Goodbye, My Wretched Love! By Dolly Molly

Chapter 463

Chapter 463

Chapter 463

Chapter 463

He doesn’t even know how much alcohol he drank in an

unknown bar last night? Don’t even know how I got back?

Finley’s face turned extremely ugly, and his heart felt even worse. Sofia broke up with him just because of Hank.

Let’s not talk about their relationship in the past few years, even if the past has exhausted all their courage to love each other, but he is really humbled to the extreme in front of her.

When was he so humble. She actually abandoned him for a man who was nothing?

It had to be made clear, he couldn’t stand her leaving.

Finley staggered up from the big bed, people outside the door might have heard his voice, there was a knock on the door.

“Mr. Stwart! Mr. Stwart, are you awake?”

It was Paul’s voice. Finley drank too much yesterday. Paul was worried that he would have a heart attack. He couldn’t believe the doctors in Paris. Fortunately, there was the last flight.

He had just arrived at the apartment just in time for Finley to wake up.

Paul hastily pushed open the bedroom door, before the medicine box in his hand could be used, Finley pushed him away and walked out of the bedroom.

Chapter 463

There’s Justin in the living room, and Ruby sitting next to


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Ruby was the last one to come to Finley’s apartment. Before she came, she bought breakfast for Justin and Paul, and ordered meals for Finley, all of which were his favorite flavors.

Seeing Finley’s disheveled clothes and pale face shaking out, everyone stood up.

“Mr. Stwart, let me check your heart first!” Paul saw that Finley was fine, but it was better to check first, after all, heart disease is not a joke.

Finley took a breath, “Get me a car, I’m going out!”

Justin and the others froze there for a moment, they could imagine with their toes, what was Mr. Stwart thinking about going out in such a hurry, wasn’t it because of Sofia!

“Mr. Stwart! You should check your body first!” Paul hurriedly blocked Finley, this man was almost committing suicide.


He clearly knew that he had a bad heart, so he wanted to die like this!

Up to now, I have a strong smell of alcohol on my body. Is this because I soaked myself in a wine tank?

If things go on like this, sooner or later, she will die on the body of Sofia.

Their subordinates didn’t know what happened to these two people, they managed to get together, but now another Hank came out halfway.

These people have been fighting with Finley and the Knight

Chapter 463

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family for several years. Noah is already a difficult fox to deal with, and the second young master of the Knight family is even more ruthless.

To let that kid hide for so long, and now he has revealed his fox tail, is quite difficult to deal with, the key is to get mixed up with his wife, this matter is not easy to deal with.

Paul and the others had been following Finley for a while, so they became a little more courageous and had to stand in front of Finley.

Unexpectedly, he was pushed away by Finley, Paul was pushed staggered, Finley walked towards Justin with a stern expression.

Justin took a helpless breath, took out the car keys, and just as he was about to say something, Finley had already strode out of the apartment with the keys in hand.

Justin hurriedly followed, still worried about Finley’s body, Finley stopped him and told him to get away.

Ruby, who kept her head down and didn’t speak, had a bit of bitterness on her lips, which is the charm of Sofia.

Even if she betrayed Finley, Finley would still go to her the first moment after sobering up.

However, she wanted to see how this matter ended. She believed that Sofia could see clearly the scene last night, and she could also see that Sofia was the kind of woman with

strong self–esteem, and she would definitely not take the initiative to give in to Finley..


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