Goodbye, My Love

Chapter 1268

Chapter 1268

Chapter 1268

Jane, taken aback, quickly sought refuge behind a bystander, poking her head out to point at the raving Keely. She implored, “Carl, look at her! Keely has definitely gone mad. She has lost her sanity. She needs to be confined! What's the point of shipping her abroad and forgetting about her? What if she somehow finds her way back? How will we handle that?”

Carl hesitated upon hearing her words. Jane did make some sense.

After all, they had confined Keely to prison once before, and yet she had escaped and created chaos. Given her current erratic mental state, who could predict if she might spiral further and return to torment

Marco and Loraine?

Despite Jane’s passionate persuasion, Carl wore a frown and chose to disregard her. Fortunately, just then, Marco emerged with Loraine cradled in his arms.

Even though Loraine was uninjured, she had been severely frightened by the prior events. Despite her insistence that she was alright, Marco remained wary and chose to carry her.

Upon seeing them, Carl immediately approached, relaying Jane’s proposition with an expression of deep concern. He queried, “Sir, what’s your perspective on this?”

Marco Looked over at Keely, his face void of any emotional reaction.

He had extended too many chances to Keely already, and now his patience had run its course. He harbored no shred of sympathy for her anymore.

His silence in this moment seemed to imply implicit approval of Jane’s suggestion.

Keely’s face blanched, and she stepped back, her laugh laden with bitterness and despair. ANGELA'‘sLIBRARY

“Marco, are you truly going to agree with her and consign me to a mental institution?”

Keely’s heart lurched. Knowing Jane to be rather superficial, she was convinced that Jane wouldn't spare her a second thought once her downfall was complete. Jane might even harbor resentment and vent her frustrations on her following the Bryant Group’s reclamation of the

Powell family’s privileges. So, while Keely was seething with anger, she was not shocked by Jane’s proposal. What she found unbearable was Marco's silent endorsement.

How could this man be exceedingly tender towards one woman while displaying utter indifference towards another?

Perhaps because Keely’s expression was too alarming, Jane clenched her teeth and ae Conc clie

a Ry renidhe ommitting Keely to a mental hospital is for her own well-being! | am her aunt, her only family. | have the authority to make this decision! Mr. Bryant, and The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

Miss Torres, | am aware of a top-notch mental institution that, ensures strict, sypelni n. c&n agsist wi tthe family guarantor forms. Let's expedite her admission, the sooner, the better!” The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest

chapter there!

Seeing Jane behave as though she was ridding herself of a contagion,

Loraine’s eyebrows furrowed, a wave of discomfort vet ver her She t ka dgepbretit SC “Hold on.” The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

Keely was incredulous that the only person who asked to stop was the person she hated the most.

Her gaze, marked by red-rimmed eyes, was a cruel dagger pointed at

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