Goodbye, My Wretched Love! By Dolly Molly

Chapter 499

Chapter 499

Chapter 499

Chapter 499

Sofia didn’t expect Franco to throw out such a bait, and she was stunned.

She didn’t know the grievances and grievances between the Stwart Family and the Campbell Family before. At the age when she was still young and ignorant of love, the man who lured her into the game had already hated her to the bone.

He regarded the love between them as a sharp knife piercing his father’s heart, and it turned into the current situation.

Although Sofia hated Finley, she also hated her father a little

bit in her heart.

Their Campbell Family already had such a high status in NY, why was he still not satisfied and wanted to attack the Stwart Family.

And killing all the orphans and widows of the Stwart Family?

This kind of cognition tortured Sofia so painfully that it almost tore her soul completely, and she lived in contradiction


Franco in front of her now told her that the Campbell Family and the Stwart Family had been tricked in the past, and that the cruel truth in the past had another meaning, subverting all Sofia’s previous cognition, and finally a little crack appeared on Sofia’s calm expression.

The men next to Franco suddenly received a call, and then they whispered a few words into Franco’s ear.

A bit of impatience was evident on Franco’s face, and when he answered the phone, Ruby’s dissatisfied voice sounded on

the other end.

“What’s going on with you? Why haven’t you done anything to Sofia?”

“Finley has taken someone to Marseille. You get to it! Don’t delay!”

A bit of dissatisfaction oozes from Franco’s brows and eyes. Although Ruby is his partner, at best, he is still a junior, and deserves to point fingers in front of him?

“I know! You’d better not call me, I’m busy now!”

“Franco, are you crazy now?” Ruby yelled, “Kill her quickly, or you’ll be in big trouble! You think you’re saving her life, what’s the use to you?”

“You are kidnapping Sofia, Mrs. Finley, if you want to die…”

Franco slammed his phone on the deck, unable to hold back the irritability, got up and walked in front of Sofia, squatted down, looked at her coldly and said, “Sofia, my patience is limited. What the hell did Ellie tell you before?”

“I don’t know what Mr. Hill is talking about. She hates me so much, did she leave me any last words before she died?”

Sofia raised her head and stared at Franco. Franco’s face became ghastly, but then he chuckled lightly and waved to the subordinates behind him.

His subordinates brought a tablet over, and Franco clicked on one of the videos, and leaned in front of Sofia.

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Sofia looked at the video and couldn’t help being slightly taken aback. It was the video of Ellie kidnapping her in the scenic area of the Alps.

At the beginning, she let Ellie tie her up on purpose, just to lure Finley over and finish her with her own hands.

That incident caused a great stir in Switzerland. Apart from the police, there were many media reporters at the scene. This kind of explosive news, mixed with lace and love, revenge murder, really attracted attention.

In addition to those formal media, there are more small media reporters from all walks of life. The reporter who shot this. video is the kind of person who moves very quickly and nimbly, standing quite close to her and Ellie.

The video shot is also very real, and you can even see what the other party is saying, but the distance is still a bit far away, and you can’t hear what you are saying, but it is definitely not you who is going to die.

Sofia’s face froze for a moment, Franco slowly bent down and approached Sofia’s ear, gritting his teeth and said, “The words she said are very important to me, to tell you the truth, I have some secrets and secrets In the hands of my adopted daughter.”

“You may have seen that the relationship between us is not good. As long as you say it, we still have something to talk about.”

“As for the fact that you and Finley killed her, we’ll write it off. After all, she’s just my adopted daughter.”

“You speak out, and I’ll tell you the secrets about the Stwart


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Family and the Campbell Family.”

“Say it!”

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Sofia didn’t expect that his persistence would push Franco to this point, and he directly showed his hole card.

It turned out that the life of his adopted daughter was not as important as the secret he had hidden, Sofia sneered secretly.

Franco slowly raised his hand to grab Sofia’s neck, tightened his grip a little bit and said in a low voice, “Tell me, where did she hide it? To whom? Say it!”

Sofia stared at Franco, with a hint of sarcasm in her eyes, “How do I know about your daughter’s things?”

Sofia couldn’t help but smiled wryly in her heart, Ellie was really cruel, and gave her a trick before she died.

She really didn’t want to know about the entanglement between Ellie and her adoptive father, and she ended up telling her in a voice that only she could hear in front of so many people.

She knew that Franco would never let her go because of these few words, and she also knew that once she said it to the public, it would be Franco’s death.

It seemed that she really hated Franco, to the core.

I didn’t expect so many shady things to be suppressed under the warm father–daughter relationship.

Sofia really didn’t think about other things at the beginning, and really thought that this was Ellie’s raving before she died. After all, her mental state was completely broken by Sofia at

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that time.

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In the end, it also involved Franco’s secrets, one link after another, and as the saying goes, everyone is someone else’s


Sofia raised her eyes and stared at Franco, and said with a soft smile, “Okay, I’ll tell you, you can put my brother down first.”

Franco’s eyes flashed and he said coldly, “You speak out first, so that your brother will be safe. Besides, don’t you want to know Finley’s secret?”

Sofia smiled, “You also know his relationship with our Campbell Family. I’m not interested in his affairs, even what happened to the Campbell Family and Stwart Family in the past. The past is over, everyone is dead, for me Said it made no difference.”

The corners of Franco’s eyes twitched fiercely, this woman was really cruel, his fingers tightened a little bit, wishing to strangle him to death.

On the deck just now, she suffered all the hardships she suffered, and she did not expect her bones to be so hard.

At this point Franco’s patience ran out and he grabbed Sofia’s neck hard.

This time he was serious, Sofia firmly grasped Franco’s hand, a severe suffocation suddenly hit her, and her eyes turned black.

She gritted her teeth, and there was a faint taste of blood between her lips and teeth, but the light in her eyes was so


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crazy that she actually looked at Franco and laughed.

“Mr. Hill…It’s useless for you to kill me…I guess you can’t keep that secret…”

“Say it!” Franco slammed Sofia onto the deck.

“What do you want to say?” Franco’s eyes were on fire.


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