Goodbye, My Wretched Love! By Dolly Molly

Chapter 418

Chapter 418

Chapter 418

Chapter 418

She wanted to say something else, but then stopped. It was hard for Justin to be in the middle, and he was Finley’s good brother, so how could he tell her about Finley.

Sofia also felt quite oppressive and weighty.

He was probably angry, but after a while, she will comfort him again, and the most urgent thing is to go back to the hotel first.

The mobile phone shop Sofia just came to is very close to the hotel where she stayed, so she doesn’t need to drive.

She was about to walk back, and the small shops along the way looked quite interesting. France is indeed the capital of romance. There are cafes everywhere, and there are also such literary shops.

This shop sells perfumes, and the packaging looks very fashionable. Whenever Sofia encounters such fashionable things, she can’t control herself and walks in.

She opened the door and walked into the store. The entire showcase was made into small grids, and each bottle of perfume was packaged exquisitely.

Sofia is not very interested in perfume, but those small bottles of perfume look very design.

She walked around the store, and her eyes fell on a bottle the size of a thumb on the booth.


Chapter 418

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It was designed in the shape of a half–moon, with some patterns engraved on it, and those patterns were actually composed of some witchcraft symbols when you looked carefully.

Symbols form a pattern, which Sofia has studied before. It is the kind of love witchcraft, and the idea is quite strange.

She raised her hand to pick up the perfume bottle and take a closer look at the symbols on it. Suddenly, a sharp voice came, speaking not–so–fluent English, but the tone revealed extreme contempt.

“Miss, you can’t afford the things in this store! Don’t touch them! Get out!”

Sofia froze for a moment, turned around and looked at the shopping guide standing behind her.

The French woman in uniform is the shopping guide in the store. Because she is much taller than Sofia, she lowered her eyes and looked at Sofia coldly.

Then he sneered, snatched the perfume bottle that Sofia was already holding, and put it on the table beside him, looking down at Sofia with his arms crossed, “I’ll say it again, you can’t afford it. Get your dirty hands off.”

Sofia was really angry. Such an artsy store actually hired a racist clerk, and even brought their unique arrogance to the


She also saw Sofia’s nationality and called her a very insulting


Sofia turned around and looked at her coldly, “I warn you, if


Chapter 418

you use racial discrimination again, I will call the police.”

Sofia proposed to call the police, and the clerk started swearing and swearing at Sofia.

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Sofia has also learned French, so she didn’t get used to her, and just opened in French.

When the clerk was swearing in broken English, Sofia’s fluent French stunned her.

While fighting back, Sofia picked up her mobile phone and was about to call the police, when another clerk hurried over and stopped Sofia.

“Miss, you don’t want to cause any trouble. Well, please leave now, and let’s pretend that this never happened, okay?”

The male clerk is quite sensible, knowing that once the police is called, it will be a little bit overwhelmed.

Sofia originally wanted to talk to her, but when she thought about going to the jewelry exhibition tomorrow, if she went to the police station today, she might have to make a statement tomorrow, or even face a summons, which would delay tomorrow’s exhibition.

She didn’t want to lose this opportunity, and the team members she led put in countless days and nights of hard work and effort for this exhibition.

Sofia took a deep breath, and silently remembered the name of the store in her mind.



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