Goodbye, My Wretched Love! By Dolly Molly

Chapter 587

Chapter 587

Chapter 587

Chapter 587

Justin cursed at the stalls at the night market in Queens County.

Daisy looked at Justin, the matter about her has subsided in the past few days.

Her mother returned to her hometown with the money she gave, and heard that a small supermarket was opened in the county town, and it seemed that she should be living a peaceful life.

As for uncle and grandma, Daisy deleted all their contact information.

The head of the village, who was so provocative, was invited out by Justin to talk about his life with people, but he didn’t provoke anymore and stopped.

Even if grandma wanted money, Daisy’s mother stepped forward to block it, and it was not her turn to do anything.

Time really is a good medicine, it can heal those bloody wounds little by little, although there are ugly scars left by the years, but after all, there is no such living pain.

Daisy hasn’t rejected Justin in the past few days, Justin’s aggressiveness towards her is very fierce, but also very gentle, Daisy feels a little bit trapped.

“Mr. Stwart called you something?” Daisy took a bite of the grilled skewer.

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She has been living at the bottom, abruptly pulling Justin from the sky to the earth.

But he is Mr. Stwart’s assistant, always on call.

Justin cursed in a low voice, and looked at Daisy comfortingly, “Wait for me for a while, let’s go drink after eating.”

“Come on! You go to your own business first, Mr. Stwart may have something important for you to deal with.”

“He’s a psycho!” Justin shivered angrily.

“What time is it, what time is it? He’s still not asleep, and he will force me to turn off my phone one day.”

Daisy laughed, but quickly stopped smiling, obviously seeing that Justin was really angry.

But Justin really didn’t dare to turn off his phone and lose contact. After all, his wealth and life were in the hands of Mr. Stwart, so he only dared to complain in front of Daisy.

“You’re still laughing, don’t you know how that pervert tortures people?”

“I want to check which school Carey attends at night, and the phone number of the headmaster? Isn’t it sick?”

Daisy also thinks Finley is sick.

Justin hurriedly got up and walked to a secluded place, and first learned about the school Carey attended from Daisy.

He hurriedly called a friend, and the friend of the friend found out the phone number of the chairman of the school. The chairman heard that it was Justin’s assistant looking for him,


Chapter 587

although he was quite excited at night.

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Justin exchanged some pleasantries with the chairman and asked him to inform the principal of the phone number. He didn’t say anything about the reason, didn’t explain anything to the chairman of the school, and hung up the phone directly.

Finally, at half past eleven, Finley got the headmaster’s cell phone number.

He lazily leaned against the fence of the balcony, with the night breeze hanging down, staring at the figure of Sofia in the study who was still helping Carey with her homework.

Finley dialed the phone, and the principal over there probably heard from the school board that Mr. Stwart of NY was looking for him, and he answered the phone almost immediately.

“Mr. Stwart? I heard you were looking for me?”

The headmaster’s voice was trembling slightly, and he didn’t know where he offended the plague god.

It wasn’t very nice to hear Finley speak.

“Are you the principal of the school?” Finley held back his anger and confirmed again.

The headmaster hurriedly laughed and said, “It’s my lord. I wonder if Mr. Stwart has anything to teach our school?”

“What do you think about educational philosophy?”

As soon as Finley finished speaking, the headmaster over there was stunned.

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Who is Finley? That’s the business myth of NY. Usually, they can’t talk at all, but now they suddenly come to him for no reason, and the first thing they want to talk about is to discuss educational concepts?

The principal was confused and didn’t know what to say, but hearing Mr. Stwart’s tone was not right, he still said cautiously, “Mr. Stwart, this is an educational philosophy!”

“The purpose of our school is to promote quality education and cultivate students with more practical skills. Our school has also specially set up many majors…”

“Quality education?” Finley’s anger was on the verge of eruption, and he couldn’t help but coldly said, “With so many homework assigned every night, is this your quality


“Is it the parent’s job to do homework? What does your school do for food?”

“Scores are also used to evaluate teachers? A child who writes so much homework every night, is it a mistake for his

children? Is it an exam–oriented education? Do you still want to run a school?”

The headmaster was scolded by Finley, and he didn’t dare to speak.

Finley glanced at Sofia who got up from Carey, and hurriedly said to the principal over there, “Starting tomorrow, you must not assign too much homework. If students do homework after nine o’clock in the evening, I will buy all of your homework.”‘ shares, and then you get out of here!”

The principal over there was stunned, and couldn’t help


Chapter 587

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cursing in a low voice, feeling so anxious that he couldn’t sleep, he was destined to suffer from insomnia tonight.

He simply edited a message and sent it to the teacher group.

“Starting tomorrow, all teachers are not allowed to look at homework, otherwise the year–end bonus will be cancelled.”

Finley walked out of the room just in time to intercept Sofia, who looked tired.

Finley looked a little distressed, and he didn’t know what Sofia was thinking, and he did everything about Carey himself.

In fact, it is completely possible to hire a tutor, hire a nannies, and hire two if one is too busy, so as not to exhaust yourself to death.

Sofia understands that in the love–hate entanglement

between the Campbell Family and the Stwart Family, no one is actually innocent.

Only Carey, only Carey was the most innocent moment, and I don’t know how many tortures of fate he has endured.

So Sofia can’t trust anyone anymore, Carey is her

responsibility, not only because she is her sister, but also her salvation.

Regardless of who was right and who was wrong before the Campbell Family and the Stwart Family, but when Sofia brought Finley back to NY, she was burdened with debts that could not be repaid, and she would never be able to repay

them for the rest of her life.

“Is the tutoring over?”


Chapter 587

Sofia yawned and nodded, looking extremely tired.

Even walking was a little drowsy, Finley stepped forward and hugged her horizontally.

“Finley!” Sofia lost all sleepiness, subconsciously clutching Finley’s firm arm.

Finley carried her back to the bedroom with a horizontal hug.

“Go take a shower!” Finley almost carried Sofia into the bathroom, and insisted on washing Sofia himself, but was kicked out by Sofia.

Doesn’t she know his little thoughts?

Chapter 588

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Chapter 588


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