Goodbye, My Love

Chapter 589

Chapter 589

Chapter 589

The female CEO sat in her executive seat, exuding poise.

Loraine had already shown the entire company how capable she was, and the director was the one who had made a mistake this time. By the time he arrived, his back was drenched in sweat.

As soon as he stepped in the office, he bowed his head and apologized.

“This is my fault. | will take responsibility for it and bear the losses.”

Angela’s Library

Loraine clicked on the webpage, her voice was cold and dark as she asked, “How? Would you be able to afford it?” The director’s legs felt frail, and he nearly fell to his knees.

“Well, this is not the time to point out faults. How did this happen?”

Loraine asked.

The director’s face crumpled as he responded, “The photographer sent the photos to us today. A photo of you and Marco Bryant was among them.

We assumed you were the one who specially arranged it, so we uploaded all of the photos on the website.” A headache slowly crept up on Loraine.

That day, the photographer had been very excited to take photos of her and Marco. She hadn’t expected he would send the unplanned photo of them together, causing a misunderstanding.

Universe Group had taken down the pictures immediately after the incident happened, but it was too late.

The picture had not only been downloaded, but they had also begun to form gossip theories.

“What is happening? What’s the meaning behind the photo? Give us an explanation quickly!”

“The photo of Loraine and Marco was posted on Universe Group’s official website. Never have | seen anything Like this!”

“This may be a publicity stunt. Universe Group may be in cooperation with Bryant Group, but Marco and Loraine can’t be dating again, can they?”

Marina was at home when she saw the news on the internet and herayes widened. In ay instaat(shesde upright began typing crazily on the keyboard with her freshly manicured nails. The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

“Dating? Impossible! Do you view my family as a trash bin? My brothe would never mmaery whore ike fee oon. is only trying to feed off Marco’s popularity. Shame on her!” The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

Marina had been eager to put down Loraine for a while, so she snatched this opportunity up quickly.

Despite Marina's bad reputation, she was still Marco's sister_and hey m words stil:peld aight re ing to that! With no information from Marco yet, people’s suspicions doubled. The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

Laura issued a statement at that time too. “I’m sorry. | have never heard of a cooperation between Bryant Group and Universe Group. Bryant

Group will hold Loraine accountable for this behavior, releasing

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