Goodbye, My Love

Chapter 644

Chapter 644

Chapter 644

Bryant Group’s research?”

“Since they used the surveillance photos of Loraine in Bryant Group then the person that spread this fake news must be someone inside the group. This makes this whole thing highly intriguing. What could be the person’s motive?”

Before Long, more and more people began to come to the conclusion that the person was actually the real saboteur. And clearly, the person’s plan was to frame Loraine.

People immediately began to check the list of visitors that had come to Bryant Group that day.

Some insiders secretly cooperated with them and provided them the required information. Soon, they found that, except for Loraine and her team, there was only one other visitor, Laura Bryant.

“Who is this Laura?”

“Isn’t she Marco’s mother?”

“| don’t think she has anything to do with this. How could she destroy her own company?”

There were all kinds of guesses and theories online, but the topic was becoming increasingly viral. Meanwhile, Laura was about to go out when Marco came back and stopped her.

“Why did you leak the information about the lab to the public and try to frame Loraine for it?” Marco demanded without any preamble, his face darkening in anger.

Laura was shocked, but she quickly hid her bag behind her and said, “I don’t know what you're talking about. | didn’t do anything.”

Fearing that Marco wouldn’t believe her, she quickly added, “Besides, | own shares of Bryant Group. How can | leak confidential information about our own company? That would be very bad, I’m sure.”

“Is that so?” Marco sneered. “So, you didn’t spread the rumor because you were scared of being blamed by the board of directors, eh?”

Hearing this, Laura broke into a cold sweat. But she still pretended to be calm.

“Marco, don’t you trust your mother? I’m not stupid! | know there are surveillance cameras in the company, and yet you think | made up such a clumsy rumor?”

But Marco didn't believe her even one bit. The disappointment in is- eyes was ve exjdenet H&K planned to givelaura a chance to confess, but she had thrown it away. The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

“Since you knew that Qbot is the flagship achievement of the company and we need teremialnh c fidentiabat ail eae you decided to make trouble for Loraine because you were sure that we would never release the surveillance footage to disprove the rumor, right?” The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

Without the surveillance footage, Loraine wouldn’t have any evidence to prove her innocence. As a result, no one would believe her, no matter how much she explained.

Laura’s scheme had clearly been a very vicious one.

Unfortunately for her, she never expected that Loraine woul haye\ dinner ith Maredl tat day; which was'trore than enough to convince everyone that Loraine was not guilty. The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

Now that her Lie had been exposed by Marco, Laura’s face turned deathly pale.

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