Goodbye, My Love

Chapter 1213

Chapter 1213

Chapter 1213

Regaining his composure, Slater glanced past Loraine and asked with a mischievous wink, “Loraine, did Marco bring you here? It seems like things are moving pretty quickly between you two. He even brought you here. Where is he?”

Observing Loraine’s cold expression, Slater’s voice faltered, and he turned to Jimmie for help.

Loraine retorted coldly, a scornful smirk playing on her lips, “I regret to inform you that you are mistaken. | didn’t come here with him. As for Marco’s whereabouts? | suggest you pose that question to

Keely. They came here together.”

Jimmie and Slater shared a look of bewilderment, struggling to make sense of Loraine’s words.

“Marco brought Keely here?” Jimmie asked cautiously.

Loraine merely sneered, unwilling to engage further. She attempted to sidestep the two and continue on her way.

But Jimmie hastily blocked her path, anxiously clarifying, “Loraine, you've got Marco all wrong. He came here today to honor our mutual friend, Jorge Riley. Keely is Jorge’s fiancée, which is why he escorted her here! Marco usually maintains his distance from her!”

Coming to his senses, Slater nodded in confirmation. “Exactly, Loraine. |, too, misconstrued Marco and Keely’s relationship. In reality, Marco looks after Keely solely due to a promise he made.

Once we deciphered Keely’s intentions, we severed ties with her. Marco only brought her here out of respect for Jorge. There’s absolutely nothing going on between them!”

As the two men anxiously justified, a flicker of doubt passed through

Loraine’s heart. She found herself asking, “Is Keely truly Jorge’s fiancée?” Slater affirmed energetically, a hint of annoyance flitting across his face.

“Indeed! Keely and Jorge were engaged, but it seemed she always had eyes for Marco. With Jorge gone, she wasted no time getting closer to

Marco. Marco was merely honoring Jorge’s dying request to look after

Keely, which he couldn’t refuse. And since Marco isn’t one to clarify matters, when we saw Keely becoming one of the few women close to him, we mistakenly assumed he reciprocated her feelings...”

Slater’s words were cut short by a sharp jab to his side. He winced in pain, shooting a furious glare at Jimmie. “What's your problem?”

Jimmie wore an expression that conveyed a mix of amusement and exasperation as he explain dor Loraine ‘Thatselli past. It’s ofily' Slater who believes that. Marco doesn't have any romantic feelings for Keely. His connection with her is solely based on a sense of responsibility.” The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

Slater realized his blunder. Fearful of further tarnishing Marco's image i Loraine’s e es, be\aaididy dede i “Right, right It’s a fact that Marco isn't fond of Keely. He doesn't like women at all!” The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

Jimmie couldn't resist rolling his eyes in response. Seizing Slater by th collar, he forcefully Pulled Kim back Regaini his composure, he clarified, “What this clueless fool is attempting to convey is that The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

Marco has abstained from romantic involvement. He has intentionally kept women at a distance for years. You were the only exception. He agreed to marry you.”

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