Goodbye, My Wretched Love! By Dolly Molly

Chapter 492

Chapter 492

Chapter 492

Chapter 492

Finley rushed straight out of the inner bedroom. He was already very weak after the operation, and he couldn’t stop his steps. He almost staggered and fell to the ground.

“Mr. Stwart!” Justin helped Finley up.

Finley gritted his teeth, his complexion changed, and he didn’t know whether it was because of the pain or panic, and hurriedly said in a low voice, “Go ask the front desk of the hotel if you saw when Miss Campbell went out.”

“Go call Luke and Ruby and tell them to come over right away!”

“What do they think of people, people are lost, where did they go?”

Sweat broke out on Justin’s forehead. He called Ruby a few hours ago, and he didn’t know what happened to Ruby, and he hasn’t shown up yet.

This woman is getting more and more unreliable.

They were not fools, they couldn’t tell that something had happened to Miss Campbell, so they split up.

The manager of the hotel was alarmed, and it was Finley again. Finley had a good reputation not only in America but also overseas.

A VIP lounge was prepared for Finley alone, and Ruby rushed over just at this time, but besides her, there was a handsome


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tall man with blond hair and blue eyes behind him.

1788 Vouchers.

It was Ruby’s fiancé, Harry, and this was the first time Harry had appeared in front of these people.

If it was before the timing, Justin and the others would definitely let Ruby treat her, and help her check it out. At this time, Mr. Stwart’s temper was about to explode, and they only dared to glance at it. There.

Finley sat on the sofa, his face darkened.

Ruby walked over cautiously, and said to Finley, “I just met my fiancé, Harry, and we discussed our marriage for a while, but I didn’t have time to pick you up at the airport.”

“When did Mr. Stwart come? Ma’am?”

As soon as the word “madame” came out of Ruby’s mouth, Justin thought it was bad.

He called Ruby before and told her to stare at his wife first, but he didn’t expect to be caught by her fiancé, it was really masculine and misleading.

But Mr. Stwart didn’t ask them to protect his wife before. At that time, his wife gave Mr. Stwart a cuckold. Let alone protection, he probably wanted to kill his wife.

These people couldn’t figure out what the president meant, and it turned out that Ruby was also unlucky when these things happened now.

It was only a few hours away, and I still didn’t catch up, and I didn’t stop my wife.

Ruby looked at Finley in front of him, that handsome and

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delicate face, pale and bloodless, with a gloomy look between his brows and eyes.

Isn’t she just a Sofia? As for being so depressed because of this unworthy woman?

But it passed quickly.

But Ruby still couldn’t suppress the indignation in her heart, what kind of person is Sofia, why can she involve Finley’s emotions?

“Is Madam not there?”


“I answered Justin’s call before, mainly because something was delayed in the middle, Madam may go out…”

Finley grabbed the coffee cup on the counter and threw it in Ruby’s direction. If Ruby and he hadn’t wandered the streets of NY together, he would have smashed the cup directly against Ruby’s ear instead of rubbing it against Ruby’s ear. on Ruby’s head.

Ruby subconsciously staggered back a few steps, Harry rushed forward to support his fiancée, and his expression sank.

He was born in an old–fashioned family in France. His

an Were still aristocrats. He became a doctor at first,

and later obtained a lawyer’s qualification certificate. He developed very well in the French legal circle.

The usually gentle man was annoyed immediately, he shielded Ruby behind him, and glared at Finley.

“Mr. Stwart, what do you mean?”


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“Believe it or not, I’ll tell you!”

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Finley’s eyes were red with anger, and he sneered, took out his favorite pistol from his waist and pointed it at Harry.

Everyone’s expressions changed, and Justin subconsciously moved toward Harry, telling him to leave quickly if necessary, because he might really be beaten to death, it would be ugly.

Finley glanced coldly at the people standing around, and Luke also got the news and rushed in at this time, thinking that something happened to Mr. Stwart, but he saw the situation.

His first reaction was to raise his hand, and slowly took a step


What’s happening? what happened?

The bastard Justin called him and only said a few words, Mr. Stwart came to the hotel, something happened to his wife, tell him to hurry up and leave Hank alone.

What do you mean now?

Why is Mr. Stwart pointing a gun at a man, what now?

Ruby grabs Harry, although he has been treating him as a spare tire, but this man is really kind to her, sometimes she wants to give up Finley too.

But she just couldn’t let it go, as if Finley had become an obsession in her mind. She just wants to give herself a chance.

Ellie is dead, and now that Sofia is dead, she will not be reconciled to having no woman close to him!

Finley’s face was gloomy, and he was playing with the cold


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gun with his slender fingers. The dark muzzle made people tremble in his heart.

He paused every word, “You just look down on her. Ever since she entered this circle, you haven’t looked down on her for a


“While you respect me, you rely on my face to let you live comfortably, earn money that you can’t spend in a few lifetimes, and end up meddling in my woman’s business?”

“You never feel how wrong you are. You always feel that what kind of woman I should find is up to you. You decide for me who I should marry and who I should not marry?”

“Everyone is afraid of me on the surface, but they are actually doing a good job of making decisions for me!”

“I left Paris and went back to NY, and you didn’t even send a bodyguard by her side. What else can I ask you to do?”

Justin and the others didn’t dare to say a word, even Ruby was frightened by Finley’s anger.

She knew that he had a bad temper, but she didn’t know that he could do this for Sofia. Was it to drive away all the good friends they had been with for many years?

“Mr. Stwart!” Harry looked at Finley coldly, “Ruby and the others are your partners, not your dogs, so there’s no need for you to beat and scold them like this.”

Finley looked up at him coldly, and couldn’t help but sneered, “Really? Then please leave your fiancée from my Sky Group. I can’t afford to hire her, so she can go.”


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“No!” Ruby exclaimed, and Harry’s face turned ugly beside him.

“Ruby, let’s go! It’s just his wife who got lost, what’s the big deal, it’s too much to punish you like this.”

Harry! Go back and wait for me first!” Ruby broke free from Harry’s shackles, turned to look at Finley, but knelt down towards him.


Chapter 493


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