Goodbye, My Love

Chapter 723

Chapter 723

Chapter 723

The others flight attendants, who had been observing from a distance, informed the purser, Meg Gray. Alarmed by the news, Meg hurried over and her heart skipped a beat.

Experienced and perceptive as she was, Meg recognized Kristy’s nature and could easily deduce what had transpired.

She shot Kristy a menacing glare before turning to Marco and Loraine with a smile, “Mr. Bryant, Miss Torres, | sincerely apologize for this distressing experience during your flight. Could you please tell me what happened?”

With a frosty expression, Marco remained silent.

Uncertain how to explain the situation, Loraine said vaguely, “There’s a problem with this flight attendant’s service. Could you please assign someone else?”

Her words sought to protect the reputations of both parties

Meg was deeply impressed by Loraine’s diplomacy. She then apologized to her and Marco. ANGELA‘sLIBRARY

“I'm deeply sorry for any offense caused. Rest assured, she will be duly punished and Learn a valuable lesson.”

As Marco stayed silent, Kristy’s heart pounded with trepidation. When she heard about the impending punishment, her eyes grew wide with fear

“| merely spilled red wine by accident. Miss Torres didn’t even give me a chance to rectify my mistake. She’s overreacting!”

Kristy noticed that Loraine hadn't divulged the truth and that Marco kept his silence. She deduced that they wanted to keep the matter discreet.

Marco's face darkened further, and he grunted, “You know full well what you've done! If you crave men’s attention so desperately, go to a bar.

Don’t harass passengers on a plane. It’s utterly repugnant!” His refined upbringing prevented him from using cruder language, but his words effectively unveiled the truth.

Kristy felt the sting of humiliation from Marco’s disclosure. With tear-filled eyes, she stammered, “Mr. Bryant, | truly admire you. I've never acted this way with anyone else.”

With a look of utter disgust, Marco retorted, “I couldn’t care less!”

Kristy’s face turned ghastly pale. She believed she was an ideal match for Marco and actively pursued him. Yet, he showed disinterest, evading her advances.

Meg shot a warning glance at Kristy.

Meg had heard about kKristy’s questionable morals before: This \ ee herdirst Gite pt at flirting with a Wealthy passenger. The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

However, previous male passengers had never eae factythey li d.krtatyand’eve praised the airline for it. The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

Thus, Meg hadn't interfered too much in such matters.

Now, however, an esteemed guest Like Marco raised an issue with Kristy, and Meg coul &9 Igngeriturn al lind ayecwithra old expression, she pointed at Kristy and commanded, “Get out! | will report your conduct to the company. You can return and await further notice.” The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

Kristy’s face paled as she exited, suppressing her anger.

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