometimes the vital signs of his mentor were violent like this.

Everytime it happened, his heart sank.

Before he was struck by cerebral infarction, he was a cheerful doctor who liked to play jokes or encourage the medical staff.

Looking at the patient, Han shook his head and said,

“Sir, if you keep making fun of me like this, you’re really killing me.”

Then Suhyuk approached him.

The patient lying in bed with an oxygen respirator on, looking in his late 50s.

Strange enough, his face was familiar to him.

While Suhyuk was thinking like that, he felt he had been struck by a thunderbolt.

He was the very man he saw in his dream.

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