Goodbye, My Love

Chapter 1303

Chapter 1303

Chapter 1303

How did Jefferson unearth this buried secret? With Marco

Only the Bryant family was privy to the truth about Marco's birth out of wedlock, and it was a certainty that Laura and Liza had no intentions of broadcasting such information.

Laura’s inquisitive look promptly settled on Marina.

Marina’s eyes sunk guiltily to the floor, steering clear of Laura’s piercing gaze. Witnessing this, an understanding washed over Laura. It must have been Marina who inadvertently revealed it at the banquet!

Regardless, criticizing her now would serve no purpose. Furthermore, this revelation might not necessarily have negative consequences.

Laura chose to confront Jefferson directly, “What’s your next move, Mr. Foster?” Noticing her change in stance, Jefferson broke into a satisfied smirk.

He scoffed, “That ungrateful Marco has lost touch with his roots after a few years as CEO. He shows no gratitude at all! The Bryant Group belongs to the Bryant family. How dare an illegitimate child compete with the rightful heir?”

His words struck a chord in Laura, provoking a heated response, “Precisely!” Jefferson further fueled Laura’s anger, stating, “Historically, children born out of wedlock held no status. It was your generosity,

Mrs. Bryant, that prevented his expulsion. The Bryant Group is no small venture. It deserves a rightful heir, not a wolf in sheep’s clothing with dubious origins. Marco not only forgets your benevolence, but he also suppresses and torments you. It’s intolerable, even from an outsider’s perspective!”

ANGELA'‘sLIBRARY His words resonated with both Laura and Marina, stirring their memories of Marco’s torment, and they nodded in agreement.

Forgetting her culpability in revealing the secret, Marina said in indignation, “Exactly! What rights does Marco, an illegitimate child, have?”

Maintaining a composed demeanor, Laura posed her question to Jefferson,

“What's your proposal, Mr. Foster? | will do all in He Ue within rhy feath?’ The content is on

NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

“Since you are being upfront, I’ll be the same. The reason you and

Marina are oppressed by Marco is because of your past leniency. Y! should regain central GDpryant a. ahd\ma Marco realize who the true heir is!” Jefferson Laughed. “As long as you dare to challenge The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

Marco, I'll be there for you. This way, you'll reclaim your Reattions, getdps eyemasdena Yo Higher ones.” The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

The idea of competing with Marco for control over the Bryant Group left

Marina agape in astonishment.

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