Goodbye, My Love

Chapter 406

Chapter 406

Chapter 406

Allen’s presence made Marco’s countenance grow dark.

What was he doing here?

Loraine didn’t notice Marco’s reaction. She said, “Marco, why did you give me the building?”

Marco tried to remain calm.

“| was on my way to the company when | found out that you were choosing an apartment. | simply stopped by to have a look.” Loraine frowned.

“We both know that work can wait. You are not recovered. Are you trying to get yourself killed?

Was Loraine worrying about him?

Marco was lying, though. Immediately he heard the news about Loraine looking for an apartment, he rushed to meet her. Marco’s eyes gleamed. His mood lightened up at her words.

“Don’t worry about me, okay? I’m doing much better.”

Loraine felt tense. Why did she say that? Was she losing her cool? Why should she care if Marco decided to neglect his health?

She swore at him in her mind but maintained composure.

“Stop with the nonsense. | am not worried about you. | am just looking out for my business partner. | don’t want anything to affect future partnerships between Universe Group and Bryant Group.”

Marco stared at her longingly. He saw through her clumsy excuse, but didn’t point it out. “You don’t have to worry about that. I’d never let anything affect our business together.”

Flustered, Loraine switched the topic. “So, why did you give me the building?”

Marco wanted her to accept it by any means. So he came up with another lie. “l wanted to make ame ds,fenany IiSeIn Ces Pee Techip might have caused you. Please, accept this gift as my apology. Whenever you get bored of the floor you are on, feel free to move to another one.” The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

“Are you always this benevolent with everyone?” Loraine our Fhis m vesorny Bais ere he got generous always left her stunned. The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

“If you keep this up, you'll go broke.”

Marco answered, “When it comes,to you, | can't help bytyieBerievolent.” Theldontént is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

You are special to me.”

Loraine was startled for a bit.

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