Goodbye, My Wretched Love! By Dolly Molly

Chapter 452

Chapter 452

Chapter 452

Chapter 452 Hank grabbed her arm, “I saw you quarreling with Finley and leaving his car, so I went back to get the car and chase you.” “As a result, I passed a traffic light on the road, and after waiting for a few minutes, I lost you.” Sofia didn’t want to talk to him, but Hank grabbed her arm and finally growled, “Are you going back to him?” “Even if he just sent someone to drive you to kill you, do you want to go back?” Sofia’s body froze there, looking at Hank. Then he laughed softly, “Not at all.” Sofia is very upset now, she just wants to go back and rest. One sound wouldn’t send Hank into hell. Did she like Finley that much? Liked so much that no matter what Finley said or did, she believed him so much. Hank suddenly felt a little powerless in his heart, and the raised arm slowly fell down, letting go of Sofia. Sofia still said thank you. She had calmed down now, thinking about her brother and needing Finley’s help.

Although she said she wanted to take a break, the Campbell Family incident was like a thorn in her bone, and it hurt even a Chapter 452 little bit to pull it out. But in this world, there are many unbearable things, and sometimes you have to endure it if you can’t bear it. 283 Vouchers Hank pursed his thin lips tightly, like a sculpture, then took a deep breath and pushed open the door, pulling Sofia who had already got out of the car back into the car. The action was a bit rude, and this was the first time since he met Sofia that he couldn’t control his

emotions. Sofia was a little taken aback. After all, in her understanding, although Hank was a play boy, he had always been a gentleman, and he wouldn’t do anything to a woman. “Hank!” “Get in the car!” Hank dragged her into the car, got into the car angrily, looked at Sofia coldly and said, “I’m not mean enough to throw you on the street.” Sofia was stunned for a moment, but she didn’t insist on getting out of the car anymore. After all, she was penniless now, and her mobile phone and bag were sna tched by that American boy. Hank sent her back to the hotel where the two of them lived before, and she was still busy with her own affairs, so she drove away. After all, Mom’s nursing home was discovered, and he had to resettle people. His only weakness is his mother, who has experienced too many hardships and twists and turns, and he hates others to 28.21% Chapter 452 use his mother to restrain him. 288 Vouchers This time, the relationship with Finley was completely settled. Hank drove into the night, and a black car stopped at the side entrance of the church on the road at the other end of the city. The people in the car didn’t get out of the car immediately. Ruby, who was wearing a black casual outfit, stared at the church in front of him shrouded in the night, raised his hand and slapped the steering wheel. Just a little bit short, and she succeeded, and could smash Sofia to pieces. Luke has to contain the people on Hank’s side, Justin is still busy with the headquarters, Paul stays in NY to deal with the Knight family and other families come to make trouble.

Ruby was transferred to Paris at this time, responsible for coordinating Finley’s chores in Paris. Finley was probably stunned by the quarrel with Sofia just now, and he had forgotten Ruby’s obsession with him. After all, Ruby now has his own fiancé, and he is also a fiancé who is about to get married. Finley is also not so narcissistic, treating Ruby as an ordinary subordinate. He watched Sofia rush out of his car, and although his heart was simmering, he called Ruby who was already in Paris and asked her to find Sofia. It’s so late, if something happens, it’s hard to tell. 61.85% Chapter 452 Yes, it’s so late, why can’t something happen? Ruby’s eyes were as cold as ice, and after a while a priest came out of the church and walked in front of Ruby. Chapter 453


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