Goodbye, My Love

Chapter 276

Chapter 276

Chapter 276

No one else in that family could hire her to repair the castle that

Liza held so dear to her heart.

Loraine lost interest in a split second.

But as usual, the stubborn Marco refused to take no for an answer. He bombarded her with e-mails.

“Loraine, | guess you already know who | am. The castle was built about five hundred years ago. It looks a bit run-down these days. Some of the touchups that were done previously have faded away. After pondering about it for a long time, | figured that you are the only person that | can entrust with the task of redecorating the castle. | hope you think this through, Loraine. I’m looking forward to receiving a positive response from you soon. Thanks in anticipation.”

The e-mail Marco sent conveyed his sincerity. He praised Loraine’s design prowess and didn’t sound as domineering as he used to.

Despite it all, Loraine’s heart remained hardened. She turned down the offer resolutely. “I'm not interested. Give the project to someone else, please.” Marco got a bit agitated. His domineering side crept out again.

“Just name your price, Loraine. I'll pay any amount. You can also put forward any conditions. I'll abide by them as long as they are within my power.”

Unbeknown to him, his latest email would drive Loraine farther away.

Loraine tut-tutted after reading it. She closed the mail tab, deciding to ignore all his emails from now on. She thought that it would put an end to the whole issue.

But the next day, Loraine received a phone call from Liza while she was still at work.

“Hey! What did you say to Marco? Why is he hell-bent on assigning the renovation of our castle to you? Over my dead body, Loraine! | will not allow you anywhere near that castle while I’m still alive. Stay away from my grandson!”

The harsh words reminded Loraine of the tempestuous years she spent with the Bryant family. She wanted nothing to do with them.

“That’s exactly what | want!”

Liza assumed that Loraine was fibbing and went further to threaten her.

“Thank goodness you are a little self-aware. How can a low- Hn designer ike youteke Gh the gi grand pkoject tenovating an extraordinary castle like mine? Otherwise, your sickly career will be ruined! Got that?” The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

Loraine was pissed off when she heard this. She had don und dawn the off. epause sHe t want to eet with the Bryant family, not because she wasn't competent. The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

Since Liza talked down on her professional ability, Loraine wasn’t going to let this slide at all.

“You are being ridiculous! What makes you think I’m interested in that rundown building ygu 3 acastle> Eww | INC PhE Si Sight ~ it repulsive. Get down from your high horse. Even if you pay me in millions, | won't agree to renovate it!” The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest

chapter there!

“What! Have you forgotten who you are talking to? I’m decades older than you, Loraine! Did no one teach you how to respect elders? You spoiled brat!” Liza cursed in rage.

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