Goodbye, My Love

Chapter 1194

Chapter 1194

Chapter 1194

“Loraine, | had someone clear your mame online. You’re no longer suspected of plagiarism.”

Marco's careful choice of words left Carl taken aback, his eyebrows raising and Lips twitching in surprise. How had his typically stoic boss transformed into this vulnerable figure at the mere mention of Loraine? Loraine, on the other side of the line, seemed equally surprised and hesitated before saying, “So, thank you?”

Attempting to mask his happiness, Marco proposed gently, “Are you free later? Perhaps we could celebrate the resolution of this ordeal?”

Such gentle words were foreign from Marco’s Lips.

Upon hearing Marco's gentle tone, Carl instinctively touched the goosebumps on his arms and couldn’t help but tremble. ANGELA'‘sLIBRARY

He felt as though he should give the two some privacy. Maybe he should wait outside the office.

There was a rustling sound from Loraine’s end, Like she was standing up from a chair. Her voice became clearer a moment later. “I'm tied up with a meeting. | need to finalize the White Cloud Airport renovation plan. Maybe we could reschedule?”

Marco paused, clearly taken aback. Though a tinge of disappointment clouded his eyes, he maintained a professional demeanor. “Of course, work comes first. Loraine, I’m certain the airport project will be a grand success!”

Loraine gave an audible nod and quickly ended the call.

Marco was left staring at his phone, his gaze full of Longing. On looking up, he found Carl on the verge of speaking but he held his tongue.

Marco quickly reverted to his typical aloofness. “What's wrong?” Carl simply shook his head, chuckled, and said, “I have a feeling that you and Miss Torres will be rekindling things very soon!”

The fact that Marco was actively pursuing Loraine indicated a position of desperation. If there was no progress between them, Carl would feel anxious on their behalf.

Carl’s observation brought a faint smile to Marco's face. Just as he) was ab tetovespora his phone blizved with a new message from an unknown number. The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

The instant Marco saw the sender's name, Keely, his expression turns grim. He recalled haXitg blocked Keely’s oer before, yet here she was, reaching out through a different one. The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest

chapter there!

Marco ignored the message, deleting it with the intention of returning to his work. But in the next moment, his phone began to ring.

Marco's pleasant mood was shattered by the incoming all rie, coldly dj copgectedi call and was just ‘bout to block this new number when a series of messages flooded in. The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

“Marco, it’s Keely. Why aren’t you answering my call? Please, hear me out.”

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