Goodbye, My Love

Chapter 1094

Chapter 1094

Chapter 1094

Group is swamped with legal issues and on the brink of collapse? | had chosen to forget the past, but I’ve decided to revisit it. Considering your current predicament, | doubt the Johnathan Group can survive for long, right?”

Paige’s complexion drained, her eyes darted nervously. She fumbled to grab Loraine’s hands, pleading for mercy. “Loraine, | didn’t intend to harm you tonight. Please, don’t...” Loraine detached her hands icily and left the restroom without a backward glance.

Paige slumped onto the frosty restroom tiles, overwhelmed. She was aware of the struggles Johnathan Group was grappling with, yet the severity of it all was beyond her expectations.

Her impressive family would crumble if their company went bankrupt. Would any respectable man look at her then? Loraine, oblivious to Paige’s remorse and unconcerned, had other things on her mind.

Exiting the restroom, she had no desire to rejoin the ball or face the dueling pair of suitors again. The inviting pathway to the open garden provided a welcome escape. A breath of fresh air was just what she needed.

Under the chilly moonlight, with a cool breeze sweeping by, Loraine wrapped herself in her arms. She found refuge in a flower nursery, settling down in solitude.

She lamented her decision to hand over the shawl to Paige. Would that woman even value her gesture? Why was she so accommodating?

Asigh escaped Loraine. Despite her reflections, she knew she would repeat her actions given similar circumstances. Suddenly, a comforting warmth engulfed her. Startled, Loraine Looked up to find the man in the silver fox mask.

He removed his silver-gray suit, draping it over her. His gaze was warm and gentle. He didn’t ask about her sudden departure, nor did he explain how he’d found her.

ANGELA‘sLIBRARY Loraine intended to reject his kindness, ready to remove the suit and return it, but he halted her. “Keep it on. It’s quite chilly out here.”

“|... [should return...”

A soft chuckle escaped the man as he settled next toh - Welk. acmisteor s wenig expeGel tonight. Wouldn't you want to witness it?” The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

Surprised, Loraine found herself gently directed to gaze upwards. The man stood in close proximity to her, his voice hoarse as he whispered, “Look.”

This closeness was somewhat personal, yet it didn’t make Seance uncomfortable.As Mb vitted her ees 'she was greeted by a spectacle of glimmering beauty. The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

Above the vast, dark blue canvas, a

flurry of stars rene ithstreaks of

eons Gali

NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest

chapter there!

The man’s attention was not on the sky, however; he was entranced by

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