Goodbye, My Wretched Love! By Dolly Molly

Chapter 514

Chapter 514

Chapter 514

Chapter 514 Chapter 514 1 788 Vouchers The atmosphere suddenly became awkward, the news continued to be broadcast on the TV screen, and the tall and handsome image of Finley jumped out. The female star Michelle who was following him was wearing a white fishtail dress with high slits, revealing her slender thighs, which further accentuated her proud figure. At this time, she was holding the red wine in her hand and almost stuck to Finley’s body. But at this time, the TV screen was facing Sofia’s direction, and Sofia had to face it even if she didn’t want to.. Marry wanted to fight for Sofia, but Sofia grabbed her arm and pressed him to the side of the table. Hank, who was sitting across from Sofia, locked his eyes on Sofia’s face, as if he wanted to read something from her expression. Only the little kid Carey didn’t notice anything, he was dealing with the scallops and crabs in his hands with his head down. The people at the table near Sofia spoke louder. “Michelle is so beautiful, look at that figure!” “Mr. Stwart’s figure is even better, with broad shoulders and narrow waist, he looks like a very attractive man.”

“Hurry up and eat, no matter how attractive you are, it doesn’t have much to do with us. His wife can’t care about it now, so 0.00%

Chapter $14 what are we worrying about?” 1288 Vouchers “It’s very unlucky for a man as good as Mr. Stwart to marry a woman like Sofia. Before we said, what’s so good about Sofia? Can Mr. Stwart like it?” “Sure enough, Mr. Stwart’s aesthetic standards are still in line with the public. Those who are

worthy of Mr. Stwart should be beautiful and slender female stars like Michelle.” Sofia thought it was enough for these women to talk a few words, but she didn’t expect to talk about their family’s daily life endlessly. Although Sofia seemed indifferent, but seeing her husband bring female celebrities to the banquet in a high-profile way, she felt somewhat uncomfortable.. Hank probably saw something, raised his hand and tapped Carey’s head, and smiled, “How is it? Are you full? If you are full, I will take you to another place to play.” Marry couldn’t help laughing, “Mr. Knight, let the children go, the way you play can easily poison the children.” Hank took the opportunity to look at Sofia with a smile and said, “Am I that insincere? Miss Campbell, can you tell me if I’m really insincere?” Sofia knew the two of them were there to liven things up and avoid embarrassing her too much. Seeing that Carey had almost eaten, she took Carey’s hand and stood up.

“I will pay for this meal, and none of you should compete with me. I am very grateful that you can come to support me.” 34.06% Chupiter $14 288 vouchers “How dare I,” Marry twittered and rushed to pay the bill with Sofia. Hank didn’t fight with them either, it was agreed before, he held Carey’s hand and chuckled in a low voice., “Carey, you go out and wait for me in the car, I have some things to do.” Carey obediently walked out, Marry and Sofia had already paid, and the two returned to the car with Carey, waiting for Hank in the car, they thought Hank was going to the bathroom. Hank passed by the table in front of the girl with exquisite makeup, deliberately knocked the helmet on their table leg, and stopped quickly. The girl who choreographed Sofia the most just now has her hair dyed gray with a few strands of baby blue. She was about to curse when she met Hank’s handsome face.

The girls gasped. They didn’t expect Mr. NY Mr. Hank to appear in a hotel of this level, so they didn’t think about it elsewhere. They only think that this boy is so handsome, and he is holding a motorcycle helmet in his hand. This standard equipment is fatal to girls of this age. Chapter 515 “Sorry, I bumped into you accidentally, are you okay?” Hank laughed.. I have to say that Hank’s smile is particularly lethal. People in NY circles often refer to Hank’s smile as a soft cut. The girls blushed immediately. The gray-haired girl was more courageous, raised her head and looked at Hank with a smile and said, “You look so handsome, can I add your WhatsApp?” Hank smiled slightly. That smile never reached his eyes.. Even this kind of smirk can make the girls at the table fascinated and unable to control themselves. “Okay, let’s add a WhatsApp. By the way, I see that a few of you are very beautiful. I treat you, can I get to know you again, and I apologize to you for my bad behavior just now!” The girls were so excited that they wanted to scream, they had never seen such a handsome boy, and he was still playing motorcycles, and they spoke in a gentle manner, and they wanted to invite them to play at the Charming Bar. At first glance, they looked like rich children from rich. families, each of them felt as if they were about to marry into a rich family, they were so excited that they couldn’t speak, and there were two girls patting their chests again and again. The gray-haired girl smiled and said, “It’s a deal, what time can I see the handsome guy at the Charming Bar?” 00


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