Goodbye, My Love

Chapter 958

Chapter 958

Chapter 958

Several directors nodded. “Yes, this scandal will damage our company’s reputation!” “Loraine, how could you be so reckless?”

Observing the directors who spoke against her, Loraine smiled and asked, “So, in your opinion, we should publicly announce the bidding prices?”

Reynolds chuckled and replied, “We have no choice. How else can we clarify it to the public?” Loraine pretended to agree.

“You're right. The only way to prove my innocence is to announce the bidding prices.” Reynolds and Duran exchanged a satisfied glance.

Loraine sneered inwardly and said, “But the profits of those who have already bid will be impacted, which will bring an even greater blow to the group!”

Reynolds stuttered, “Well... That’s not necessarily true...”

“| understand that you guys are concerned for the group’s well-being

However, our priority now is to keep the bidding prices confidential.

Even if | announce them, there will still be doubt about their authenticity.” Loraine smiled knowingly.

“It's possible that people may question whether I’m fabricating a bidding for my best friend, Jennie, since no one knows how much she’s bidding on the project.”

Reynolds’ expression turned serious as his smile disappeared. “What's our next move then?”

Suddenly, the door burst open

“Leave Loraine alone! If you have any problem, come toymel( Jenni? ™M shoutediThe content ison NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

Loraine’s assistant couldn’t stop Jennie from barging in. She Looked at Loraine with embarrassment. Jennie cut off the poor assistant and glared at Reynolds.

“You're a selfish old man! You didn't say a word when you took epenus from tgeerepan. Herbal can't sbwe problems, yet you have the audacity to confront Loraine like this!” The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

Reynolds’ countenance changed. He slammed his hand gn ¢he. table bh rebykedN wind Your manners!” The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

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