Goodbye, My Love

Chapter 634

Chapter 634

Chapter 634

It was Late when Loraine left Bryant Group. When she finally got back to her apartment, her phone began to ring. She looked at it and found that it was a reminder for dinner.

The phone showed that a reservation had been booked for her at a restaurant.

Loraine was stunned.

Was her phone infected by a virus?

She didn’t remember booking a reservation at any restaurant.

Just as Loraine was about to use an antivirus software to clean up the phone, an idea suddenly occurred to her. She held the phone up and said tentatively, “Qbot?”

Immediately, a smiley appeared on the screen along with an emoji of smiling animals. Needless to say, this was Qbot.

Loraine rubbed her forehead and exhaled deeply. She just didn’t know what to say. She didn’t expect that Qbot to get into her phone like this.

Since it was such a childish and naive robot, it was not a good idea to reprimand it. So, she said patiently and gently, “Qbot dear, why are you out here in my phone? You should go back, or your daddy will be worry.”

Though she had always planned to surpass Bryant Group, she never thought that she would end up sabotaging Marco's research in this manner albeit unintentionally.

They were in a partnership. If her partner company found out that she had stolen their most confidential program, Laura’s opinion of her would be proven to be correct.

By then, no amount of eloquence would be of use for her to explain herself out of the predicament. Qbot, on its part, was still bringing up cute little emojis on the screen.

“Mommy, the mainframe computer is still in daddy's company. My presence here won't affect them at all. Daddy punished me. If | stay there, | won’t be able to do anything for a whole week. | will be bored to death!”

Loraine frowned, but she just didn’t know what to say. “Mommy, Let me stay in your phone for only one week. Please!” Qbot begged.

“Don't you pity me? | thought you said

| was lovely? How. canypu Gdvelthe © Away?"

heart tdhiriveYm away?” The content

is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest

chapter there!

Looking at the emojis on her phone screen, Loraine ju ‘didryt Know What te-think\sf i this. he content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

Who on earth was Qbot even loyal to?

Qbot keenly sensed her hesitation and Beata Gstalbt of featyredoMthe creen. The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

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