Goodbye, My Love

Chapter 1198

Chapter 1198

Chapter 1198

Aweek later, a meeting was convened at the Universe Group.

Loraine arrived at the conference room ahead of time for preparations, followed by Leopold and Klein. She greeted them warmly with a smile. As they engaged in light chatter, Marco made his entrance, arriving just in time.

Tall and strikingly handsome, Marco was dressed immaculately in a suit, as if he was attending a banquet.

Casting a quick glance at him, Loraine swiftly looked away and announced to the room, “Since everyone’s here, let's get started.” Marco nodded, his gaze fixed unblinkingly on Loraine. He made his way to her and took a seat beside her.

Klein exchanged a knowing glance with Leopold. They covered their mouths to stifle their chuckles.

Leopold now knew that the heartfelt love story spun by Keely was pure fabrication. Loraine hadn't stolen Keely’s lover. From start to finish,

Marco had never harbored feelings for Keely. More so, Loraine’s divorce with Marco had been due to Keely’s interference. Klein had privately revealed to Leopold that Marco was actively pursuing Loraine in hopes of a reconciliation.

Leopold sighed emotionally. Simultaneously, he couldn’t help but notice that Loraine and Marco were a better match than Keely and Marco. He berated himself for being deceived by Keely back then.

Despite feeling a tad uncomfortable, Loraine proceeded to explain the design plan with composure. They listened intently, Leopold occasionally nodding in approval, his eyes lighting up with satisfaction. He was becoming increasingly impressed by Loraine’s talent.

“After analyzing the situation, we concluded that the recent boarding of the airplane by armed assailants was due to the poorly planned functional areas of the White Cloud Airport. This created a security loophole. To rectify this, we can redesign the terminal Layout around a central atrium...”

Loraine articulated her thoughts in a clear voice. She spoke with an air of confidence and calm, drawing Marco’s unwavering attention. His eyes were filled with affection. ANGELA‘sLIBRARY

In response to Loraine’s suggestions, Marco praised, “That way, all passengers can pass directly through the relevant areas and reach the multi-layered central space. This could indeed greatly simplify procedures and enhance management efficiency.”

Feeling a sense of validation upon realizing that Marco had understood her vision, Loraine looked at him in surprise.

That’s when she noticed Leopold furrowing his brows, seemingly wanting to voice his thoughts but hesitating.

Loraine spoke up. “Professor Zizka, if you have any suggestions, please feel free to share. Don’t worry about any possible objections.”

Leopold sighed, shaking his head with a smile. “Your proposal is indeed innovative and flexi ecH's sameéthing | dn'igoasiddret” owever, this design would significantly reduce the natural light in the airport. Relying solely on artificial Light could impact the comfort of the passengers.” The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read

the latest chapter there!

Hearing this, Loraine nodded in agreement. Exceptional arc itegtural design hqyldtake thtoAccount all aSpetts, and Leopold’s concern was entirely valid. The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

However, she had already considered this. She smiled brilliantly and responded calmly, “This issue isn’t

difficult to address,By Changin the airport’ def to an arched design, and incorporating a cascading structure that extends to the ground, we can not only support the multi-layered atrium but also use the flowing space to draw natural light into the airport.” The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest

chapter there!

Leopold contemplated for a moment, seemingly mulling over Loraine’s suggestion.

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