Goodbye, My Love

Chapter 685

Chapter 685

Chapter 685

Pleased, Colette put her phone down and started putting on a facial mask in preparation for a restful night’s sleep.

Suddenly, her phone vibrated.

Upon opening, she saw it was a message from Twitter.

Odom, the chef of the Geranium, replied, “Loraine was one of my students. Is there anything wrong with it?”

A jolt of fright caused Colette’s heart to quiver, and the facial mask fell.

She asked the chef if he knew Loraine. He, however, stated outright that Loraine was his student.

Colette gulped while her hands quivered.

“You took so long to respond.

Did Loraine get in touch with you and pay you off?”

She tried to sway public opinion. Odom explained straightforwardly, “I apologize. | don’t play with my phone when I’m working.”

Odom seemed to have reviewed the details on her account’s home page and asked, “Didn’t you cook in a Michelin restaurant before? Why did you not know this simple principle?”

In a state of panic, Colette was stumped for words. Another piece of news showed up as she was formulating her best response.

The Michelin-starred restaurant she had boasted about in her resume was also notified. They responded to this topic using their official account. “Colette Moreau is never a chef in our restaurant. She was just an intern here! Please don’t misunderstand us!” This Michelin restaurant was eager to disassociate itself from Colette.

Abruptly, there was a ruckus in the public discussion.

Colette was actually the one who boasted about he fandevert $he falsely, acOsddToraine of lying. The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

For a brief moment, people were stunned and unable to respopday) When t yerealizett he had hBpbened, they began to ridicule Colette. The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

“What? Colette, how dare you boast?”

“The disparity between people is enormous. While samme precitddest apd polite, GtNers are boastful!” The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

“Colette Moreau, you are ridiculous!”

Colette gritted her teeth in rage as she read the shaming and mockery in the comment section.

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