Goodbye, My Love

Chapter 1174

Chapter 1174

Chapter 1174

She sighed in relief and explained, “I’m now a student of Professor

Zizka. Is it wrong to worry about him? Yes, | made mistakes in the past, but I’ve paid for them. Professor Zizka offered me a fresh start.

He’s not just my teacher, but a lifesaver. Loraine’s actions upset him deeply. How can | stay indifferent?” Marco remained quiet for a moment, and then spoke impassively. “It was

Professor Zizka who first cast aspersions on Loraine, wasn’t it? And, didn’t you assure me you'd intervene? Why didn’t he reach out to

Loraine directly, instead of casting doubts publicly?” Keely’s heart fluttered, but she also felt a tinge of luck. It seemed that Marco was just concerned about the internet post. He wasn’t aware of her other deeds.

With this reassurance, Keely gathered her composure and continued in a sorrowful voice, “Marco, | understand your concern for Loraine, but

Professor Zizka’s health is fragile. | dare not confront him. And, | never anticipated his public outburst. His anger is genuine. He nearly fainted due to his high blood pressure just a moment ago...”

ANGELA‘sLIBRARY Keely’s voice wavered.

“I've already lost Jorge. | can’t afford to lose another person dear to me. Can you understand that, Marco? | was so infuriated that | posted those comments online. If they bother you, | can delete them.”

Marco paused at her words, but replied calmly, “If Professor Zizka’s health is compromised, he should seek medical treatment instead of stirring up controversy. I'11 bear the medical expenses. And anyone who accuses Loraine of plagiarism will have to face me.”

Keely gasped and clenched her jaw. Jealousy twisted her face. Why did Marco care so much for Loraine?

In the past, any mention of Jorge’s death would halt Marco’s harsh words. But this time, he was different.

Drawing in a deep breath, Keely mustered the couragert qaestioh! Mareo, Th content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

“Professor Zizka’s credibility in the ee) is ey Gd he seeaeee Loraine.ef plagiarisih must have a vilid }eason. Why do you trust Loraine over my teacher, Marco?” The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

Without missing a beat, Marco answered, “Because I’m certain that Loraine would never plagiarize. | can vouch for her!”

Keely was left speechless, her heart seething with apaphaKdjesidusy, Theldont {tig on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

Why did Loraine enjoy such unfaltering trust from Marco?

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