Goodbye, My Love

Chapter 1311

Chapter 1311

Chapter 1311

“But... after what happened at the banquet, Marco forbade me from Leaving the house. Can | still go?” Laura scoffed, “Do you think he'll remain on his high horse forever? Don’t worry, I’ve got a plan!”

Over several consecutive days, the Bryant Group lingered in an uneasy peace, the sense of impending crisis heavy in the air. The atmosphere suggested that a momentous event was about to unfold.

Despite the subdued online speculations, the company was beginning to simmer with internal unrest. Finally, the day of the shareholders’ meeting for Bryant Group arrived.

Marco, absent since the recent incident, appeared at the company headquarters, donned in an immaculate suit. His air was icy and composed, emanating an aura of refined ruthlessness. He strode confidently towards the conference room, with Carl trailing behind, grave and somber.

The Bryant Group was on the verge of a power shift. In the conference room, the majority of the shareholders had gathered.

Whispers and murmurs filled the room, alliances and divisions hinted at by the seating arrangements. Some merely observed, while others harbored more sinister intentions.

The moment Marco stepped into the room, an eerie silence engulfed the space. Every eye was locked on him, each carrying a unique motive. But no one dared to break the silence or approach him, including the shareholders who had previously attempted to ingratiate themselves with him. It was apparent that everyone was aware of his contentious status as an illegitimate child.

Without showing any sign of annoyance, Marco ascended the podium and gave a crisp and powerful presentation on Bryant Group ‘s objectives for the forthcoming quarter, appearing unfazed by the rumors of his disputed Legitimacy. Yet restlessness spread among some attendees.

Jefferson, acting Like a benevolent elder, smiled and interrupted him, “Mr. Bryant, before proceeding with your report, haven’t you missed addressing something?” Marco paused, returning Jefferson's interjection with a cold stare and a gesture for him to continue.

Though inwardly anxious, Jefferson maintained a poised facade. “The recent online speculations about you have significantly impacted our corporation. Shouldn’t you give us an explanation?”

“| don’t owe you any explanation regarding my personal affairs, Mr. Foster, do 1?” Marco retorted frostily.

Jefferson feigned concern. “If it were some trivial scandal, we shareholders wouldn't ry. Buys yourldgitintacy affects the company’s succession. As shareholders, it’s only right for us to be apprehensive!” The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

Despite none daring to openly align with Jefferson, theixagprebiehsichis were clear The content ison NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

Marco’s demeanor grew icy.

Just then, there was a knock on the conference room door. A visibly 4 troubled Carl apprpichad Marco, whiSperi Miss Bryant is creating a scene at the reception. We're unable to calm her down.” The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest

chapter there!

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